Tuesday, November 5, 2013

One Nation Under God?

We often hear the phrase one nation under God, it is even in our pledge of allegiance.  But is America really one nation under God? 

First, what do Americans believe about God?  We live in a pluralistic society with many different beliefs.  A majority of the American people profess a belief in Christianity.  But there are many other religions that are adhered to by many people. 

Christianity believes in a different God than all other religions do.  It holds to a triune God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).  Therefore if Christianity is true then all other religions are necessarily false.  Some Americans believe in more than one god and some even belief we are god.  And of course atheists believe there is no God.  The nation does not believe in the same God. 

Do Americans live as one nation under God?  A majority of the people profess to be Christians but most are really not.  Many of them hold beliefs that are not in line with the Bible.  The majority of Americans do not live for God, they live for themselves.  You can just look at our pop culture and see that God is not honored.  In fact he is often mocked in movies, television, and music.  Many Americans believe in a god of their own imagination who just approves of whatever they do.

In reality most Americans are in rebellion against God.  They do not honor and worship him.  Honoring the one, true God is seen as abnormal in the public square.  God seems to be unwelcome in the schools, in workplaces, at social gatherings, and in the political arena.  We are clearly not one nation under the one, true God of the Bible. 

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