Monday, September 1, 2014

ISIS, Islam, And The West

The terrorist group known as ISIS has been in the news a lot lately, especially after they beheaded journalist James Foley.  The group is active in Syria and Iraq.  They have actually existed since 2010 even though they have just recently caught the attention of the Western world.  Al Quaeda has distanced themselves from ISIS because they are too extreme even for them.  They persecute and murder Christians and others if they will not convert.  The group seeks to establish a caliphate (Islamic state).  They are seen as a real threat to the United States and the West.  

But isn't Islam a wonderful, peaceful religion?  Aren't ISIS and other terrorist groups just extremists who are hijacking Islam?  In reality these groups may be holding to the actual teaching of the Koran, though we must point out that not all Muslims are terrorists.  In fact the history of Islam is one of conquest.  In the Koran there is no separation of religion and government.  Unfortunately the true nature of Islam is not peaceful.  We must realize that not all religions are the same.  

America and the West are weak when they need to be strong.  They have rejected their Christian roots and have embraced secularism and paganism.  The West now lacks a moral foundation to stand on.  With the loss of a Biblical worldview we are no longer able to take a strong stand against evil.  The West has embraced moral relativism and can no longer stand for truth.  

Unfortunately American leadership is weak. President Obama is not a strong leader.  He seems to see everything through his Marxist worldview.  It is always about the oppressed and the oppressors.  Of course Islam has been the oppressed.  We have had bad policy in the U.S. and not just from Leftist like Obama.  Former President George W. Bush and the neoconservatives have also had bad policy.  Going in to Iraq seems to have been a mistake.  It created instability and paved the way for ISIS.  

The idea of nation building and inserting democracies throughout the middle east was foolish.  It simply does not work on an Islamic foundation.  Our leaders fail to understand Islam.  It is not a wonderful, peaceful religion.    

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