Monday, September 15, 2014

Young People, Postmodernism, And The Bible

Postmodernism is the view held by most of the young people today including many professing Christians.  Postmodernists believe there is no absolute truth and no ultimate right and wrong.  They hold to moral relativism.  We are not to judge and we must be tolerant of all things, except of course those people who have been deemed intolerant.  The postmodern children do not want to declare anything right or wrong because all things are just opinions and preferences.  

The postmodernists cannot consistently declare anything to be good or evil.  They cannot even say that murder and rape are wrong, they have to just say it is not preferred.  Postmodernism recognizes no truth and no authority.  There can never be any certainty about anything either.  In a postmodern worldview all religions and beliefs are equally valid.  Those making truth claims or exclusivity claims will be rejected.  

In reality postmodernism is utter nonsense. It is simply the suppression of the truth about God.  Ultimately it is the rejection of the God who is there.  

So what is the answer in dealing with all of this?  According to the modern church it must be fun and games.  You definitely do not want to be serious.  Modern youth ministry seems to major in triviality and just plain stupidity.  

How often have we heard that we do not need theology?  But theology is simply the study of God.   In reality theology needs to be recovered.  What could be more important than the study of God?  Reaching the postmodern children requires a supernatural answer.  Reason alone will not persuade the young people of today.  We must go to the Bible, the book from God, the very word of God.  The Bible needs to be understood as a whole and not just in bits and pieces.  Postmodernists need to see the real Jesus.  They need the one who is the way, the truth, and the life.     

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