Monday, September 8, 2014

John Calvin Defended

John Calvin lived from 1509-1564 and was born in France.  He initially studied law,  but he soon developed an interest in theology after coming under the influence of the Protestant Reformation.  Calvin became a pastor, theologian, and leader of the Reformed church.  John Calvin became the second most prominent figure in the Reformation behind only Martin Luther.  Calvin eventually had to leave France because the Reformed were facing persecution from the Roman Catholic Church there.  He ended up in Geneva where he became very influential in the church and society.  

John Calvin's major works include "Institutes Of The Christian Religion" and commentaries on almost all the books of the Bible.  The "Institutes" was a systematic theology meant to be an introduction to the teaching of the Bible.  Calvin's "Institutes" is one of the greatest books in church history.  John Calvin held to the great teachings of the Reformation.  We are saved by grace alone through faith alone because of Christ alone.  Scripture alone is authoritative and to God alone belongs the glory.  But unfortunately in some circles Calvin has a bad reputation.  

Didn't John Calvin have his daughter-in-law put to death because of adultery?  The problem with this one is that Calvin did not have a daughter-in-law.  This accusation is obviously not true.  

But didn't John Calvin have Michael Servetus executed?  First of all Servetus was a heretic who denied the Trinity.  He even referred to God as a three headed monster.  Calvin held no government position so he had no authority to execute anyone.  He was not a crazy tyrant as some would have us to believe.  Execution of heretics was the policy in Geneva before Calvin even arrived there.  It was simply the common view of the day held by most Protestants and Catholics. They saw the heretic as a murderer of the soul.  So by this reasoning a murderer deserved to be executed.  Trying to lay the blame for this on Calvin is terribly unfair. People must be looked at in their historical context.  

Didn't John Calvin invent that horrible doctrine of predestination?  Calvin believed in the absolute sovereignty of God and this leads necessarily to predestination.  It is the belief that God has determined beforehand who he will save.  He has chosen to save some while passing over others.  The doctrine of predestination was not invented by John Calvin.  The same view was held by Martin Luther, Ulrich Zwingli, and most of the Reformers.  The church father Augustine held to predestination and most importantly it is taught in the Bible.  Since it comes from the Word of God it is not a horrible doctrine but a wonderful doctrine.  

John Calvin was not a perfect person but the bad reputation is not deserved.  He was one of the greatest theologians and leaders in church history.  In fact if some of the Calvin opponents would simply read his work they might be surprised to find out how much they agree with him.  John Calvin has been described as a fanatic for the glory of God. If only more of us could be described that way.      

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