Monday, June 15, 2015

Do All Religions Worship The Same God?

We hear much today about interfaith alliances.  There are often interfaith prayer services between people of different religions.  Some believe that all religions are basically the same, all leading to the same God.  But are we actually worshiping the same God or a different God?  Let's take a look at some different religions and see what is the reality of the situation. 

Christianity holds to trinitarian monotheism (1 God, 3 Persons).  Christians believe that God is three persons of one essence, this is not a contradiction.  If we said there were three persons of one person that would be a contradiction.  The trinity is comprised of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Christians hold that God is infinite and personal with all three members of the trinity being equal and eternal.  Christians believe Jesus is the Messiah, the one and only, unique Son of God. 

Mormons hold to polytheism (belief in many gods).  They believe that God was once a man who became God.  They believe that this God had a God and that God had a God an so on.  They believe that Jesus is not the one and only unique Son of God.  They believe he received god-hood at his resurrection.  They also believe that Mormon men may become gods themselves.  

Judaism is monotheistic believing in one God. They reject the trinity.  Judaism also rejects Jesus as the Messiah and Son of God. It see Rabbinical Judaism as the fulfillment of the Old Testament or Hebrew Bible instead of New Testament Christianity.    

Islam is also monotheistic believing in one God, Allah.  It rejects the trinity also.  Allah is not a Father but instead is more like a master to slaves.  Islam rejects Jesus as the Son of God believing that Allah could not have a son.  Islam see Jesus as a prophet but Muhammad as the greatest prophet.  

Buddhism holds to what is basically atheism.  Buddha did not emphasize gods.  In Buddhism one ceases suffering by entering into non existence or the great nothing.  This pain free state is known as nirvana.  

Hinduism has both polytheism (many gods) and pantheism (God is all, all is God).  Most Hindus consider Brahman the most important god.  In Hinduism one must realize his own divinity.  Through breaking out of the cycle of karma and reincarnation, Hindus believe they can merge into the great oneness.  

After this brief overview it should be obvious that all religions are not the same and do not worship the same God.  If Christianity is true then all other religions by necessity are false because they contradict each other.  Jesus cannot be God and not God. It has to be one or the other. Jesus is the only way to heaven or he is not. It should also be pointed out that in Christianity salvation is by God's grace through faith in Christ alone.  It is the work of God and not man.  In all other religions it is all about what you do to earn or achieve your salvation.

Christians cannot join together with people of different religions and worship with them. The one, true God, the God of the Bible will accept no rivals.  He alone is worthy of worship and praise.       

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