Monday, June 8, 2015

For Whom Did Jesus Die?

Did Jesus die for all people or for believers only?  What did his death on the cross actually accomplish?  Did he make salvation possible for all people or did he accomplish salvation for his people, the elect?  

Most Christians today would say that Christ died for all people to make salvation possible for everyone.  This position is known as unlimited atonement.  Others of us who hold to limited atonement would say that Christ died for believers only, his elect, actually accomplishing their salvation.  

If Christ paid for the sins of all people how could anyone still have to pay the penalty for his sins?  If Christ did indeed pay for the sins of all people then this would logically lead to universalism (the doctrine that all people will eventually be saved).  All orthodox Christians deny the doctrine of universalism.  Those holding this position of unlimited atonement will then say that a person has to believe to make Christ's death effectual.  But this runs into other problems.  If this is the case then Christ's death paid for all sins except the sin of unbelief.  Salvation is ultimately determined by the person and not by God, denying his sovereignty.    

Those holding to unlimited atonement will have to say that Christ died to make salvation possible for all people, he did not actually accomplish salvation for anyone.  If salvation is determined by man then it is no longer by grace alone, through faith alone, because of Christ alone.  The unlimited atonement advocates run back into the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church.  It is God and man working together to accomplish salvation.  If Jesus is trying to save all people then it is obvious that his mission has not been accomplished because many die in unbelief.  

Actually Jesus came to save his people from their sins.  He paid for the sins of believers only, his elect.  The atonement was sufficient for all but efficient for the elect only.  This is the doctrine of limited atonement which could be better described as definite atonement.  Christ accomplished salvation for his people.  He did not just make salvation possible for all people.  His mission was accomplished because all that he died for will respond in repentance and faith in him.  Salvation is totally the work of God, he is sovereign even in salvation.  On the cross Jesus said it is finished not it is started.  Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, because of Christ alone.   

But wait a minute doesn't 1 Timothy 2:6 say Christ died a ransom for all?  As Irenaeus (A.D. 180) said, "He came to save all, all I say who through Him are born again unto God."
All in the verse does not mean each and every person as shown by the use of the word all in many other passages.  

The position of limited atonement is actually the Biblical position, as controversial as it may be.  Jesus actually saves, he does not just make it possible for people to be saved.  Christ accomplished his mission to save his people from their sins.  As Anselm (around A.D. 1100) said, "If you die in unbelief, Christ did not die for you." 

Some Key Scripture Passages
(Matthew 1:21) Jesus will save his people from their sins
(1 Timothy 1:15) Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners
(Matthew 20:28) Jesus gave his life as ransom for many
(John 10:11,15) Jesus lays down his life for the sheep
(Ephesians 5:25) Jesus gave himself up for the church
(Hebrews 9:28) Christ was sacrificed once to bear the sins of many

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