Monday, June 29, 2015

Supreme Court Legalizes Same Sex Marriage

Not surprisingly in a 5-4 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court has legalized same sex marriage in all 50 states.  There is nothing in the Constitution about same sex marriage and the government has no authority to redefine it.  In his dissent Justice Scalia called the Court a threat to American democracy.  While Justice Kennedy writing for the majority spoke of the Constitution evolving.  In other words the Constitution has no set meaning and means whatever the Court decides.  It is rule by nine lawyers.  President Obama and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton praised the decision.  Both Obama and Clinton are professing Christians, yet both deny Biblical authority.  

The Bible is the Word of God.  Therefore the Bible is authoritative and binding on all people.  It clearly teaches that homosexuality is a sin (see Leviticus 18:22, Romans 1:18-32, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, 1 Timothy 1:8-11, Jude 1:7).  In (Matthew 19) Jesus affirms that marriage is between one man and one woman.  God considers homosexuality an abomination and unnatural.  It is a violation of his design and creation. Those living the homosexual lifestyle, as well as all unrepentant sinners are on the road to hell.  Marriage is defined by God and not by humans.  Our society has denied the existence of absolute truth, thereby rejecting an authority outside of ourselves. 

No doubt the Secular Left will object to the Biblical basis for the opposition to same sex marriage.  They will accuse Christians of trying to impose their beliefs on society.  Yet at the very same time they see no problem with their pro same sex marriage position being based secularism.  Of course they are not imposing their beliefs on society.  The Left is only tolerant of those who agree with them.  The Secular Left will not stop with just the legalization of same sex marriage.  Religious freedom will be in great danger.  They want to eradicate Biblical Christianity from our society.  They hate Christianity and see it as the real enemy.   

The acceptance of homosexual marriage has been presented as a battle for equality and civil rights.  They have compared being homosexual to being black.  This is a terribly faulty argument.  Skin color and sexual behavior are not the same at all.  Black people should find this argument terribly offensive.  Actually homosexuals have not been denied the right to marry.  They just have to marry a member of the opposite sex because this is what marriage requires.  But what about the love two homosexual people have for each other?  Is it actually love that is shared between the same sex partners?  Actually love has been redefined as well.  Love does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth (1 Corinthians 13).  Homosexuality is a sin or wrongdoing, therefore it is not actually love that is involved in the homosexual relationship, instead it is a distortion of love.  

If humans define what marriage is, why can't a man have two or three wives?  After all he was born with these desires.  What about a man who decides he wants to marry an animal?  I know the LGBT community will be offended by this one.  Are they suggesting that animals and humans are not equal?  Animal rights activists will not be happy to hear of this denial of equality and rights.

People are not born homosexual because God does not create them that way.  The idea of same sex marriage is absurd and insane.  It also opens the door to even more absurdity and insanity as I have just demonstrated.  It should be common sense that a man and a woman are made to go together.  While a man and a man and a woman and a woman do not go together.  If everyone became a homosexual the population would die out.  Of course the Secular Left might see this as an effective form of population control.    

In actuality the Supreme Court ruled the way it did because this is where our society has gone.  Many support the acceptance of homosexuality as normal while many others simply do not care.  Our country has gone morally insane.  It has redefined love, redefined marriage, rejected absolute truth, and rejected the God who is there.  Our nation is in rebellion against God.  It not only does evil, it even applauds and approves of those who do evil.  Our country is under God's judgment and is facing his wrath.   

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