Monday, June 22, 2015

The Chain Of Salvation

Romans 8:29-30  For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.  And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified.  (ESV)

The word foreknew in the passage does not just refer to knowing what will happen in the future.  In the Old Testament the word know referred to God's special choice of his people.  The word foreknew is basically the same as the word chosen.  Predestined means to determine beforehand.  Those God chose he predetermined to be like Christ.  

The chain that starts with foreknew continues on in the passage.  Those God foreknew or chose he predestined.  Those he predestined he also called.  The word call refers to God's effectual call of his people through the gospel.  Those who are called are also justified or declared righteous, they are made right with God.  

All who hear the gospel are not justified so the calling in this passage does not refer to a general call of all people but to God's effectual call of his chosen people.  The term effectual means that the desired result is brought about.  The effectual call refers to God drawing his chosen people to himself.  And those who are justified will be glorified.  They will receive resurrection bodies on the last day and be in heaven.  

The Chain

The chain cannot be broken, they all go together.  From this passage it should be obvious that God is not trying to save all people.  He actually saves his chosen people, the elect.  The outcome is never in doubt because God is sovereign even in salvation. 

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