Monday, December 18, 2017

A Tribute To R.C. Sproul

R.C. Sproul (1939-2017) one of the greatest theologians of our time died a few days ago.  He was an intelligent man with the ability to teach others.  I learned much from him through his books.  While many in the church were giving us bad theology, a different gospel, positive thinking, or just plain nonsense, R.C. Sproul was giving us Biblical Christianity.  He had a good sense of humor but he was serious about God.  If only more people in our time would get serious about God.  

R.C. Sproul was in the tradition of the Reformation, a classic Protestant.  Of course in the Reformation, Biblical Christianity was recovered.  Sproul taught Reformed theology to many people including myself.  He held that Scripture alone is the ultimate authority.  He emphasized the sovereignty of God, the holiness of God, and the total depravity of man.  

Salvation is totally the work of God because man is incapable of saving himself.  Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.  And it is all to the glory of God alone.  

I would encourage everyone to read his books and to listen to his teaching.  R.C. Sproul will be missed, but he has gone to be with the Lord and that is far better.  

Monday, November 27, 2017

The Verse That Refutes Mormonism

Actually the entire Bible refutes Mormonism, but it can be refuted by just one verse from the Bible.  

(Isaiah 43:10) "You are my witnesses, declares the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen, that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he.  Before me no god was formed, nor shall there be any after me." (ESV)

Mormonism is perhaps the most polytheistic religion in the world.  The Mormons believe in an infinite or unlimited number of gods. They believe that individuals can become gods through obedience.  They also believe humans can become gods of their own planets.  Mormons believe that God was once a man who became a god.  They believe that God had a father and a mother, and that he has a wife. The Mormons do not believe that God is eternal, but they do believe that matter is eternal.  

When we look at the last part of Isaiah 43:10, "Before me no god was formed, nor shall there be any after me", it is quite obvious that Mormonism is in direct contradiction with the Word of God.  The Bible teaches that there is one God and besides him there is no other. There were no gods before the LORD and there will be no gods after him.  There is one God in three persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), the Trinity.  They are not three different gods as the Mormons teach.  

Mormons are told that they can become like God.  Where have we heard this before?  In Genesis 3:5 the serpent (that is the devil) told Adam and Eve, "you will become like God."  Of course the devil deceived Adam and Eve with the ultimate lie.  They did not become like God but plunged the whole human race under the sin curse.  Desiring to be a god is not a good desire at all, it is actually outright rebellion against the one, true God.  

Mormonism is not Christianity at all.  In fact Christian apologist James White even says that Islam is closer to Christianity than Mormonism is.  Mormonism is a false religion founded by a false prophet named Joseph Smith (see Deuteronomy 13:1-7).  Christians should not consider Mormons to be fellow Christians.  Mormons are terribly deceived and in rebellion against the one, true God.  Isaiah 43:10 clearly exposes Mormonism as a heresy.      

Monday, November 20, 2017

God Of Salvation

(Psalm 68:19-20) "Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears us up; God is our salvation.  Our God is a God of salvation, and to GOD, the Lord, belong deliverances from death." (ESV)

In their immediate context these verses refer to God's preservation and protection of Israel.  He daily bears Israel up.  He saves them from their adversaries and gives them victory over their enemies.  At the same time these verses also point to an even greater salvation accomplished by the Lord.  God will save his people from their sins.  

(John 3:16) "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." (ESV) 

The words "For God so loved the world" would have been a shocking statement at this time. God chose to save a people for himself composed not only of Jews but also of Gentiles.  God's people is no longer just Israel but his people are from all nations now. God sent his only, unique Son (Jesus) to save his people from their sins.  Whoever believes in him (trusts in him alone) for salvation will have eternal life, that is eternal blessing.  Whoever rejects Jesus will perish, that is suffer eternal judgement.  

All humans have sinned against a holy God and have therefore incurred the wrath of God.  God sent Jesus to save us from the wrath to come.  Jesus paid the penalty for the sins of his people and provided them with his perfect righteousness.  Christ was raised from the dead victorious over sin, death, and the devil.  

This salvation is completely the work of God. We contribute nothing to the accomplishment of our salvation.  It is totally by grace, our works cannot merit salvation.  One must realize he is a sinner, he must repent of his sins and trust in Christ alone.  Jesus is the only way to heaven, all other paths lead to hell.       

Monday, October 23, 2017

Martin Luther And The Bible

Before the Protestant Reformation the Bible had been obscured and was not readily available to the people.  It's authority, sufficiency, and clarity had all been diminished.  But as the Reformation started in 1517 this all began to change.  The Reformers, especially Martin Luther, did much to recover the supreme authority of the Bible.  

The Roman Catholic Church viewed the Bible as authoritative but not as the ultimate authority.  The tradition of the Catholic Church was also seen as authoritative.  It was Scripture as interpreted by the pope and the bishops.  In effect this made the Roman Catholic Church the supreme authority.  

It was Martin Luther, a German monk who took his stand against papal authority.  Luther pointed out that popes and councils had often erred and contradicted each other.  He insisted that Scripture alone is the ultimate authority because it alone is the word of God.  For his courageous stand Martin Luther was excommunicated by the Roman Catholic Church.  Luther would become the father of Protestantism.  

At the time the Bible was not readily available to the people in their own language.  It was primarily in Latin.  Martin Luther translated the Bible into German, the language of the people.  Before translating Luther listened to the German people intently to get the sense of the language of the common people.  He sought to make his German translation of the Bible readable as well as accurate.  Martin Luther began his translation of the New Testament in 1522 and finished the entire Bible in 1534.  Luther and his colleagues, including Phillip Melanchthon went back to the original languages of Hebrew and Greek for the German translation.  Previously scholars had primarily relied on the Latin Vulgate.  With this German translation the people could now read God's word for themselves.  

As the Bible was recovered in it's original languages some significant errors were found in the Latin.  Genesis 3:15 was said to be a prophecy about Mary but Luther correctly interpreted it as being about Jesus.  Another was Matthew 4:17 where the Latin translated it as "do penance", but Luther rightly discovered that it should be "repent" instead.  Also Luther rediscovered the doctrine of justification by faith alone.  He saw that we are declared righteous and not made righteous.  Martin Luther used the literal method to interpret Scripture instead of the allegorical method employed by the Roman Catholic Church.  

Modern evangelicals should be grateful to Martin Luther for many things.  He recovered the gospel of by grace alone through faith alone because of Christ alone.  He recovered the truth that Scripture alone is the ultimate authority.  It is authoritative, sufficient, and clear.  We should thank God that he used a man like Martin Luther to bring about such great change.  Modern Christians would do well to learn from and about Martin Luther and the other Reformers.   

Monday, October 2, 2017

A Wild Boar Loose In The Vineyard

In 1520 Pope Leo X exclaimed, there is a wild boar loose in the vineyard and he has trampled the gospel underfoot.  This was one of the most ironic statements in history.  The wild boar that Pope Leo referred to was Martin Luther (1483-1546) a German monk who would rediscover the Biblical gospel and lead the Protestant Reformation.  In Actuality it was Pope Leo X and the Roman Catholic Church that had trampled the gospel underfoot.  

The Roman Catholic Church had obscured the Bible and because of that it had obscured the gospel.  With its sacramental system and the sale of indulgences (basically buying salvation) the Catholic Church had corrupted the gospel.  In the Roman Catholic view it was God and man working together to accomplish salvation.  Grace was seen as an aid or help for a person to achieve salvation.  It was faith plus works, Christ plus your own accomplishment.  There could be no assurance of salvation, a person had to depend on his own righteousness.  

After studying the Bible, particularly Romans Martin Luther had a breakthrough.  He came to see that Romans 1:17 was referring to a righteousness from God.  We can never be good enough or righteous enough to earn our own salvation.   Luther rediscovered the doctrine of justification by faith alone.  One is justified by faith apart from works.  To justify means to declare righteous, not to make righteous.  To be right with God we must have what Luther referred to as an "alien righteousness", a righteousness outside ourselves.  It is the righteousness of Christ that we need.  

Christ takes our sin on himself and gives us his perfect righteousness.  Luther rightly saw grace as God's unmerited favor toward us. Salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.  It is the work of God alone.  

For daring to question the authority of the Pope and the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, Martin Luther was excommunicated and declared a heretic and an outlaw.  But Luther rightly saw that Scripture alone is the ultimate authority and recovered the true gospel.   

Justification by faith alone
Romans 1:16-17
Romans 3:21-28
2 Corinthians 5:21
Galatians 2:16
Ephesians 2:8-9
Philippians 3:9

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

The Ultimate Authority

People recognize many things as their ultimate authority.  Things such as the Pope, tradition, human reason, feelings, personal experience, or supposed revelations.  But the true ultimate authority is the Bible alone because it alone is the word of God.  

(2 Peter 1:19-21) "And we have the prophetic word more fully confirmed, to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts, knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation.  For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit."  (ESV) 

For a little background we will look at (2 Peter 1:16-18).  The Apostle Peter is dealing with false teachers who are denying the second coming of Christ.  Here Peter refers back to the Transfiguration which was a preview of the second coming of Christ.  Peter along with James and John saw Christ in his glory.  Moses and Elijah appeared and they even heard God the Father affirm that this is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased.  

But then in (2 Peter 1:19) Peter refers to something more reliable and authoritative than even this great experience.  He is referring to the Scripture.  He tells his readers they will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place.  The Scripture shines the light of truth into our dark, fallen world.  

In (2 Peter 1:20) we are told no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation.  That means the Scripture did not have human origins.  In (2 Peter 1:21) it says no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man.  Men did not write their own opinions or desires.  Men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. Scripture is the very word of God and the Holy Spirit is the originator and author.  

This passage affirms that the Bible is the ultimate authority.  The Bible is the word of God.  God spoke his word through men while still retaining their personality and style. The Holy Spirit led them to write the exact words of God without error.  Scripture is God's revelation to us therefore it is the supreme standard.  

We need to accept this reality instead of relying on our personal experience, human reason, tradition, or some other supposed authority.  We should live our lives based on the Word of God, the Bible.  When there are questions we should go to the Bible as the ultimate authority.  

All Scripture is breathed out by God (2 Timothy 3:16) and Scripture cannot be broken (John 10:35).  The Bible is authoritative, clear, sufficient, and inerrant (without error).  The Bible alone is the word of God. With the great Protestant Reformers we say Sola Scriptura (that is Scripture alone).      

Monday, September 18, 2017

The Power Of Negative Thinking

Many modern evangelicals will be shaken by the mere thought of negative thinking.  The positive thinking of Norman Vincent Peale, Robert Schuller, and Joel Osteen is definitely not Biblical.  And positive, encouraging Christian radio often does not give you the entire picture.  It should be noted that the Bible does not really speak in terms of positive/negative.  It speaks more of right/wrong, good/evil, and righteous/unrighteous.  The positive/negative category probably comes more from our own therapeutic culture.  But in reality negative thinking is sometimes a good thing.  

The condition of man is definitely not a positive thing.  When Adam the representative of the human race sinned by disobeying God he plunged the entire human race under the sin curse.  We are all born sinners (Psalm 51:5, Psalm 58:3), love darkness instead of light (John 3:19), our righteous deeds are filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6), the heart is deceitful above all things (Jeremiah 17:9), none is righteous (Romans 3:10), all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23), we are dead in our trespasses and sins (Ephesians 2:1), and we were by nature children of wrath (Ephesians 2:3). 

This is what theologians call total depravity.  This does not mean we are as bad as we could possibly be, but that our entire being is effected by our sin.  Because we have sinned against a holy God we face his wrath and deserve to go to hell.  Because we are dead in our sins we have no desire for God and continue in disobedience.  

This sure is a lot of negativity, it is most definitely not positive thinking.  In fact it is downright discouraging.  If we were left here we would be in total despair.  But thankfully this is not the end of the matter. 

But God in his great love chose to save a people for himself.  He draws us to himself (John 6:44), has made us alive (Ephesians 2:5), and caused us to be born again (1 Peter 1:3).  God helps those who cannot help themselves.  When we are dead in our sins we are unable to respond to God.  Salvation is totally the work of God.  The only thing we contribute is our sin.  Salvation is completely by God's grace, he is sovereign over the entire process.  

All those God draws to himself respond with faith and repentance.  They believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.  They trust in Christ alone for salvation.  Jesus lived a perfect life without sin, died on the cross to pay for the sins of his people, and was raised from the dead victorious over sin and death.  Jesus takes our sin on himself and his perfect righteousness is credited to us (2 Corinthians 5:21).  

All this negative thinking actually leads us to the most positive thing of all, that is truth and reality.  We realize we are all sinners in need of a Savior.  We realize that Jesus is the only way to heaven.  We realize our true condition as sinners who are totally unable to save ourselves.  We are totally dependent on God to save us.  It is by his grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.   And to God alone be the glory.    

Monday, September 4, 2017

2 Peter 3:9 (In Context)

(2 Peter 3:9) "The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance."  (ESV)

The usual interpretation of this verse by most modern evangelicals sees it as saying that it is God's will that every single person be saved.  They assume the "you", "any", and "all" in this verse refers to everyone.  But if this interpretation is correct then God's purpose if often thwarted by humans because many are not saved.  In this view God is trying to save everyone but failing to do so.  

For the correct interpretation we must look at the verse in context.  The passage is actually about the Second Coming of Christ.  There are scoffers expressing doubt that Christ will return.  They say things just continue as they have from the beginning.  Peter explains why there has been a seeming delay in the Second Coming of Christ.   

With this background we now look at 2 Peter 3:9.  It says the Lord is patient toward you. We must ask who "you" refers to.  Who is the Apostle Peter talking to?  When he speaks of the scoffers he refers to them in the third person.  But when he refers to his audience he refers to them as "you" and "beloved".  It is obvious that Peter is referring to a specific people.  To find out who his audience is we need to look at the first verse of the letter.  

(2 Peter 1:1)"Simeon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ.  To those who have obtained a faith of equal standing with ours by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ."  (ESV) 

It is obvious that Peter writes to a specific people, those who are saved, that is believers.  He is not speaking to every single person.  Therefore when he says the Lord is patient with you, the "you" refers to God's own people, the elect.  When it says not wishing that any should perish, the "any"
refers back to the "you", which is the elect. Also when it says, but that all should reach repentance, "all" refers back to "you", that is the elect.  It is God's will that all of the elect should reach repentance.  

So the verse interpreted in context does not teach that it is God's will to save every single person.  God does not fail to accomplish his purpose.  God is waiting for all of his chosen people (the elect) to come to repentance.  God's purpose is to save his elect and none of them will perish and all of them will be brought to repentance.  The actual meaning of 2 Peter 3:9 is clear when we view it in context.   

Monday, August 7, 2017

Did The Apostle Peter Use Profanity?

Based on Mark 14:71 (and Matthew 26:74) it is common to hear Christian preachers and teachers claim that the Apostle Peter used profanity.  This is the passage of Scripture where Peter denies Christ three times.  This particular verse deals with Peter's third denial.  In some translations it appears at first glance that Peter did indeed use profanity.  

(Mark 14:71) "Then he started to curse and swear, I don't know this man you're talking about!" (CSB) 

The NASB and NKJV translate this verse in a similar way.  It is interesting to note what the HCSB (the original edition of the CSB) has in it's footnote on this verse, "To call down curses on himself if what he said weren't true."  Also the NASB footnote on this verse states, "Or put himself under a curse."  For further clarification we will look at another translation of this verse.  

(Mark 14:71) "But he began to invoke a curse on himself and to swear, I do not know this man of whom you speak." (ESV) 

The NIV also translates this verse in a similar way.  The ESV translation makes clear the correct meaning of this verse.  Peter was not using four letter words.  He was actually saying, if what I say is not true let me be cursed.  He was taking an oath basically saying let God strike me down if I am lying.  Of course Peter repented and was restored by Christ.  He went on to become a bold witness for the Lord. 

Monday, July 31, 2017

Loving God With Your Mind

(Matthew 22:37) "And he said to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind."  (ESV)

We are to love God with all of our being including our mind.  Unfortunately modern evangelicals have downplayed the role of the mind in loving God.  Modern evangelicalism has an anti-intellectual streak preferring to focus more on feelings and experience.  Loving God with our minds involves having a great concern for doctrine and theology.  Unbelievably many evangelicals have a negative view of doctrine and theology.  

The liberals of old said that Christianity was life and not doctrine.  Unfortunately this seems to be the motto of many modern day evangelicals.  Christianity is life based on doctrine.  Liberalism denied the authority of Scripture, hopefully evangelicalism will not go down the same path.  

If we truly love God we will desire to know more about him.  You have heard it said that I don't need theology to know God loves me.  Well I hate to break this to you but saying God loves me is theology.  Theology is basically the study of God and every Christian should be interested in him.  Of course thinking about God and the things of God requires some effort.  This may be part of the reason why evangelicals are weak in their thought life.  

God has revealed himself to us in the Bible. To be a thinking Christian one must read and study the Bible.  It needs to be read as a whole and not just in bits and pieces.  We have to learn to see the big picture and develop a Christian worldview.  We will then have sound doctrine upon which to base our lives.  

We must learn to love God with our minds.  Being anti-intellectual is simply disobeying God.  The church will not be strong until we recover our minds.  We must have good theology and sound doctrine in order to honor and love God.   

Monday, July 10, 2017

Which Bible Translation Should I Use?

Since the Bible is the Word of God, his revelation to us it is important to use a good translation.  There are three basic types of translations.  They are literal, dynamic, and paraphrase.  A good Bible translation needs to be readable and most importantly accurate.  

The first translation category is literal.  It seeks to translate word for word as much as possible from the Hebrew and Greek.  Literal translation also tries to maintain the original sentence structure.  The idea is to be transparent to the original text.  Examples of literal translation are:  ESV, NASB, CSB, and NKJV.    

The next translation category is dynamic equivalence.  It is more of a thought for thought translation not necessarily trying to maintain word for word translation.  Dynamic translation tries to steer a middle ground between literal and paraphrase.  The original sentence structure is often changed for greater readability.  Examples of dynamic translation are:  NIV, NLT, and NRSV.  

The other translation category is paraphrase.  This type focuses on readability mainly.  Paraphrases deviate greatly from the original Hebrew and Greek, basically just giving you the gist of what the original text said.   Examples of paraphrase include: The Message and The Living Bible.  

I do not really recommend dynamic translations or paraphrases.  Dynamic translations are just thought for thought and not word for word.  They deviate somewhat from the original text giving you the translators interpretation instead of what it actually says.  Also dynamic translations often tend to be politically correct.  Paraphrases are probably best avoided all together.  They stray too much from the original text and are not very accurate or precise.  

I strongly recommend literal translations.  They try to translate from the Greek and Hebrew as closely as possible.  There goal is to be transparent to the original text, giving you what it actually says.  A literal translation is much more accurate and reliable than a dynamic translation or paraphrase.  

Here are what I consider to be the best translations.

1) (ESV) English Standard Version
2) (NASB) New American Standard Bible
3) (CSB) Christian Standard Bible
4) (NKJV) New King James Version

Monday, June 26, 2017

Think Better, Live Better

Think Better, Live Better is the title of a recent book by Joel Osteen.  It is not a bad title because it does contain some truth in it.  Of course Osteen encourages us to think positive and rid ourselves of all negativity.  We might call this teaching Osteenism.  But is the teaching of Osteen in line with the teaching of the Bible.  We will compare Osteenism with the Biblical worldview.  

First we will look at the view of God.  If you do not have an accurate view of God you will not have an accurate view of yourself.  The God of Osteenism basically exists for you.  He is there to make you happy and help you achieve health, victory, and success.  This God is kind of a life coach who makes no demands on you.  He is not a judge and you do not need to worry about his wrath.  

In contrast the Biblical view of God is very different.  God is Trinity (3 persons of 1 essence), he is the infinite, personal Creator.  He is sovereign, holy, and the ultimate authority.  He is loving and merciful but also displays his wrath against sin and judges you.  God is more concerned about your holiness than your happiness.  In the Biblical view we exist for God and our ultimate purpose is to glorify him.  

Next we will look at the view of man and his problem.  In Osteenism the big problem is that we have to much negativity and are just not thinking positive.  If you start thinking good, positive thoughts about yourself it will become reality (kind of like name it claim it).  Joel Osteen actually says there is nothing wrong with you.  

In sharp contrast the Biblical view says there most definitely is something wrong with you, it is called sin.  We were born sinful (Psalm 51:5), we are not righteous (Romans 3:10), and all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23).  God is holy and therefore hates sin.  Our sin makes us objects of his wrath (Ephesians 2:3).  In contrast to Joel Osteen's view of man as basically good the Apostle Paul described himself as "wretched man that I am" (Romans 7:24) and "the chief of sinners" (1 Timothy 1:10).  

Finally we look at the solution to man's problem.  In Osteenism the solution comes from within yourself.   You must stop all the negativity and just think those positive thoughts.  Then you will achieve that happy, victorious life.  You will have your best life now.  

On the other hand the Biblical view presents a much different solution because the problem is entirely different.  The solution is not found within ourselves but from outside of ourselves.  We are all sinners in need of a Savior.  God sent his Son, Jesus to save his people from their sins.  Jesus lived a perfect life to provide righteousness for us and he died on the cross to pay for our sins. He was raised from the dead victorious over sin, death, and the devil.  Those who repent of their sins and trust in Christ alone for salvation will be saved and go to heaven.  

It should be quite obvious that Osteenism and the Biblical view are totally different.  Those strictly adhering to Osteenism will be led astray and on the road to hell.  Joel Osteen is preaching a different gospel (Galatians 1:6-10).  He simply tells people what they want to hear (2 Timothy 4:3-4).  The true church must call out Joel Osteen for what he really is, a false teacher peddling a false gospel.   

Monday, June 12, 2017

Bernie Sanders Attacks Christians

Bernie Sanders is a U.S. Senator from Vermont and of course was a Democrat presidential candidate.  The intolerance of this tolerant man was astounding.  

The incident occurred recently in a hearing for Russell Vought, who was nominated for Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget.  Bernie Sanders called Vought  Islamophobic and hateful for comments he had previously made.   Vought had pointed out that Muslims do not know the true God and stand condemned because they reject Jesus who is the Son of God.  Sanders then asked Vought if he thought his statement was Islamophobic and if he believed Muslims would be condemned.  Sanders also asked him if he thought Jews would be condemned.  Russell Vought tried to explain to Sanders that these were simply Christian beliefs, the teaching of the Bible.  But Bernie Sanders would never allow him to finish his explanation, continually cutting him off.  

Sanders concluded that Vought was unfit for public office and that there was no place for these beliefs  in the public square.  Bernie Sanders apparently believes that no Bible believing Christian should be allowed in the public arena.  

Sanders is of course a socialist and a secularist.   If you do not tow the secular line you will be silenced.  All religions are not the same and they do not worship the same God.  Jesus is either God or he is not God.  It has to be one or the other.  Of course Sanders does not care about the Bible or the U.S. Constitution for that matter, he rejects both of them.  He imposes a religious test for government officials and is more than willing to stifle religious liberty.  Bernie Sanders is actually practicing Christophobia.  

Sanders colleague Senator Christoper Van Hollen, a Democrat from Maryland also chimed in on the matter.  Van Hollen said he was a Christian and that he thought part of being a Christian was recognizing that there were many paths to God.  Van Hollen also concluded that Vought was unfit for public office.  Of course Van Hollen holds to theological liberalism.  

Theological liberals embrace secularism while trying to retain the Christian label.  As J. Gresham Machen said, liberalism is not Christianity at all.  If there were many paths to God, Christianity would make no sense.  If there are many ways to heaven then Christ died on the cross for no purpose.  

This is the view of two prominent Democrat leaders.  Technically Sanders is an Independent but for all practical purposes he is a Democrat.  The Left is only tolerant of those with whom it agrees.  Sanders actually had significant support during his presidential campaign especially among millennials. This is very frightening.  Why would any Christian support the Democrat Party?  

(John 14:6) "Jesus said to him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me."  (ESV) 

(Acts 4:12) "And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved."  (ESV)

Monday, June 5, 2017

Jesus Is God (The Gospel Of John)

The Gospel of John proclaims Jesus is God.  Throughout it is very strong on the deity of Christ.  We will look at a few verses from John's Gospel.  

(John 1:1-2) "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was in the beginning with God."  (ESV)  

"The Word" relates to the Old Testament in the sense that God spoke, he spoke things into existence.  He is a personal God.  "The Word" is also superior to the Greek concept of an impersonal force that orders the universe.  

The Word is Jesus.  He has existed eternally, has a personal relationship with God the Father, and Jesus is God.  We see that two different persons are referred to as God.  We begin to see the teaching of the Trinity.  There is one God in three persons. That is three persons of one essence (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).   The Jehovah's Witnesses translate the phrase as "was a god" instead of "was God".  But the context clearly shows that the correct translation is "was God".  

(John 1:3) "All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made."  (ESV) 

Jesus was not created, all things were made through him.  All that exists besides God was created.  Jesus is the Creator, therefore he is God.  

(John 1:18) "No one has ever seen God; the only God, who is at the Father's side, he has made him known."  (ESV) 

In this verse God is spoken of as two persons just as he was in John 1:1.  We see both the Father and the Son.  Some translations have "only Son" instead of "only God" but "only God" is found in the earliest manuscripts.  Jesus became man (see John 1:14), he has most fully revealed God to us.  Jesus is both fully God and fully man.  

(John 20:28) "Thomas answered him, "My Lord and my God!"  (ESV) 

Thomas had doubted the resurrection of Christ but when Jesus appeared to him and showed him the marks in his hands and side he proclaimed, "My Lord and my God!"  Jesus accepts being called Lord and God because that is who he is.  This verse is one of the strongest affirmations of the deity of Christ in the New Testament.  Some cults who deny the deity of Christ have tried to say it was just a statement of astonishment by Thomas.  Basically saying that Thomas was taking the name of the Lord in vain.  But this interpretation is of course nonsense.  John's purpose in writing the book is that others will proclaim Jesus is their Lord and God.  

(John 20:31) "but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name."  (ESV) 

Monday, May 29, 2017

Two Books On The Trinity

Non-Christians and Christians alike often seem to be confused about the doctrine of the Trinity.  It is a foundational and distinctive teaching of Christianity.  Most false religions deny the Biblical teaching on the Trinity.  So here are two excellent books on the Trinity.

The Forgotten Trinity by James R. White

Delighting In The Trinity by Michael Reeves

Monday, May 15, 2017

Should The Bible Be Taught In Public Schools?

The typical evangelical says without hesitation that yes indeed the Bible should be taught in public schools.  But have we really thought this through?  Do we really want unbelievers teaching the Bible?  If the Bible is taught in public schools will they even get it right?  Have we ever considered that a major problem might be government schools in the first place?  

If the Bible was taught in public schools they would not get it right.  They would not teach it as true, the literal Word of God.  They would teach it as mere literature and of course not true.  The Bible is literature but it is far more than that.  It is the very Word of God: authoritative, inerrant, infallible, and sufficient.  

Why do we think government schools are a good idea in the first place?  The government should have no control over what children are taught.  Do we really want government run Bible teaching?  Better solutions would be private schools and home schools.  

The government has no business being involved in education at all.  In private schools and home schools individuals and not the government would be in control of what is taught.   There the Bible could be taught as truth, the Word of God.  The entire school curriculum could be taught from a Christian worldview.  This would be a much better alternative than the current mess we have with the public schools.  

But is this even financially possible?  If Christians used their money more wisely it might be.  It might require us to stop living the life of luxury and actually make sacrifices.  

We must also point out that instead of looking to the public schools, parents and churches should do a much better job of teaching the Bible to children.   After all we are not exactly overrun with Bible scholars. 


Monday, May 8, 2017

When Atheists Call Christians Hypocrites

The charge of hypocrisy is sometimes leveled 
against Christians by atheists.  Christians are accused of not living what they say they believe.  We must point out that not all professing Christians are true Christians.  Also, most Christians have never claimed to be without sin.  But it is true that even true Christians do not keep the law of God.  This is also kind of the point of Christianity because no one is capable of keeping the law of God (See Romans 3:23).  We are all sinners in need of a Savior.  Salvation is found in Christ alone.  

But we actually have a bigger problem than Christian hypocrisy.  The atheist believes hypocrisy is wrong but he has no basis for even believing hypocrisy is wrong.  In atheism God is not there so there is no ultimate authority or absolute standard by which to make a judgment.  There is no ultimate authority to define right and wrong or good and evil.  The atheist simply has no foundation on which to build a system of morality.  

When the atheist refers to hypocrisy as wrong he is not living out his atheism consistently.  Atheism cannot be lived out consistently, it is impossible to do because it does not fit reality.  In order for the atheist to accuse the Christian of hypocrisy he must step out of his atheistic worldview and borrow from the Christian worldview.  

So when the atheist charges the Christian with hypocrisy he ends up refuting his own atheism.  The atheistic worldview is inconsistent, contradictory, and unlivable.  It is self refuting and therefore proven to be a false worldview.  

On the other hand the Christian worldview has a basis for calling hypocrisy wrong.  It is the law of God.  (Exodus 20:16) "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor" (ESV).  The Christian worldview is consistent, coherent, non-contradictory, and livable.  The Christian worldview is proven to be the true worldview. 

Monday, May 1, 2017

Revelation 3:20 (In Context)

(Revelation 3:20) "Behold, I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me."  (ESV)

This verse is often interpreted as Jesus knocking at the door of a person's heart trying to come in.  But this is actually an example of bad theology being read into the text.  

Revelation 3:20 is part of the letter written to the church at Laodicea (Revelation 3:14-22).  Revelation Chapters 2-3 contain letters written to seven churches.  Laodicea is the only one that is not commended by Jesus for anything.  Jesus rebukes the church telling them they are neither hot or cold but lukewarm.  He then tells them he will spit them out of his mouth.  

The Laodiceans were not hot or cold, they would not reject Jesus outright or embrace him with zeal.  They were complacent and maybe just nominal Christians.  Jesus says he will spit them out of his mouth, in other words this kind of "Christianity" makes Jesus sick.  The church at Laodicea is told to be zealous and repent.  

In Revelation 3:20 Jesus is pictured as standing outside of the church knocking at the door.  If anyone there has true, saving faith he will hear his voice and open the door for his Lord and Master.  Then Jesus will come in and have fellowship with him.

The common interpretation of Jesus knocking at the door of someones heart wanting to come in simply does not fit the context.  This actually comes from bad theology being read into the text.  It has Jesus trying to save people but often failing to do so.  It presents Jesus as being unable to bring about the salvation of some people because they will not let him.  Think about that, you have humans not letting the Sovereign Lord accomplish something.  This is absurd and not Biblical.  God's sovereign will cannot be thwarted by humans.  He is sovereign even in salvation.  Jesus is the Sovereign Lord who accomplishes salvation for his people and never fails.  He saves all that the Father gives him (see John 6:37).   

Monday, April 17, 2017

Four Books On Defending Christianity

Here are four good Christian apologetics books that are not highly technical or extremely difficult to read.  

Why Should I Believe Christianity?-James Anderson
The Battle Belongs To The Lord-Scott Oliphint
Expository Apologetics-Voddie Baucham
Always Ready-Greg Bahnsen

Monday, April 10, 2017

Celebrating Easter

Easter is usually celebrated with the Easter Bunny, chocolate candy, children hunting eggs and receiving gifts.  It is considered a Christian holy day but these things have nothing to do with the death and resurrection of Christ.  

Maybe we should take a step back and ask ourselves what in the world we are doing?  Could it be that our focus is all wrong?  Could we actually be trivializing a holy day? Could our celebrations be downright confusing to a watching world?  Are our celebrations focusing on Christ or is the focus actually elsewhere?  Do we honor Christ the Lord as holy or do our celebrations make him seem less important than he really is?  

Our focus should be on Jesus who is the Christ (Messiah), the only unique Son of God. We have all sinned against a holy God making us his enemy and putting us under his wrath. We all deserve to go to hell, not heaven.  But Christ came to save his people from their sins.  He became man (he was fully man and fully God) and lived a perfect life enabling him to be our perfect substitute.  His perfect righteousness is credited to all believers.  

Jesus died on the cross to pay for the sins of all believers.   He turned away God's wrath from us which we deserved because of our sin.  He was resurrected from the dead victorious over sin, death, and the devil.  His resurrection proved that his sacrifice was accepted by God the Father.  The resurrection is also proof that Jesus is the Son of God.  

Jesus is the only Savior, the only way to heaven.  One must respond to him with faith and repentance.  You must trust in Christ alone for salvation.     

Monday, April 3, 2017

The Origins Of The Universe

There are different views on the origin and nature of the universe.  Some believe it came into existence by chance through blind, unguided forces.  Some have even believed that the universe itself is eternal.  But for the truth on the matter we must turn to the Bible.  

(Genesis 1:1) "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."  (ESV) 

In the verse the phrase "the heavens and the earth" refers to everything, that is everything except God himself.  So all things besides God were created.  Time, space, matter, and the entire universe were created by God.  God is eternal (Romans 16:26) he has always existed.  When the universe began God was already there.  God is self existent, he is not dependent on anything else.  

God created the world out of nothing.  This speaks to his sovereignty and power.  He is the absolute being, transcendent and personal.  God is distinct from his creation, it is wholly dependent upon him.  God alone deserves to be worshiped. 

The very existence of anything is evidence for the existence of God.  The existence of our universe requires an absolute, transcendent, personal God.  The God of the Bible is necessary to make sense of the world.  

Believing that the universe exists without an infinite, personal Creator makes no sense.  Believing that something came from nothing is absurd.  Even most of the scientific community no longer believes the universe is eternal.  

Those who deny the existence of the God of the Bible do not really do so on an intellectual basis.  God's eternal power and divine nature are clearly perceived in the creation itself (Romans 1:19-20).  They are without excuse, they simply refuse to submit to the God who is there.   

Monday, March 20, 2017

Christians Are Always Righteous And Always Sinful

Saying that Christians are always righteous and always sinful may seem like a contradiction, but it is not.  Positionally Christians are always righteous but practically they are always sinful.  

Christians are always righteous because they have the righteousness of Christ credited to them.  This righteousness is received by faith alone in Christ alone.  Jesus takes the sins of believers on himself and gives them his perfect righteousness.  The Christian is able to stand before God justified because of the righteousness of Christ.  

But at the same time Christians are still sinful in this life.  They still struggle with sin.  A Christian is bothered by his sin and lives a life of repentance.  They still do things they should not do and do not do things they should.  Christians do become less sinful but they also become more aware of their sin.  

We must point out that Christians do not continue on the same old way.  A true Christian has been born again or regenerated. The Christian is a new creation, old things have pasted away (2 Corinthians 5:17).  If there is no difference in one claiming to be a Christian, then that person is most likely not a true Christian.  A Christian is characterized by a desire to honor and obey God.  

But all the practical righteousness of the Christian does not measure up to God's perfect standard.  Even when doing right things often the motivation is not truly righteous.  No one truly keeps the law of God.  Only in heaven will Christians be without sin.  But no one deserves to go to heaven.  We are only saved by God's grace alone, by faith alone, because of Christ alone.    

Always Righteous
Philippians 3:9
2 Corinthians 5:21
Romans 1:17
Romans 3:22

Always Sinful
Romans 7:14-25
1 John 1:8-10
1 John 2:1-2 

Monday, February 20, 2017

Alien Righteousness

So we have a blog called Mars Hill Examiner talking about alien righteousness.  This may not be what you think it is.  Alien righteousness is actually terminology coined by Martin Luther (1483-1546), the father of the Protestant Reformation.  Luther was a German monk within the Roman Catholic Church struggling with how to attain a right standing with God.  

The Roman Catholic Church taught that God gave you grace by which he imparted righteousness to you.  Grace in the Catholic view was an aid or help for a person.  One was given a righteousness of his own and had to try to maintain it in order to have right standing with God.  But Martin Luther knew he was a sinner and that his own righteousness  could not satisfy God's perfect standard of righteousness.  Finally after studying Romans 1:17 and seeing it in context Luther had a breakthrough.  He said he felt as if he had been altogether born again.  

(Romans 1:17) "For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, The righteous shall live by faith." (ESV) 

The first part of the verse says "For in it (the gospel) the righteousness of God is revealed."  Luther had always interpreted "the righteousness of God" to refer to a characteristic of God, namely his justice.  Luther felt that he was condemned by the law and by the gospel.  But after his breakthrough he rightly understood it as a righteousness from God.  It is a gift God gives to us.  The righteousness of Christ is imputed or credited to us.  It is not a righteousness of our own but an alien righteousness, a righteousness from outside of ourselves.  The perfect righteousness of Christ is credited to us and by it we are declared righteous.  From beginning to end it is by faith.  This righteousness is received by faith alone.  

Christ takes our sins on himself and gives us his perfect righteousness (see 2 Corinthians 5:21).  Luther referred to this as the joyful exchange.  

The Roman Catholic Church saw sin as a weakness or sickness while Martin Luther saw it as rebellion against God, we are dead not sick.  The Catholic Church saw grace as an aid or help for a person to achieve salvation.  Luther saw grace as God's unmerited favor toward us.  We contribute nothing to our salvation.  In the Catholic view salvation is by grace plus works. In the view of Martin Luther salvation is by grace alone.  In the Roman Catholic view it is God and man working together to achieve salvation.  In this view there can be no assurance of salvation.  In Luther's view salvation is the work of God alone, it is the finished work of Christ alone.  

It is not by our own righteousness (the Catholic view) that we are justified but by an alien righteousness (Luther's view).  It is by the righteousness of Christ that we have right standing with God.  This alien righteousness is received by faith alone.  This is the Biblical doctrine known as justification by faith alone.  The official teaching of the Roman Catholic Church says that if anyone holds that he is justified by faith alone let him be anathema (that is condemned).  

Unfortunately many modern evangelicals are closer to the Catholic position than they are to the classic Protestant position.  We should be thankful that Martin Luther rediscovered the Biblical teaching of justification by faith alone.  Modern evangelicals could learn a lot from Martin Luther.  Evangelicalism could use a good dose of Reformation theology. 

Monday, February 13, 2017

The Highway To Hell

So, how many people are on the highway to hell?  Most think that the majority of people will go to heaven and only a few will go to hell.  For the truth we turn to the Bible, the Word of God.  

(Matthew 7:13-14) "Enter by the narrow gate.  For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.  For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few." (ESV) 

Once again the wisdom of the world is turned upside down.  In the passage Jesus tells us that many people are going to hell and few people are going to heaven.  So who are the people that are going to heaven and who are the people that are going to hell?  The narrow gate is the way of Christ alone and the wide gate is all other ways besides Christ.  The narrow road is God glorifying while the wide road is man glorifying.  

Those entering by the narrow gate are those who are true Christians.  They believe Jesus is the Christ and the only Son of God.  True Christians are characterized by a desire to obey God and a life of repentance.  Only true Christians will go to heaven.  

Those entering by the wide gate and going to hell include all unbelievers.  This group includes atheists and occultists but also many religious people.  All Muslims, adherents of Judaism, Hindus, Buddhists, New Agers, Scientologists, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, and members of many other religious groups will go to hell.  

We should also point out that many professing Christians will end up in hell.  There are many who are not the real deal.  There are many professing Christians who have not been born again.  They have no desire to obey God and do not submit to Christ as Lord.  Other professing Christians do not believe the Bible is the Word of God and they distort its teaching.  

It should be sad and horrifying to realize that all these people are on the highway to hell.  All people need to hear the truth. It is not loving to let people believe falsehood.  They need to accept the fact that the Bible is the Word of God and that it alone is the ultimate authority.  

Jesus is the only way to heaven, all other roads lead to hell.  People must face the reality of their sinfulness and see their need for salvation.  Our sins incur the wrath of a Holy God.  Christ paid for the sins of all who believe in him and provides us with his perfect righteousness.  People must repent of their sins and trust in Christ alone for salvation.  


Monday, January 23, 2017

A Look At The ESV Bible

Since the Bible is the Word of God it is very important to have a good translation.  The English Standard Version (ESV) is just that.  It is an essentially literal translation that seeks to provide transparency to the original text.  

Work on the ESV began in the 1990's.  The translators used the RSV 1971 text as their starting point.  They made some corrections to the RSV and updated its language.  The ESV was published by Crossway in 2001 with minor updates occurring in 2007, 2011, and 2016.  

The ESV is traditional yet contemporary.  It is accurate and readable.  It stands in the great tradition of English Bibles.  It is not a totally new translation from scratch but one that builds on the tradition of past translations such as the KJV.  

The ESV is not politically correct like some modern translations.  It seeks to present the Word of God as it actually is in the original text.  The ESV is a word for word translation and not a thought for thought translation.  A literal translation like the ESV is less affected by the culture and the bias of the translators than a thought for thought translation. 

The ESV is now considered to be the third most popular translation behind only the KJV and the NIV.  The ESV is especially popular among Reformed evangelicals.  Recently Gideon's International has started using the ESV.  I believe the ESV is the best Bible translation, combining accuracy and readability.  


Monday, January 16, 2017

Oh What An Evolutionist Believes

The Darwinian Evolutionist Believes
(1) Personal beings come from the impersonal
(2) The rational comes from the irrational
(3) Design and order arose without an intelligent designer
(4) Life comes from non life
(5) Something comes from nothing

But of course the evolutionists are considered the intellectual heavyweights while those who believe in the Biblical account of creation are considered foolish.  The debate is usually framed as science versus religion, but this is incorrect.  Were there any scientists around to observe the beginning of the world?  It is really a battle of worldviews, naturalism versus Christianity.  Each side starts with certain assumptions and then interprets the evidence. 

Darwinian evolution is not so much science as it is philosophy.  It is really part of the naturalistic worldview.  Naturalism assumes that this world is all there is.  They believe there is no God, no miracles, and no spiritual world.  It sees the universe  as merely materialistic.  Evolution is simply there to try to explain the world without God.  After all Darwin made it comfortable to be an atheist.  

Darwinian evolution is not the objective science it pretends to be.  It is part of the naturalistic worldview that does not hold up. Only the Christian worldview makes sense of your world.  Only in the Christian worldview are intelligibility, rationality, and even science possible.  

Evolutionists simply suppress the truth.  They know God exists but refuse to honor him as God.  They have exchanged the truth about God for a lie.  Their thinking has become futile and their hearts darkened.  Claiming to be wise, they have become fools (See Romans 1:18-32).  

(Psalm 14:1) "The fool says in his heart, There is no God." (ESV)  

Monday, January 9, 2017

A Libertarian Argument Against Same Sex Marriage

Most libertarians are in favor of same sex marriage.  But are they really holding to a libertarian position?  If the heart of libertarianism is limited government then I propose that they are not.   

Any true libertarian supports a small government that stays within its bounds.  In the case of same sex marriage this has not happened.  The federal government has redefined marriage when it has no authority to do so.  Marriage and its very definition exist outside of the sphere of the government.  

Marriage is defined by our Creator and when the government redefines marriage it is trying to usurp the authority of God.  After stepping outside of its legitimate roll, the government then forces all individuals to accept same sex marriage.  This violates our individual rights, freedom of conscience, and religious liberty.  

No libertarian should support the government claiming authority for itself that it does not have and forcing its will on people, thereby violating our personal freedom.  Some libertarians do support the government not being involved in marriage at all.  This is a true libertarian position but it is unlikely to happen though.  

I support the basic libertarian political philosophy of small government, personal freedom, and individual responsibility.  Unfortunately an element of libertarianism devolves into libertinism supporting immoral and absurd things like same sex marriage.  Libertarianism needs a Christian worldview as its foundation.  Only the Christian worldview provides a basis for reason and ultimate knowledge.  With a Christian worldview small government and liberty could become a reality.