Monday, December 21, 2015

The Virgin Birth Of Jesus

(Matthew 1:23) "Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel (which means, God with us)."  (ESV)

The virgin birth or conception is a very important doctrine, it is one of the fundamentals of the faith.  Secularists and liberal theologians deny the doctrine saying it could not happen.  So can we believe in the virgin birth of Christ?  

(Matthew 1:23) is a quote of the Old Testament passage (Isaiah 7:14).  A question arises as to whether "virgin" is the correct translation of the Hebrew or if it should be translated as "young maiden".  Most scholars say the Hebrew used in (Isaiah 7:14) almost always refers to a virgin woman.  Also the translators of the Septuagint, the Greek translation of the Old Testament, used the word that means virgin nearly all the time.  So the evidence supports "virgin" as the correct translation and not "young maiden".  Most of all Matthew inspired by the Holy Spirit used the word "virgin" when he quoted (Isaiah 7:14).  The birth of Jesus fulfills the prophecy of Isaiah.  

Why is the virgin birth only mentioned in Matthew and Luke and not in the rest of the New Testament?  It is likely that oral traditions about the birth of Jesus were widely circulated during this time.  The rest of the New Testament actually gives little detail about the early years of Jesus before his ministry.  The Gospel of Mark simply starts with the ministry of Jesus.  While the Gospel of John focuses on Jesus as the Word, his preexistence.  

What about Alexander the Great and Ceasar Augustus who were said to have been born of the gods?  Some have suggested that the Biblical account was influenced by these stories.  These stories actually bear little resemblance to the Biblical account of the virgin birth of Jesus.  They are very different and there is no basis for this argument.  Jesus fulfilled Old Testament prophecy of the miraculous birth or conception promised by God.  

The virgin birth is an essential doctrine.  The divinity and sinlessness of Jesus depend on it.  Belief in Jesus as God's Son would be impossible without the virgin birth.  He would have been conceived by mere humans and would have been a mere human himself.  Also without the virgin birth Jesus would have inherited a sinful nature from Adam and would not have been without sin.  If Jesus was not God and was not without sin he could not have saved his people from their sins.  The doctrine of the virgin birth is essential indeed.  

Belief in the virgin birth actually comes down to the presuppositions a person holds, that is the basic assumptions one holds.  If you start by assuming that miracles cannot happen, you will conclude that miracles do not happen and deny the virgin birth of Christ.  But if you are open to the possibility of a miracle you will conclude otherwise.  If God is God he can certainly perform miracles, nothing is impossible with him.  It is totally reasonable and rational to believe in the virgin birth of Christ.  Most of all we should believe it because God has revealed it to us in his Word, the Bible.  

Monday, December 14, 2015

Does God Ordain Evil?

Does God ordain or decree evil?  Most modern American Christians would immediately say no.  But is the view of much of modern evangelicalism actually correct?  We will focus on the crucifixion of Christ to find the answer.  

(Acts 2:23) "this Jesus, delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men." (ESV)

(Acts 4:27-28) "for truly in this city there were gathered together against you holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, along with the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel, to do whatever your hand and your plan had predestined to take place." (ESV) 

There has been no greater evil than the crucifixion of Christ.  Yet it was foreknown and foreordained by God, he predestined it to take place.  It was God's sovereign will that the crucifixion of Jesus take place.  Yet at the same time humans were responsible for crucifying Christ.  He was crucified by the hands of lawless men.  Herod, Pilate, Gentiles, and the peoples of Israel were all held responsible.  The miscarriage of justice, the mockery, the beatings, and the crucifixion were all evils that humans were responsible for even though God ordained them to take place.  

It is important to distinguish between the two wills of God.  First there is his sovereign will which cannot be violated or thwarted.  Whatever he decrees will happen.  Second there is his moral will which can be violated.  God's moral will is violated whenever anyone sins or does evil.  

With the crucifixion of Christ we see God's moral will being violated while we see his sovereign will being carried out.  We see Judas Iscariot, Herod, Pilate, Gentiles, and peoples of Israel committing great evil by their own free choice and being held responsible for it.  While at the same time it was all part of God's predetermined plan. 

So God ordains or decrees that evil take place and yet he is not responsible for it. God is not the author of evil, men are responsible for their own evil acts.  We see that the Bible presents the sovereignty of God and the responsibility of humans as being fully compatible.  

So how can God ordain evil and not be responsible for it?  How can God be totally sovereign over everything and humans still make free choices and be held responsible for them?  We cannot fully understand, it belongs to the mysteries of God.  The finite cannot fully grasp the infinite.  God uses human agents to accomplish his plan and purpose.  There is an ultimate purpose for the existence of evil and it brings glory to God. 

(Deuteronomy 29:29) "The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law." (ESV)    

Monday, November 30, 2015

Is God In Control Of All Things?

Do things just happen?  Is it just luck, fortune, or fate?  Do things happen for no reason?  Does God just deal with the major things and not care about the small things?  Is God dependent on what human beings do?  Does he just react to the free choices made by humans?  For the answers we will turn to the Bible to see what God has revealed to us.

Small And Insignificant Things
In (Matthew 10:28-31) we are told that a sparrow does not fall to the ground apart from God and that the hairs of our heads are numbered.  The sparrow was considered to be of little value and God is even in control and concerned with it.  The hairs of our head are even numbered showing that God is concerned with even the smallest details.  God is in control of even the things we consider small and insignificant so we should have no fear.  

The Elements, The Weather
(See Job 37:9-13, Psalm 147:8, Psalm 148:8)
The rain, snow, ice, storms, and even tornadoes and hurricanes are under the sovereignty of God.  None of these things happen without God decreeing that they happen.  

Pain, Suffering, and Physical Disabilities
(Exodus 4:11) "Then the LORD said to him, Who had made man's mouth?  Who makes him mute, or deaf, or seeing, or blind?  Is it not I, the LORD?"  (ESV) 

This verse may be shocking to many modern evangelicals.  But it is indeed God who is sovereign over physical suffering and pain. All these things ultimately bring glory to God in some way even though we may not understand it.  (See also John 9:3)

Luck, Fortune, Chance
(Proverbs 16:33) "The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the LORD."  (ESV) 

Saying the lot is cast into the lap is basically equivalent to the rolling of the dice today.  Things like these are even under the sovereignty of God.  We would consider the roll of the dice as luck but there is no such thing as luck, or fortune, or chance.  God is in control so things do not just happen for no reason. 

People And Plans
(Proverbs 19:21) "Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand." (ESV)

(Proverbs 21:1) "The king's heart is a stream of water in the hand of the LORD, he turns it wherever he will." (ESV)   

God is sovereign even over people and the plan that they have.  No matter what the plans of a man are, the purpose of the LORD will prevail.  God's will cannot be thwarted by humans.  Even a king who was considered to be sovereign on earth is under the control of God.  

Good And Bad Things
(Isaiah 45:7) "I form light and create darkness, I make well-being and create calamity, I am the LORD, who does all these things." (ESV) 

(Lamentations 3:37-38) "Who has spoken and it came to pass, unless the Lord has commanded it?  Is it not from the mouth of the Most High that good and bad come?" (ESV) 

God is in absolute control of good things and even bad things.  We easily credit God with the good things that happen but we act as if God does not really have control of the bad things.  We should keep in mind that none of us deserve good from God but only his judgment because we have all rebelled against him.  Even the bad things ultimately bring glory to God.  

God's Will And Purpose
(Isaiah 46:10b) "My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose." (ESV)

(Isaiah 46:11b) "I have spoken, and I will bring it to pass, I have purposed, and I will do it." (ESV) 

God's purpose and will cannot be thwarted by anyone or anything.  God is not dependent on humans and the choices they make, he does not just react to what they have done.  God never has to resort to plan B.  All that happens is under the sovereignty of God.  

God is sovereign over all things both big and small.  Humans, nations, the elements, pain and suffering, events and history are all under his control.  Everything that happens is part of God's plan and purpose.  His sovereign will cannot be violated.  We are wrong to think that things happen for no reason.  There is no such thing as luck, or fortune, or chance, or fate.  Saying we need to let go and let God is wrong also.  Think about this statement, do humans let God do anything?  God is the one who is in control of all things at all times.  It is also wrong to say it is in God's hands now.  It has been in God's hands all along.  God is absolutely sovereign over all things, they ultimately work for the glory of God.  The world is God's theater of glory as Calvin said.   

Monday, November 16, 2015

What Are The Beliefs Of Christian Science?

Christian Science holds to pantheism, the belief that God is all and all is God.  It believes that since all is God sin, sickness, pain, and death do not really exist.  They are seen as mere illusions.  These illusions can be overcome by correct thinking.  Christian Scientists believe in mind over matter.

Christian Science holds that Jesus was a mere human who embodied the Christ idea as an adult.  They believe that other humans can achieve this Christ idea as well.  Christian Scientists believe that humans like everything else are God.  They  believe that salvation is achieved by right thinking.  A person must believe that sin, pain, sickness, and death are mere illusions.  Christian Science believes that a person creates his own hell by incorrect thinking.  They also believe that a person creates his own heaven by correct thinking.  

On the other hand Biblical Christianity teaches something entirely different.  God is separate from his creation it is not part of him.  He created out of nothing.  Humans like the rest of creation are not God.  Sin, sickness, pain, and suffering are all reality and not mere illusions.  Man sinned against God and brought about sickness, pain, suffering, and death.  

Jesus is God and has been eternally and he is also the Messiah or Christ.  Jesus is fully God and fully man.  He lived a perfect life without sin and died on the cross to save his people from their sins.  He was resurrected victorious over sin and death.  People are saved by faith alone in Christ alone.  Believers go to heaven for eternity which is a physical place.  Unbelievers go to hell for eternity which is also a physical place.  

Christian Science is a cult or false religion.  The teaching of Christian Science is not reality but an illusion itself.  It is not a livable belief system.  Christian Science is totally out of line with historic, Biblical Christianity.  

Monday, November 9, 2015

What About Seventh-day Adventists?

The Seventh-day Adventist Church was founded in the 1850's by Ellen G. White (1827-1915).  White combined the teaching of the Millerites who predicted the return of Christ would take place in 1844 and the Seventh-day Sabbatarians.  Some Christian apologists consider Seventh-day Adventists a Christian denomination with errors while others consider it a cult or false religion.  

In its official teaching the SDA affirm the authority of the Bible and the doctrine of the Trinity.  They affirm the deity of Christ, the virgin birth, he was sinless, his death on the cross, and resurrection.  But there have been some within the SDA movement who have deviated from these core beliefs.  

The Seventh-day Adventists believe that Christianity was corrupted in the early centuries by Roman Catholic popes.  They believe the Catholic Church changed the Sabbath day from Saturday to Sunday.  SDA believe that a Remnant church has existed throughout history worshiping on Saturday.  The SDA believe that worship must be on Saturday and see it as the seal of God.  Those who worship on Sunday will receive the mark of the beast.  We might point out that the New Testament church met on the first day of the week (Sunday) because of the resurrection of Christ.  

Seventh-day Adventists also add works to salvation.  They see observance of the seventh-day sabbath as necessary for assurance of salvation.  SDA believe that in 1844 Jesus began the second phase of his atoning ministry called the "investigative judgment".  In it Jesus examines the dead to see if they are true believers and examines the living to see if they are in Christ and obeying his commandments.  SDA believe in soul sleep until the resurrection and believe that hell is not eternal but that unbelievers will be annihilated.   

Ellen G. White the founder of the Seventh-day Adventists supposedly possessed the "spirit of prophecy".  SDA believe her visions were the divine interpretation of Scripture.  White is seen as the final end time prophet. 

It seems that nearly half of Ellen G. White's writings were borrowed from other people.   Ellen G. White was a false prophet who was deceived and taught a false gospel.  SDA believe that all who worship on Sunday as the New Testament church did will receive the mark of the beast, while those in the SDA Church who worship on Saturday will be saved. Much of the Seventh-day Adventists teaching is based on an erroneous interpretation of Revelation 14:6-12.  

Based on the standard set down by the Apostle Paul in Galatians the Seventh-day Adventists teach another gospel (See Galatians 1:8-9).  They do not hold to the gospel of justification by faith alone in Christ alone.  While there may be some SDA who are true Christians it is simply not Biblical Christianity.    

Monday, October 26, 2015

Thomas Jefferson And Religion

Thomas Jefferson was one of the most prominent founding fathers of our country.  He wrote the Declaration of Independence, was Secretary of State, and the third President of the United States.  Some have presented Jefferson as a devout Christian while others have presented him as an atheist who was hostile to religion.  So what was Jefferson's real view of religion?  

First of all Thomas Jefferson was not an orthodox Christian.  He cut the miracles of Christ out of his Bible.  Jefferson denied the virgin birth, the divinity of Christ, the miracles of Christ, and the resurrection.  Obviously Jefferson did not view the Bible as the literal Word of God without error.  He saw Jesus as a great teacher and moral example, he even compared him to Socrates.  Jefferson was greatly influenced by the Enlightenment with its great faith in human reason.  Thomas Jefferson was actually a deist and not a Christian or an atheist.  

In the public square Jefferson was a strong advocate for religious liberty.  Jefferson, Madison, and others worked with Bible believing Christians (especially Baptists) to oppose established religion.  In England and throughout Europe there had been established religions.  Those holding to a religious belief different than that of the state were often not tolerated and even persecuted.  Many at the time of the American Revolution feared that England would revert back to Roman Catholicism as it's official religion and enforce it on the colonies.  Religious freedom was one of the strongest motivating factors for the Revolution.  

In 1800 Thomas Jefferson ran against John Adams for president of the United States.  Some orthodox Christians supported Jefferson while others opposed him.  One of those who opposed Jefferson was Timothy Dwight (the grandson of Jonathan Edwards).  Dwight and others feared Jefferson would make America into an anti-Christian nation.  One of those who supported Jefferson was John Leland, a Baptist minister.  Leland and others saw Jefferson as an ally and a great advocate for religious liberty.  Ironically John Adams was a Unitarian who denied the doctrine of the Trinity.  So neither Jefferson or Adams was an orthodox Christian.  

As it turned out Jefferson won the election of 1800 and became the third president of the United States.  As president Thomas Jefferson showed no hostility to Christianity in the public square.  He allowed church services in federal buildings even attending services in the House of Representatives.  Jefferson did not think this violated the separation of church and state.  Jefferson himself was no Christian but he thought the principles of Christianity would help sustain the American Republic.  Interestingly Thomas Jefferson and John Adams both died on July 4, 1826 the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.  

Monday, October 19, 2015

A Look At Jehovah's Witnesses

The Jehovah's Witnesses believe in one God whose only name is Jehovah.  They deny the Trinity, not believing that Jesus and the Holy Spirit are God.  But the Bible does teach the Trinity (one God, in three persons).  God is three persons of one essence.  The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all fully and equally God and have been God eternally.  The Son and Holy Spirit possess all the attributes of God just as the Father does.  

The Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jesus was created by Jehovah as the archangel Michael.  They  believe that Jesus is a lesser god not equal to Jehovah.  The Witnesses also believe that Jesus was merely a man when he came to earth.  They see his resurrection as merely spiritual and not bodily.  Jehovah's Witnesses see the Holy Spirit as an impersonal force from God and not an actual person.  

The Bible teaches that Jesus was not created but has existed eternally.  He is fully and equally God along with the Father and Holy Spirit.  At the Incarnation Jesus was fully God and fully man.  The resurrection of Christ was not just spiritual but also bodily.  The Bible also teaches that the Holy Spirit is not an impersonal force but a distinct person who is God along with the Father and Son.  

The Jehovah's Witnesses believe that salvation involves faith in Jesus, belonging to the Jehovah's Witnesses and keeping its rules.  They believe the Anointed Class (144,000) go to heaven while other believers will live in paradise on earth.  The Witnesses believe that unbelievers will be annihilated, they do not believe that hell is a physical, eternal place of punishment.  

The Bible teaches that salvation is by God's grace (unmerited favor) through faith in Christ alone, not by works.  Christians go to heaven and will live in the new heaven and new earth.  Unbelievers go to hell which is a physical place of eternal punishment.  

The Jehovah's Witnesses are a Christian heresy, a false religion.  They terribly distort the teaching of the Bible.  The Jehovah's Witnesses deviate dramatically from historic, orthodox Christianity.  It is most definitely not Biblical Christianity.   

Monday, October 5, 2015

Roman Catholics, Protestants, And Salvation

Salvation is the central issue and of the utmost importance, our eternity depends on it.  Do Catholics and Protestants differ on the issue of salvation?  If there are differences are they major or minor?  

At issue is justification or how is a person considered righteous before God.  Roman Catholics see justification as an ongoing process and not a one time thing.  It starts with infant baptism and continues with the Catholic sacraments.  Catholic doctrine teaches that one needs faith plus good deeds to earn salvation.  In the Catholic system it is God and man working together.  A person can have no assurance of salvation and one could lose his salvation.  Catholics also hold to the doctrine of purgatory which is a temporary punishment for purification.  The idea of purgatory comes from the book of 2 Maccabees found in the Apocrypha.  

On the other hand Protestants believe a person is saved by grace alone, through faith alone, because of Christ alone.  Justification is a one time event where the sinner is declared righteous.  Christ takes our sins on himself and we receive his righteousness.  Christ paid for all of our sins once and for all.   We can add nothing to our salvation it is totally by God's grace.  We are justified by faith alone and not by our own works.  Salvation is the work of God alone and to him alone belongs the glory.  Believers can have assurance of their salvation and cannot lose it.  Purgatory is not Biblical and is not even needed because Christ has taken care of our sins and provided us with his perfect righteousness.  

Roman Catholics and Protestants really have two different gospels.  In Catholicism it is the work of God and man together.  In Protestantism it is the work of God alone.  At the Council of Trent in 1546 the Roman Catholic Church declared that if anyone says he is justified by faith alone let him be anathema (condemned).  The Roman Catholic Church has condemned the Biblical gospel.  A person is justified by God's grace alone, through faith alone, because of Christ alone, to the glory of God alone.  

Monday, September 28, 2015

Roman Catholics, Protestants, And The Bible

With the recent visit of Pope Francis the spotlight has been on the Catholic Church.  Do Protestants and Catholics basically agree on things?  Actually they have different views of Scripture and its interpretation.  

Roman Catholics and Protestants disagree on the matter of interpreting the Bible.  Catholics believe only the Pope and bishops provide the correct and authoritative interpretation of Scripture.  Protestants believe individual believers may come to the correct interpretation of the Bible themselves with study and the leading of the Holy Spirit.  For a long time the Roman Catholic Church would not allow the Bible to be translated into the language of the people.  In effect the Roman Catholic Church kept the Bible out of the hands of the people.  

The Roman Catholic Church believes written Scripture, church tradition, and the Pope and bishops are all authoritative.  They believe the Catholic Church is the ultimate authority and the Bible gets it's authority from it.  During the Reformation of the 1500's Protestants proclaimed sola Scriptura which means Scripture alone.  Protestants view Scripture as the ultimate authority and not the Pope or church tradition.  They believe that the church gets it's authority from the Scripture.   Protestants believe the Bible is clear and sufficient as well.  

The Catholic Bible has seven more books or parts of books included in it's Old Testament.  These books are known as the Apocrypha and were included in the Septuagint, the Greek translation of the Old Testament done around 200 B.C.  The Apocrypha was not part of the original Hebrew Bible.  The early church did not recognize it as part of Scripture and believed that it had errors in it.  

When Jerome translated the Bible into Latin in A.D. 382 he included the Apocrypha after initially intending to leave it out.  Jerome's translation known as the Latin Vulgate became the Bible of the church up until the time of the Reformation in the 1500's.  Martin Luther and the other Reformers rejected the Apocrypha and returned to the original Hebrew Bible.  

Catholics believe the Roman Catholic Church is the ultimate authority and that Scripture as interpreted by the Pope and bishops is authoritative.  They also believe that the Pope is infallible in matters of faith and morals.  Protestants believe that Scripture alone is authoritative and that the Pope and bishops are not.  They believe that the Bible is inerrant and infallible because it is the Word of God.  

Monday, September 21, 2015

Republican Presidential Candidate Rankings

Candidate Rankings

1. Ted Cruz
2. Marco Rubio
3. Ben Carson
4. Rand Paul
5. Carly Fiorina
6. Bobby Jindal
7. Rick Santorum
8. Mike Huckabee
9. Jeb Bush
10. Chris Christie
11. John Kasich
12. Lindsey Graham 
13. George Pataki
14. Donald Trump

Ben Carson Says Muslim Should Not Be President

Dr. Ben Carson has stirred up much controversy with his comment saying Muslims should not be President of the United States.  So is Ben Carson a bigot or a truth teller?  

First of all Carson should have said things in a different way.  It should be pointed out that all Muslims are not terrorists and the U.S. Constitution requires no religious test.  

But if Dr. Carson simply meant that Sharia Law is not compatible with the U.S. Constitution then he is exactly right.  Islam is not a wonderful, peaceful religion as politically correct forces would have us believe.  The teaching of the Koran is very problematic.  So Ben Carson was generally right in his point but he should have said it in a different way.  

Scott Walker Drops Out Of Presidential Race

Governor Scott Walker has decided to drop out of the Republican presidential race.  This is somewhat sad because Walker was one of the best candidates in the field.  He was never able to break through the crowded field and generate much needed excitement for his campaign.  The media did not give him much attention instead we have been subjected to the endless foolishness of Donald Trump. 

Monday, September 14, 2015

Evangelical, What Does It Mean?

The term evangelical seems to have lost its meaning in recent times.  Evangelical is basically the same as the word gospel.  So an evangelical Christian is a gospel Christian.  Evangelicalism itself has it's roots in the Protestant Reformation of the 1500's.  Martin Luther actually used the term evangelical instead of Lutheran.  

During the Reformation the gospel was rediscovered.  The Biblical gospel had become obscured by the Roman Catholic Church with it's faith plus works doctrine of salvation.  Men like Martin Luther, Ulrich Zwingli, and John Calvin lead the way in the recovery of Biblical Christianity.  The Reformers taught that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone because of Christ alone.  Since it is all the work of God, it is to God alone be the glory.  The Reformers also taught that Scripture alone is authoritative.  The Bible is the ultimate authority and not the Pope or the Roman Catholic Church.  

By the early 1900's the authority of Scripture was under attack by the secular culture and theological liberalism.  The fundamental doctrines of the faith as well as the authority and inerrancy of Scripture were defended by early fundamentalists like B.B. Warfield, R.A. Torrey, and J. Gresham Machen. Unfortunately later fundamentalists became anti-intellectual and extremely separatist, retreating from the culture.  

In the 1940's and 1950's modern evangelicalism arose led by figures such as Carl Henry and Billy Graham.  The movement initially held to historic, orthodox Christianity believing in the inerrancy of Scripture.  But division emerged in the movement as early as 1962 when Fuller Theological Seminary removed inerrancy from it's doctrinal statement.  

Some within evangelicalism no longer hold to the inerrancy of Scripture and deny certain parts of it.  Some modern evangelicals deny the existence of hell, believe in evolution, and some even embrace homosexuality.  Also many have embraced feminism as can be seen in the popular 2011 NIV translation of the Bible with it's gender neutral language.  

Evangelicalism has been infiltrated by liberalism no longer strongly identifying with historic, orthodox Christianity.  Some no longer want to even use the term evangelical because it has been emptied of it's meaning.  The term often needs to be qualified with other descriptive terms such as conservative evangelical or confessing evangelical.   A recovery of Biblical Christianity is badly needed in the evangelical movement. 

Monday, September 7, 2015

The Religion Of Donald Trump

Donald Trump professes to be a Christian in the Presbyterian denomination.  He says his favorite book is the Bible and he loves the church.   In an interview Trump was asked if he had ever asked God for forgiveness.  After trying to avoid the question he finally said I don't guess I ever have, I just try to do better.  Trump was also asked about his favorite verse in the Bible.  He could not come up with any verse.  He was also asked if he preferred the Old or New Testament.  Trump could not give an answer and finally said it was a private matter.  Donald Trump also said he went to church regularly, you know every Easter and Christmas, and then added he went on the Sundays whenever he could.  Trump finally added that Norman Vincent Peale was his pastor and expressed great love and admiration for him.  

So, who was Norman Vincent Peale?  Peale lived from (1898-1993), he was a liberal pastor who became famous for his book "The Power Of Positive Thinking" published in 1952.  The focus of Peale's message was self help and self love.  You could use positive thinking to achieve whatever you desired or to make yourself successful.  The focus was the self instead of God.  

Norman Vincent Peale preached a false gospel devoid of Biblical content.  Conservative theologian, Donald Grey Barnhouse once said Paul is appealing, Peale is appalling.  Those who have followed in the line of Peale include Robert Schuller and Joel Osteen.  Robert Schuller focused on self esteem and once said who wants to talk about sin.   Joel Osteen has combined positive thinking with the prosperity gospel.  All three of these men teach what Michael Horton has called "Christless Christianity."  It is what Martin Luther referred to as "the theology of glory" instead of "the theology of the cross."  It is probably accurate to call Norman Vincent Peale the Joel Osteen of his day.  

Donald Trump seems to have been influenced by the teaching of Peale.  Trump seems to be a very arrogant and self centered man, the very opposite of Jesus and his teaching.  It seems that Donald Trump does not know much about his favorite book.   Considering his own words I cannot consider Trump a true Christian.  He has never asked for forgiveness, this is a very basic thing.  A person must face the reality of his sin, repent, and seek forgiveness which is found in Christ alone.   Also I would suggest Matthew 23:12 as a favorite verse for Donald Trump.  

(Matthew 23:12) "Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted." (ESV) 

Monday, August 31, 2015

Why Does Murder Happen?

From the recent shooting in Virginia of a reporter and cameraman to school shootings to terrorism, murder is prevalent in our society.  So why does murder happen?  Liberals blame guns, secularists both liberal and conservative blame it on psychological problems.  Are these groups right or are they totally off base?  

Many liberals blame guns but people commit murder not guns.  Did murder not happen before guns existed?  Secular liberals and secular conservatives usually place the blame on mental or psychological problems within the person committing the crime.  Whether you turn to MSNBC, CNN, or FOX News you usually get a secular worldview.  They operate on the assumptions that people are basically good and that God is basically irrelevant or does not exist.  

In reality the real problem is evil.  People are not basically good but sinful.  In Genesis 3 man sinned and rebelled against God.  As a result all of creation is fallen and under the sin curse.  All human beings are now born sinners, it is our very nature. Shortly after the fall in Genesis 3 we find the first murder taking place in Genesis 4 when Cain murdered Abel.  

Every intention of men's thoughts are evil continually (Genesis 6:5).  We are born in sin (Psalm 51:5), and the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked (Jeremiah 17:9).  There are none who are righteous (Romans 3:10) and all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23).  (Matthew 15:19) "For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander." (ESV).  Evil is in the heart of man and not a basic goodness.  This is the Biblical doctrine of total depravity.  

The shocking truth is that we are all guilty of murder.  Whoever has hated another person is guilty of murder (Matthew 5:21-22).  We may not have committed the physical, external act but we have violated the internal spirit of the law.  In reality none of us have kept any of the Ten Commandments.  We are all guilty before God.  Our only hope is to run to Jesus, to repent of our sins and trust in Christ alone for salvation.  

The Biblical worldview presents us with the reality that man is sinful and evil is real. The secular worldview cannot face the reality of evil, it has no basis for the category of evil.  It does not want to deal with the reality of evil because it does not want to deal with the reality of God.  Only the Biblical worldview gives us the truth. 

Evil can be restrained by strong families, strong communities, and a strong justice system.  But in our modern society we do not really have any of these.  Even if we had a strong society all murder and all evil could not be stopped.  Evil is a reality in our fallen world.  What we need is a changed heart and only God can gives us this.  We must ultimately look to heaven and Jesus is the only way there.      

Monday, August 24, 2015

Are You A Real Christian?

Knowing if you are a true Christian is of the utmost importance because it has eternal consequences.  The real Christian will go to heaven while those who are not true Christians will go to hell.  A person is not a true Christian just because he has said a prayer, raised his hand, or walked an aisle.  A person's own thoughts and feelings are not a sure guide.  The only sure standard to determine whether one is a true Christian is the Bible, the Word of God.  We will look to the Book of 1 John which deals specifically with this issue.  

1 John
(1:6-7) Walks in the light, not in darkness
(1:8-9) Faces reality of sin, confesses sin, receives forgiveness
(2:3) Knows God, keeps his commandments
(2:5) Keeps God's word, love of God
(2:6) Walks in same way as Jesus
(2:10) Loves his brother, abides in light
(2:15) Does not love the world or the things of the world
(2:17) Does the will of God
(2:21) Knows the truth
(3:6) Does not keep on sinning
(3:7) Practices righteousness
(3:9) Born of God, does not make a practice of sinning
(3:13) Is hated by the world
(3:14) Loves the brothers
(3:23) Believes in Jesus Christ, love one another
(3:24) Given the Holy Spirit
(4:2) Confesses Jesus Christ has come in the flesh
(4:7) Loves, born of God, knows God
(4:13) Has the Spirit
(4:15) Confesses Jesus is the Son of God
(4:21) Loves God, loves brother
(5:1) Believes Jesus is the Christ
(5:2) Loves God, obeys his commandments
(5:4) Overcomes the world
(5:20) The Son of God has given understanding

Marks Of The True Christian
Sound doctrine

Monday, August 10, 2015

The Danger Of The Sinner's Prayer

Matthew 7:21 "Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven."  (ESV)

The sinner's prayer usually consists of an admission of sin, asking for forgiveness, asking Jesus into your heart, and thanking God.  A person is usually told to repeat the words of this prayer in order to be saved.  After the person has said the prayer he is told he has assurance of salvation and is told never to doubt his salvation.  

Has anyone ever considered that the sinner's prayer is not in the Bible?  Why do we insist on it if it is not even in the Bible?  Could it be that our evangelism is not Biblical?  And could it be that we are getting things wrong by making our evangelism man centered?  We have tried to reduce the gospel down to three easy steps or four spiritual laws.  The gospel is much deeper and richer than a few easy steps.  

How many times have we heard about someone who lives a worldly lifestyle but points to a time in their past when they prayed the sinner's prayer to give assurance of their salvation.  The Bible never tells anyone they are saved if they have said the words of the sinner's prayer.  Instead we are told to examine ourselves by God's Word to make sure of our salvation.  

The sinner's prayer and our whole man centered evangelism produces many false converts.  Many people are deceived into thinking they on their way to heaven when in reality they are on the road to hell.  The true believer is not someone who has said some words to a prayer but the one who does the will of God.  

A true believer was dead in his sins and has now been made alive by God.  He has been born again or regenerated.  He was dead to God and is now alive to God.  If anyone is in Christ he is a new creation.  The true Christian trusts in Christ alone for salvation.  He has repented of his sins and continues a life of repentance.  A true believer is characterized by living in obedience to God.  The true believer still sins but his life is not characterized by sinful living.  

A person is converted to Christ through the proclamation of the full gospel.  It is the work of God and not the work of man.  We cannot create true belief in any person, it must be done by God and his Word.  God draws the person to himself and he then repents of his sin and places his faith in Christ for salvation.  

Unfortunately many false converts have been assured of their salvation wrongly by others telling them they are okay because they prayed the sinners prayer.  The churches are filled with people who have never been regenerated or born again because of our man centered, easy believism evangelism.  

We need to know who God is and what he is like.  People need to be presented with the attributes of God.  Only when we understand who God is, will we understand that we are totally depraved sinners in need of a Savior.  

Monday, August 3, 2015

Your Own Personal Jesus

In modern America there are many different views of Jesus and most of them are wrong.  People have a tendency to make him like themselves.  In effect they create their own personal Jesus.  We will look at some of the different views on the modern American landscape.  

The Jesus Of The False Religions
False religions usually view Jesus as a prophet or good teacher, someone who offers good advice or provides a good example to follow.  He is seen as just a man and is not the Messiah or the Son of God.  The false religions deny that Jesus died on the cross as a sacrifice for the sins of his people.  They also deny his resurrection from the dead.  Jesus is not seen as Savior because people must earn their own way to heaven or something like heaven.  The Jesus of the false religions is of course a false Jesus.  

The Jesus Of Liberalism
Liberalism denies the supernatural, seeking to reconcile Christianity with modern secularism.  It denies miracles such as the virgin birth and the resurrection.  Jesus is no longer God or the Messiah.  He is just a good teacher who is a good example to follow. Liberals do not emphasize the need for personal salvation but instead focus on the social gospel.  They often speak of social justice which tends to mean socialism.  Liberals see man as basically good and deny the doctrine of total depravity.  In Liberalism there is no hell, wrath, or judgment.  Liberals tell us that Christianity is life and not doctrine.  They have denied the authority of Scripture and created a false Jesus.  

The Jesus Of Traditional America
Traditional America tends to wrap Jesus in the American flag, making it seem as if being an American patriot and a Christian are one and the same.  The Christian life becomes nothing more than living the American dream. It is about nice houses, nice families, and a life of comfort and ease.  This view has tended to emphasize morality over theology.  But without the Christian theology the Christian morality falls.  Traditionalists tend to make the family the ultimate priority.  But Jesus said he came not to bring peace but a sword and members of families will be turned against one another. This view tends not to emphasize Jesus' call for radical, costly discipleship.  This view is a distortion of the real Jesus.   

The Jesus Of The Prosperity Gospel
The prosperity gospel is popular among charismatics.  You find prosperity preachers all over television talking about sowing the seed.  Of course you must send your money to the prosperity preacher in order to activate the blessing that God is obligated to give you.  If you just have enough faith health and wealth will be yours.  In the prosperity gospel Jesus exists in order to give you things.  It is not about holiness but instead it is about your happiness.  The focus is on this world and accumulating the things of this world.  It is about living your best life now.  The Jesus of the prosperity gospel is also a false Jesus.  

The Jesus Of Postmodern America
This group tends to be primarily composed of the millennials (those born from 1980-2000) but also includes many from other age groups. In this view Jesus is basically just a counselor or coach.  You do not exist for him instead he exists for you.  He is not God who makes demands and is not the Lord to whom you must submit.  He is just there to help you through your problems.  This Jesus just emphasizes being nice and tolerant.  He will not confront people with their sin and there is no judgment, wrath, or hell to worry about.   The Jesus of postmodern America is also a false Jesus.  

People tend to make Jesus into their own image.  They end up creating their own personal Jesus.  Those looking for the real Jesus need to turn to the Bible because our view of him has eternal consequences.       

Monday, July 20, 2015

Bruce Jenner, ESPN, And The Secular Agenda

ESPN recently honored Bruce Jenner (Yeah, Bruce not Caitlyn) with a courage award at the ESPY'S.  In actuality they honored a man for pretending to be a woman.  This is an abomination to God (Deuteronomy 22:5).  Jenner is a very confused person who is in rebellion against God.  Bruce Jenner was created as a man and not as a woman.  Jenner does not need to be applauded and celebrated, instead he needs to be helped and confronted with the reality of his sin.  He needs the truth of God's Word. 

Previously ESPN had pushed Michael Sam, the first openly homosexual football player to be drafted by the NFL, as part of their secular agenda.  They even had to show Sam and his partner kissing.  In reality Michael Sam was not that good of a football player.  He was probably only drafted because he was a homosexual.  ESPN and other sports media were over the top in their support for Michael Sam.  Again ESPN was celebrating someone who was living a sinful lifestyle.  Homosexuality is also an abomination to God (Leviticus 18:22, Romans 1:18-32).  

ESPN basketball analyst, Chris Broussard once spoke out against homosexuality on the network.  An apology from ESPN soon followed. I wonder how Broussard managed to keep his job at ESPN.  In a recent telecast of ESPN's NFL pregame show, analyst Keyshawn Johnson took the Lord's name in vain.   None of the panel seemed the least bit bothered by it, not even those who profess to be Christians. 

Not surprisingly ESPN did not issue an apology for Johnson's remark. 

ESPN is owned by Disney a very secular and liberal company.  It will continue to push the secular liberal agenda.  There is a distinctly anti-Christian worldview at ESPN. The ESPY'S award show has become an embarrassment.  ESPN has become a promoter of sinful lifestyles, setting itself against God.     

Monday, July 13, 2015

Was Jesus Silent On Homosexuality?

Some people say that Jesus was silent on the issue of homosexuality because he does not mention it in the Gospels.  But that is not the case.  

-The entire Bible is the Word of God.
-Jesus is God.
-Therefore the entire Bible is the Word of Christ.
-The Bible says homosexuality is a sin.
-Therefore Jesus says homosexuality is a sin.

It is simply a matter of whether one considers Scripture authoritative or not.  

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The End For Which God Created The World, By Jonathan Edwards

(Book Review)

The End For Which God Created The World, by Jonathan Edwards (Updated To Modern English by Jason Dollar)

Jason Dollar has done a great service for the modern reader in updating the language of this classic work of Jonathan Edwards.  But even in modern English Edwards is not easy to read.

Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) was a pastor, theologian, and philosopher.  He is considered by many to be the greatest theologian in American history.  In the book Edwards asks why did God create the world?  He concludes that it was created to glorify God.  The purpose of everything is to glorify God.  The purpose of humans is to glorify God as well.  They receive their greatest benefit and ultimate good when they glorify him.  Edwards makes the case for his position from reason and Scripture.  

Modern people need the message that Jonathan Edwards taught.  Modern man is purposeless and without direction.  This book puts it all together and shows us the big picture.  The modern church needs to rediscover Edwards.  It needs to recapture his vision of the greatness of God and his God centered view of all things.  Edwards was a brilliant, Biblical thinker.  We need men like him in our day.  

Monday, July 6, 2015

Tony Campolo Endorses Homosexual Marriage

Eastern University professor, Tony Campolo has recently endorsed homosexual marriage.  Campolo has been a prominent member of the "Evangelical Left" for many years.  In the 1990's he served as a spiritual adviser to President Bill Clinton.  

Tony Campolo said that after hours of prayer he came to the decision to endorse same sex marriage.  In reality Campolo did not need to spend hours in prayer about this issue.  God has already told us that homosexuality is a sin.  God sees it as an abomination because it is a violation of his design and creation. The Bible is very clear on the issue of homosexuality.  Marriage is meant to be between one man and one woman.  

It comes down to a question of Biblical authority.  Campolo ends up denying the authority of the Bible as God's Word.  There is no doubt on what the Bible teaches about homosexuality.  It is a sin and there is no way anyone can believe the Bible and support homosexual marriage.  

Tony Campolo's wife has supported same sex marriage for years.  One wonders if Tony Campolo has not actually supported it himself all these years.  He is terribly deceived and continues to go astray.  

Monday, June 29, 2015

Supreme Court Legalizes Same Sex Marriage

Not surprisingly in a 5-4 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court has legalized same sex marriage in all 50 states.  There is nothing in the Constitution about same sex marriage and the government has no authority to redefine it.  In his dissent Justice Scalia called the Court a threat to American democracy.  While Justice Kennedy writing for the majority spoke of the Constitution evolving.  In other words the Constitution has no set meaning and means whatever the Court decides.  It is rule by nine lawyers.  President Obama and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton praised the decision.  Both Obama and Clinton are professing Christians, yet both deny Biblical authority.  

The Bible is the Word of God.  Therefore the Bible is authoritative and binding on all people.  It clearly teaches that homosexuality is a sin (see Leviticus 18:22, Romans 1:18-32, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, 1 Timothy 1:8-11, Jude 1:7).  In (Matthew 19) Jesus affirms that marriage is between one man and one woman.  God considers homosexuality an abomination and unnatural.  It is a violation of his design and creation. Those living the homosexual lifestyle, as well as all unrepentant sinners are on the road to hell.  Marriage is defined by God and not by humans.  Our society has denied the existence of absolute truth, thereby rejecting an authority outside of ourselves. 

No doubt the Secular Left will object to the Biblical basis for the opposition to same sex marriage.  They will accuse Christians of trying to impose their beliefs on society.  Yet at the very same time they see no problem with their pro same sex marriage position being based secularism.  Of course they are not imposing their beliefs on society.  The Left is only tolerant of those who agree with them.  The Secular Left will not stop with just the legalization of same sex marriage.  Religious freedom will be in great danger.  They want to eradicate Biblical Christianity from our society.  They hate Christianity and see it as the real enemy.   

The acceptance of homosexual marriage has been presented as a battle for equality and civil rights.  They have compared being homosexual to being black.  This is a terribly faulty argument.  Skin color and sexual behavior are not the same at all.  Black people should find this argument terribly offensive.  Actually homosexuals have not been denied the right to marry.  They just have to marry a member of the opposite sex because this is what marriage requires.  But what about the love two homosexual people have for each other?  Is it actually love that is shared between the same sex partners?  Actually love has been redefined as well.  Love does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth (1 Corinthians 13).  Homosexuality is a sin or wrongdoing, therefore it is not actually love that is involved in the homosexual relationship, instead it is a distortion of love.  

If humans define what marriage is, why can't a man have two or three wives?  After all he was born with these desires.  What about a man who decides he wants to marry an animal?  I know the LGBT community will be offended by this one.  Are they suggesting that animals and humans are not equal?  Animal rights activists will not be happy to hear of this denial of equality and rights.

People are not born homosexual because God does not create them that way.  The idea of same sex marriage is absurd and insane.  It also opens the door to even more absurdity and insanity as I have just demonstrated.  It should be common sense that a man and a woman are made to go together.  While a man and a man and a woman and a woman do not go together.  If everyone became a homosexual the population would die out.  Of course the Secular Left might see this as an effective form of population control.    

In actuality the Supreme Court ruled the way it did because this is where our society has gone.  Many support the acceptance of homosexuality as normal while many others simply do not care.  Our country has gone morally insane.  It has redefined love, redefined marriage, rejected absolute truth, and rejected the God who is there.  Our nation is in rebellion against God.  It not only does evil, it even applauds and approves of those who do evil.  Our country is under God's judgment and is facing his wrath.   

Monday, June 22, 2015

The Chain Of Salvation

Romans 8:29-30  For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.  And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified.  (ESV)

The word foreknew in the passage does not just refer to knowing what will happen in the future.  In the Old Testament the word know referred to God's special choice of his people.  The word foreknew is basically the same as the word chosen.  Predestined means to determine beforehand.  Those God chose he predetermined to be like Christ.  

The chain that starts with foreknew continues on in the passage.  Those God foreknew or chose he predestined.  Those he predestined he also called.  The word call refers to God's effectual call of his people through the gospel.  Those who are called are also justified or declared righteous, they are made right with God.  

All who hear the gospel are not justified so the calling in this passage does not refer to a general call of all people but to God's effectual call of his chosen people.  The term effectual means that the desired result is brought about.  The effectual call refers to God drawing his chosen people to himself.  And those who are justified will be glorified.  They will receive resurrection bodies on the last day and be in heaven.  

The Chain

The chain cannot be broken, they all go together.  From this passage it should be obvious that God is not trying to save all people.  He actually saves his chosen people, the elect.  The outcome is never in doubt because God is sovereign even in salvation. 

Monday, June 15, 2015

Do All Religions Worship The Same God?

We hear much today about interfaith alliances.  There are often interfaith prayer services between people of different religions.  Some believe that all religions are basically the same, all leading to the same God.  But are we actually worshiping the same God or a different God?  Let's take a look at some different religions and see what is the reality of the situation. 

Christianity holds to trinitarian monotheism (1 God, 3 Persons).  Christians believe that God is three persons of one essence, this is not a contradiction.  If we said there were three persons of one person that would be a contradiction.  The trinity is comprised of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Christians hold that God is infinite and personal with all three members of the trinity being equal and eternal.  Christians believe Jesus is the Messiah, the one and only, unique Son of God. 

Mormons hold to polytheism (belief in many gods).  They believe that God was once a man who became God.  They believe that this God had a God and that God had a God an so on.  They believe that Jesus is not the one and only unique Son of God.  They believe he received god-hood at his resurrection.  They also believe that Mormon men may become gods themselves.  

Judaism is monotheistic believing in one God. They reject the trinity.  Judaism also rejects Jesus as the Messiah and Son of God. It see Rabbinical Judaism as the fulfillment of the Old Testament or Hebrew Bible instead of New Testament Christianity.    

Islam is also monotheistic believing in one God, Allah.  It rejects the trinity also.  Allah is not a Father but instead is more like a master to slaves.  Islam rejects Jesus as the Son of God believing that Allah could not have a son.  Islam see Jesus as a prophet but Muhammad as the greatest prophet.  

Buddhism holds to what is basically atheism.  Buddha did not emphasize gods.  In Buddhism one ceases suffering by entering into non existence or the great nothing.  This pain free state is known as nirvana.  

Hinduism has both polytheism (many gods) and pantheism (God is all, all is God).  Most Hindus consider Brahman the most important god.  In Hinduism one must realize his own divinity.  Through breaking out of the cycle of karma and reincarnation, Hindus believe they can merge into the great oneness.  

After this brief overview it should be obvious that all religions are not the same and do not worship the same God.  If Christianity is true then all other religions by necessity are false because they contradict each other.  Jesus cannot be God and not God. It has to be one or the other. Jesus is the only way to heaven or he is not. It should also be pointed out that in Christianity salvation is by God's grace through faith in Christ alone.  It is the work of God and not man.  In all other religions it is all about what you do to earn or achieve your salvation.

Christians cannot join together with people of different religions and worship with them. The one, true God, the God of the Bible will accept no rivals.  He alone is worthy of worship and praise.       

Monday, June 8, 2015

For Whom Did Jesus Die?

Did Jesus die for all people or for believers only?  What did his death on the cross actually accomplish?  Did he make salvation possible for all people or did he accomplish salvation for his people, the elect?  

Most Christians today would say that Christ died for all people to make salvation possible for everyone.  This position is known as unlimited atonement.  Others of us who hold to limited atonement would say that Christ died for believers only, his elect, actually accomplishing their salvation.  

If Christ paid for the sins of all people how could anyone still have to pay the penalty for his sins?  If Christ did indeed pay for the sins of all people then this would logically lead to universalism (the doctrine that all people will eventually be saved).  All orthodox Christians deny the doctrine of universalism.  Those holding this position of unlimited atonement will then say that a person has to believe to make Christ's death effectual.  But this runs into other problems.  If this is the case then Christ's death paid for all sins except the sin of unbelief.  Salvation is ultimately determined by the person and not by God, denying his sovereignty.    

Those holding to unlimited atonement will have to say that Christ died to make salvation possible for all people, he did not actually accomplish salvation for anyone.  If salvation is determined by man then it is no longer by grace alone, through faith alone, because of Christ alone.  The unlimited atonement advocates run back into the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church.  It is God and man working together to accomplish salvation.  If Jesus is trying to save all people then it is obvious that his mission has not been accomplished because many die in unbelief.  

Actually Jesus came to save his people from their sins.  He paid for the sins of believers only, his elect.  The atonement was sufficient for all but efficient for the elect only.  This is the doctrine of limited atonement which could be better described as definite atonement.  Christ accomplished salvation for his people.  He did not just make salvation possible for all people.  His mission was accomplished because all that he died for will respond in repentance and faith in him.  Salvation is totally the work of God, he is sovereign even in salvation.  On the cross Jesus said it is finished not it is started.  Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, because of Christ alone.   

But wait a minute doesn't 1 Timothy 2:6 say Christ died a ransom for all?  As Irenaeus (A.D. 180) said, "He came to save all, all I say who through Him are born again unto God."
All in the verse does not mean each and every person as shown by the use of the word all in many other passages.  

The position of limited atonement is actually the Biblical position, as controversial as it may be.  Jesus actually saves, he does not just make it possible for people to be saved.  Christ accomplished his mission to save his people from their sins.  As Anselm (around A.D. 1100) said, "If you die in unbelief, Christ did not die for you." 

Some Key Scripture Passages
(Matthew 1:21) Jesus will save his people from their sins
(1 Timothy 1:15) Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners
(Matthew 20:28) Jesus gave his life as ransom for many
(John 10:11,15) Jesus lays down his life for the sheep
(Ephesians 5:25) Jesus gave himself up for the church
(Hebrews 9:28) Christ was sacrificed once to bear the sins of many

Monday, June 1, 2015

The Lost Gospel

The Biblical gospel message seems to have been lost in our modern culture.  Unbelievers do not seem to understand the gospel itself.  If you turn to Christian television you will get and endless parade of prosperity preachers proclaiming a false gospel.  The media presents Christians in the culture wars trying to impose their beliefs on others.  And then there is the Roman Catholic Church with it's distorted gospel of faith and works.  

Even Evangelical Christians do not seem to fully understand the gospel sometimes.  They often fail to grasp the depths of our unrighteousness.  Christians were not good people who have been made better but sinners who have been saved from their sins.  

Unbelievers seem to view Christians as people who view themselves as good people who deserve to go to heaven.  Is this at least somewhat the fault of the church for not making the gospel clear?  In reality no one is righteous and all have sinned (Romans 3). Christians have been saved from their sins by Christ alone.  

Salvation is totally by grace, it is undeserved and completely the work of God.  At one point we were all sinners who deserved to go to hell.  To get to heaven you must meet God's perfect standard of righteousness being without sin.  Christ lived a perfect life without sin enabling him to be our perfect substitute.  He died on the cross to pay for the sins of his people.  He was raised from the dead vindicated as the Son of God and victorious over sin and death.  Believers receive the righteousness of Christ and he takes our sins upon himself (2 Corinthians 5:21).  

At one point we were all spiritually dead and slaves to sin.  But God makes us alive, he regenerates us or makes us born again.  We then respond with repentance and faith in Christ alone for salvation.  Christians are changed and transformed by God.  

It is the gospel of grace, totally unearned and undeserved.  If people could be good enough to get to heaven or earn their way there, then Christ died for no purpose and Christianity would make no sense.  All Christians were sinners who have been saved by Christ alone.