Monday, December 29, 2014

The Best New Year's Resolution Ever

The best New Year's resolution ever would be to align your thinking and life with the truth.  The truth comes from God, he is the truth.  God has revealed himself to us in the Bible.  It is his revelation to us.  Since the Bible is from God it is inerrant, infallible, and authoritative.  

The Bible must be accepted as authoritative and sufficient.  We must not place human reason, experience, or feelings above it.  We must take the Word of God over the word of man.  The scientific community, academia, and the media are also not authoritative.  The Bible provides us with the only basis for meaning, purpose, and ethics.  It gives us the Biblical worldview which makes sense of our world.  In the Bible we find out who God is and who we are.  

Christianity is the truth and all other religions and worldviews are false.  Only the Christian worldview provides the truth and reality.  Other worldviews and belief systems end up contradicting themselves.  Unbelievers must borrow from the Christian worldview in order to live their lives.  Only the Christian worldview is livable and non contradictory. 

God has revealed himself as three persons of one essence.  The Trinity consists of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  God is the creator and judge.  He is sovereign, holy, and majestic.  God is also merciful and loving.  He is transcendent as well as immanent.  A sense of the holiness of God needs to be regained in our time.  God is not our chummy buddy as some seem to think.  He is holy and majestic deserving our utmost reverence and worship.  

We must know God in order to know ourselves. Man was created by God and made in his image. But man rebelled against God, sinning against him.  Humanity and the world in which we live became fallen.  We and our world are no longer the way we were created to be.  Because of sin death resulted, both physical and spiritual death.  Because of our sin we face God's wrath and deserve to go to hell.  But God loved us and sent his Son, Jesus to save his people from their sins.  Jesus lived a perfect life and died on the cross to pay for the sins of all who believe in him.  He was raised from the dead victorious over sin and death.  The resurrection proved he was God.  

Finally we must understand that God is sovereign over all things.  Everything that happens is under his control.  Nothing just happens there is no such thing as luck.  We must also realize that God is sovereign even in salvation.  People must respond with repentance and faith in Christ alone for salvation.  But repentance is granted by him and faith is a gift from him.  Salvation is totally by God's grace, not by our works.  We contribute nothing to it, salvation is totally the work of God.  God takes those who are dead in their sins and makes them alive. Once they are made alive they respond in repentance and faith in Christ alone for salvation.  Jesus is the only way to heaven. To God alone be the glory.       

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Christ Of Christmas

(Matthew 1:21) "She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins." (ESV)

The name Jesus means the LORD saves and Christ or Messiah means anointed one.  He is Immanuel which means God with us (Matthew 1:23).  It is important to understand that Jesus is not celebrating another birthday.  Jesus did not come into existence when he was born to the Virgin Mary.  He has always existed, he is eternal (John 1:1).  All three persons of the Godhead have always existed (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).  In Jesus, God became man and dwelt among us (John 1:14).  The focus then should be on the incarnation and not on a birthday (Philippians 2:1-11).  

Christ came to save his people from their sins.  We are all sinners who have broken God's law (Romans 3:10,23).  Because of our sin we face the wrath of a Holy God (Ephesians 2:3).  But Jesus lived a perfect life without sin providing perfect righteousness on our behalf.  He died on the cross paying the penalty for the sins of his people.  It was a propitiation which means he turned away the wrath of God from us and took it on himself (Romans 3:25, 1 Thessalonians 1:10).  Jesus was raised from the dead victorious over sin, death, and the devil (1 Corinthians 15).  The resurrection proves that he is God (Romans 1:4).  

God commands all people everywhere to repent (Acts 17:30).  We must repent which means to have a change of mind and place our faith in Christ alone for salvation.  Salvation is by grace and not by works, you cannot earn it (Ephesians 2:8-9).  God makes those who were dead in their trespasses and sins alive (Ephesians 2:1-5).  Salvation is totally the work of God.  We receive the righteousness of Christ while he takes our sins on himself (2 Corinthians 5:21).  Jesus is the only way to heaven (John 14:6, Acts 4:12).  We must receive Jesus as Savior and submit to him as Lord.  We must believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God (John 20:31).  Those who reject Jesus go to hell for eternity, while those who believe in him spend eternity in heaven (Matthew 25:46).   

Monday, December 15, 2014

The Atheist Has A God

Doesn't atheism reject the existence of God?  So how can you say atheists have a god?  They have simply declared themselves to be god.  The atheist rejects the God of the Bible because he wants to be a god himself.  

The atheist wants to be the ultimate authority over himself.  He does not want to be told what to do or how to live.  But people trying to be their own god creates problems.  There ends up being no ultimate authority.  After all why does one person's opinion matter more than that of someone else?  You end up with moral relativism, there is no ultimate right or wrong.  

Atheism has no basis for truth, reality, ethics, purpose, or meaning.  The atheist cannot live his life consistently according to his worldview.  He must contradict himself, he has to borrow from Christianity in order to live his life.  

We were created by God for God.  When a person rejects the one true God he will always try to find a substitute.  The atheist simply tries to substitute himself.  Atheists do not hate God because he does not exist, they hate God because he does exist.  They suppress the truth by unrighteousness.  God's existence is obvious to all, they are without excuse.  Atheists have exchanged the truth about God for a lie (See Romans 1:18-25).  

All people should face the reality that the God of the Bible exists.  The creation itself and the design of our world point to his existence.  Biblical Christianity provides the only basis for truth, reality, ethics, purpose, and meaning.  

Monday, December 8, 2014

It's A God Thing

"It's a God thing" seems to be a popular phrase today among modern Christians.  It is usually said when something good or unusual happens.  It is good that God is recognized by people.  But does it expose a flow in our thinking?  Is God also in control when something bad or ordinary happens?  

Could it be "a God thing" when there is suffering or when things do not seem to work out?  Modern evangelicals seem to have a flawed view of God's sovereignty.  He is absolutely sovereign, he is in control of everything.  God is not the author of sin or evil but he is sovereign over them.  Nothing happens that is not his will.  We are speaking of his sovereign will which cannot be violated.  His moral will is sometimes disobeyed but he is still sovereign over all things.  

There also seems to be thinking in modern evangelicalism that God is not involved if a miracle does not occur.  They fail to recognize that God is involved in all things. They act as if things just happen if a miracle does not occur.  God often works through ordinary means.  

God is involved in and in control of all things that occur.  He is sovereign, he rules and reigns.  He is transcendent but it also immanent.  Transcendence speaks of how he transcends us, is beyond us, is greater than us, and is apart from us.  Immanence speaks of his nearness to us and his involvement in the world.  In reality it is always a God thing.  

(Ephesians 1:11) "In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will" (ESV)  

(Proverbs 16:9) "The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps."  (ESV)

(Proverbs 16:33) "The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the LORD."  (ESV)

Monday, December 1, 2014

America's Atheist Foundations

I thought America was a Christian nation.  There really is no such thing as a Christian nation, although in the early days of the United States there was somewhat of a Biblical worldview.  It has slowly faded and modern America is definitely not a Christian nation.  So what has caused America to move away from the Biblical worldview?  There have been many philosophers and thinkers who have influenced America and the West to abandon a Biblical worldview in favor of an atheistic worldview.  

Karl Marx was an atheist who hated God and Christianity.  He was the father of socialism and communism.  Marx saw communism as a great utopia.  It was his own humanist version of heaven.  The Soviet Union put Marx's ideas into practice and it was hardly a utopia.  Central to Marxism was the abolition of private property which is of course in contradiction to the teaching of the Bible.  In socialism or communism the government becomes a god.  The people are to look to it for all of their needs.  Marxism presents a materialistic worldview denying the spiritual.  It is all about class struggle,  the oppressed and the oppressors.  The modern grievance culture comes straight from Marx. Of course Marx is adored by academia, his teaching is advocated by many in the colleges and universities.  The Democrat Party has been greatly influenced by the ideas of Karl Marx.  Marx has had much influence in politics and economics but also in fields such as theology.  Liberation theology is basically nothing more than Marxism with Christian language.  One of the most well known adherents to Liberation theology may be President Barack Obama.  

Next there is Charles Darwin who was an atheist who hated God and Christianity.  Darwin came up with the theory of evolution,  the atheistic theory of origins.  It has been said that Darwin made it comfortable to be an atheist.  Since the world was no longer created by God, man did not have to deal with his law and judgment.  We just evolved from molecules to ape-like creatures to humans.  Man was no longer created in the image of God as his special creation.  Humans were no longer special or valuable, it was just the survival of the fittest.  Humans just happened there was no real purpose or meaning for them.  Darwinism is taught in the schools and universities as fact and no one is allowed to disagree with it.    

Then there was Friedrich Nietzsche who also was an atheist who hated God and Christianity.  Nietzsche was the philosopher who told us God is dead.  From the teachings of Nietzsche came nihilism.  Nihilism is the rejection of religion and morality as well as meaning and purpose.  If you do not think nihilism has taken hold in modern America just listen to the music and watch the movies and television shows.  Nietzsche knew that when the Christian theology falls the Christian morality will soon follow.  This of course led to moral relativism which says there is no absolute truth.  

Finally there is John Dewey who of course was an atheist who hated God and Christianity.  Dewey was the father of the modern public education system.  He was an advocate of socialism and pragmatism.  Pragmatism is concerned with whether something seems to work, not if it is actually right or wrong.  Dewey sought to rid the church and parents from the education system.  He wanted the state in control of education.  With the church and parents out of the way the state could teach your children the ideas of Marx, Darwin, and Nietzsche. 

Marx, Darwin, Nietzsche, and Dewey all have had a major influence on America and the West.  They all hated God and wanted to get rid of Christianity from society.  I wonder why they hated God so much if he does not even exist.  Modern America does indeed have atheistic foundations.  You can see it by the way people think and live.  We have rejected the God who is there and have exchanged the truth for a lie.    

Monday, November 24, 2014

Biblical Creationism

When it comes to the issue of origins where should we look?  Scientists were not there to observe the beginning of creation.  So maybe we should look to the only one who was there.  God himself is the only one who was there and is the only one who can give us an accurate account of it.  God has revealed himself to us in the Bible.  It is the very Word of God and is therefore authoritative and inerrant.  

We must read Genesis as historical narrative because that is the way it was meant to be taken.  We must go with a straightforward interpretation of it.  God created out of nothing and he spoke the world into existence.  So how long were the creation days?  

The Hebrew word for day is yom.  It can mean the light period of a 24 hour day, an extended period, or a 24 hour day.  The natural straightforward interpretation seems to be a literal 24 hour day.  Each of the creation days features the words evening and morning as well as a numerical adjective for each day.  This provides supportive evidence for creation in six literal 24 hour days.  Also Exodus 20:11 and Exodus 31:12-18 support the interpretation of a literal 24 hour day. The Bible does not calculate the age of the earth but young earth creationism does seem to be correct.  

Old earth creationists employ either the gap theory or the day age theory.  The gap theory puts millions of years before Genesis 1:3.  This seems to be read into the text and there is no reason to believe there were millions of years before Genesis 1:3.  The day age theory see the creation days as long periods of time and not literal 24 hour days.  This does not seem to be the straightforward, natural interpretation of the text.  It seems to be an example of reading our own views into the Biblical text.    

The old earth creationists attempt to get millions of years to explain the fossil record.  They end up having death and suffering in the world before the sin of Adam.  The Bible plainly teaches that death entered the world because of sin.  Also God called all that he had created very good.  If he originally created a world of death and suffering would it be very good?  Much of the fossil record was laid down during the Genesis Flood.  

Attempts to get millions of years into the creation account of the Bible seems to be a compromise with secularism.  It is an attempt to get credibility with the secular academic world.  The natural reading of Scripture is for six literal 24 hour days.  The earth seems to be thousands of years old and not millions of years old.  Young earth creationism seems to be the Biblical position.   

Monday, November 17, 2014

A Look At Theistic Evolution

The issue of origins is foundational to all that we believe.  Since the Bible is the inerrant, Word of God it is authoritative on all issues including creation.  The Bible is not a science text book but it does speak to issues of science.  The Bible and science are not opposed to each other, if we had full knowledge and understanding we would see that they are in perfect harmony.   The book of Genesis must be read as historical narrative because that is the way it was meant to be read.  

But theistic evolutionists interpret Genesis 1-11 in a non literal or allegorical way. They would say that God used evolution in creation.  They believe we went from molecules to ape-like creatures to humans.  The Bible clearly does not teach evolution.  Evolution and Biblical Christianity cannot be reconciled.  Evolution is the theory of origins that is foundational for atheism.  It has been said that Darwin made it comfortable to be an atheist.  With theistic evolution you have death occurring before the sin of Adam.  The Bible teaches that death came about because of man's sin.  God called all that he had created very good.  If death and suffering were part of his original creation it would not have been good at all. 

The Bible also plainly teaches that Adam and Eve were actual, historical people.  Humans were made distinct from the rest of creation, being made in the image of God.  They did not evolve from lower forms of life.  The rest of the Bible views Adam and Eve as actual, historical, people.  For sin to have entered the world through Adam he must have been an actual, historical person.  In fact the gospel itself depends on it (Romans 5, 1 Corinthians 15).  Also the Bible teaches the Genesis Flood as being worldwide and global in nature.  The theistic evolutionist sees it as merely a local or regional flood.  God promised not to destroy the earth again with a flood.  There have obviously been other regional floods.  

The theistic evolutionist sees the earth as being millions of years old because it would have to be for evolution to be true.  The Bible does not teach the earth to be millions of years old but thousands of years old.  Teaching that Adam and Eve were not real people and that the Genesis Flood was local and not global are just compromise positions.  Theistic evolution is an attempt by those in the Christian community to gain respect with secularists.  They have taken their naturalistic worldview and tried to read it into the Bible.  But we must stand with the Bible and what it actually says. 


Monday, November 10, 2014

Republicans To The Rescue?

With the November 4th election Republicans have gained control of the U.S. Senate and increased their numbers in the U.S. House.  Will they be able to bring about great change and stop the agenda of President Obama?  Do not count on major change but maybe the Obama agenda can be curtailed somewhat.  It will be nice not to have Harry Reid as the Senate Majority Leader.  But there is also a good chance that the Democrats will regain the Senate in 2016.  And the road to a presidential election victory will be very tough for the Republicans in 2016. 

We must also be realistic about the situation in our country.  It is hard to govern in a conservative way with a liberal culture.  Our modern American culture has a secular liberal worldview.  The tide of secularism and liberalism keeps rolling along.  And the overall direction of our country will continue on this path even with the election of Republicans.  

We must realize that our problems go much deeper than the political level.  Our real problems are spiritual and not political.  America is a nation in rebellion against God and is shaking its fists in his face.  We actually deserve his judgment.  Our country needs to turn from its secular worldview and embrace the Biblical worldview.  We must recognize God as the ultimate authority.  We must also recognize the Bible, his Word as authoritative.  All people need to repent of their sins and trust in Christ alone for salvation.  

Monday, November 3, 2014

Evangelical Views On Creation And Evolution

There are several views on creation and evolution among evangelicals.  Evangelicals are those who profess to believe in the authority of Scripture.  There is disagreement about how to interpret Genesis 1-11.  Creation, origins, and evolution are very important issues that deal with the foundational questions.  Evangelical Christians hold to three main views.  There are young earth creationists, old earth creationists, and theistic evolutionists.  

Young earth creationists interpret Genesis 1-11 as literal and historical.  They view the book of Genesis as historical narrative. Young earth creationists view the creation days as literal 24 hour days.  God created the world in 6 actual days.  They believe that the earth is thousands of years old and not millions of years old.  Young earth creationists also view Adam and Eve as actual, historic people.  The Genesis Flood is also viewed as an actual historical event and is seen as being a global flood.  Young earth creationism is the traditional view of the church.   

Next there are old earth creationists.  There are basically three different groups of old earth creationists.  First there are those who hold to the gap theory.  They believe there was a long period of time, millions of years before Genesis 1:3.  They believe a previous earth existed before Genesis 1:3.  This earth was ruled by Lucifer who then rebelled against God.  God then judged this earth with a flood.  Then in Genesis 1:3 and following God created the current earth.  This view was actually taught in the Scofield Reference Bible.  

Second among old earth creationists is historic creationism.  They see a long period of time, millions of years, taking place between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2.  After this they believe God created in six literal 24 hour days.  Finally there are those who hold to the day age theory.  They believe the creation days were long periods of time and not literal 24 hour days.  They view the earth as being millions of years old.  All old earth creationists view the earth as being millions of years old and not thousands of years old.  Some view Adam and Eve as actual historical figures and others do not. Some also view the Genesis Flood as global, but others view it as only a local flood.  

Finally there is theistic evolution.  This view accepts the theory of evolution but  believes God guided the process.  They believe we went from molecules to ape-like creatures to human beings.   Theistic evolutionists do not view Genesis 1-11 as literal history but as symbolic.  They believe the earth is millions of years old and the creation days were not literal 24 hour days.   They do not view Adam and Eve as actual historic people and see the Genesis Flood as local and not global. 

Monday, October 27, 2014

October 31, 1517

So what was the significance of the date October 31, 1517?  Maybe it was the first Halloween.  No, it was something much better and far more important.  It actually marked the beginning of the Protestant Reformation.  At this time there were no Protestants you were either a Roman Catholic or a pagan.

Then on October 31, 1517 a German monk named Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the church door at Wittenberg.  Luther simply wanted a debate but he never got one.  The 95 Theses especially opposed indulgences.  Indulgences were sold by the Catholic church for the pardon of sin.  People were being taught they could reduce their time in purgatory if they bought an indulgence or they could even reduce the time in purgatory for someone who had already died.  I must point out that the idea of purgatory is not taught in the Bible.  People were led to believe that they had to earn their salvation.  With people being lead astray like this Luther could not stay silent.  

Martin Luther actually set out to reform the Roman Catholic Church.  He did not intend to leave it.  But as he went along the differences between his beliefs and the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church only widened.  As he studied the Bible he rediscovered the doctrine of justification by faith alone.  He found that it was an alien righteousness that justified us before God.  It was the righteousness of Christ that we must have in order to be saved.  Christ takes our sin and gives us his righteousness when we place our faith in him alone.  Luther also discovered the theology of the cross as opposed to the theology of glory.  Luther's teaching quickly spread throughout Germany, Europe, and eventually the world.  

The Roman Catholic Church was not pleased with the teaching of Martin Luther.  In 1521 at the Diet of Worms it was demanded that Luther recant his writings.  Luther refused to recant his writings saying that unless he was convinced by Scripture or plain reason he would not.  He said his conscience was captive to the Word of God.  In his closing line he said here I stand.  One man stood against the Roman Catholic Church and the empire.  Pope Leo X excommunicated Luther and condemned him as a heretic.  Charles V put him under the imperial ban.  This meant that Luther could be killed at any time.  Luther lived under this for the rest of his life until he died in 1546.  

Many great doctrines were recovered in the Reformation.  Scripture alone is authoritative and not the Roman Catholic Church with its Pope and councils.  Salvation is by grace alone.  It is an undeserved gift from God and totally his work.  We are justified by faith alone and not by our own works.  Salvation is found in Christ alone and there is nothing we can add to it.  Christ and his work on the cross are totally sufficient.  Finally it is to God alone belongs the glory. It is important to understand that these ideas were very radical at the time.  They were not the accepted teaching as most modern evangelicals would assume.  The Roman Catholic Church also tried to keep the Bible out of the hands of the people.  They only allowed it to be translated into Latin.  Luther translated it into German and other Reformers translated it into other languages.  

Evangelical Protestants should remember October 31 as Reformation Day.  It marks the beginning of the Protestant Reformation which was led by its architect Martin Luther.  Luther's stand changed the church and the world.  Biblical Christianity was recovered during the Reformation.  As we look to Luther, Luther points us to Christ.  

Monday, October 20, 2014

Justified By Faith Alone

(Galatians 2:16) "yet we know that a person is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ, so we also have believed in Christ Jesus, in order to be justified by faith in Christ and not by works of the law, because by works of the law no one will be justified." (ESV)

The average person believes he is good enough to go to heaven.  He thinks he can earn favor with God.  It seems that all false religions also teach that you can earn your salvation.  But this is not the case as a look at Galatians 2:16 will show us.  

This verse is a good summary of the entire book of Galatians so lets take a look at it. The word justified means to be declared righteous by God.  In order for someone to be justified by works of the law he would have to be sinless, having perfect righteousness (See Romans 3:10,23).  Works of the law includes any human effort to be justified by God by keeping the law.  But no one is righteous and no one is capable of living up to God's perfect standard of holiness.  Justification comes through faith alone in Christ alone.  No one will be justified by works of the law. Christ and his work on the cross is totally sufficient for salvation.  Jesus takes our sin and gives us his perfect righteousness (See 2 Corinthians 5:21).  This is the only way we can be justified, declared righteous by God.  

This verse was used in the Protestant Reformation in the 1500's.  Martin Luther and other Reformers used it to defend the doctrine of justification by faith alone.  In fact Galatians was sometimes referred to as Luther's book.  The Roman Catholic Church held to justification by faith plus works as seen in their sacramental system which included things like the Mass and penance.  Galatians 2:16 clearly shows no one can be justified by works of the law.  Works cannot be added to faith in order to receive salvation.  Saving faith produces works but the works do not contribute to our salvation. The Roman Catholic Church even declared that if anyone holds to justification by faith alone let him be anathema (that is cursed or condemned).  Catholicism set itself up against the Word of God.  The Bible clearly teaches that we are justified by grace alone through faith alone because of Christ alone.        

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Monday, October 13, 2014

Supreme Court Refuses Same Sex Marriage Cases

The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to hear cases brought by several states regarding their same sex marriage bans.  Lower courts have overturned the same sex marriage bans of the states.  This has the effect of allowing same sex marriage to be legal in all of the states.  Was the Courts refusal to hear the cases a bad thing?  Most likely the result would have been the U.S Supreme Court declaring a constitutional right to same sex marriage.  I would guess the vote by the Court would have been 6-3 or at best 5-4 in favor of it.  

Lets face it America is a nation of pagans.  The secular tide continues to roll and homosexual marriage will be legal in the United States.  Homosexuality is not seen as a sin against God.  It is seen as a normal lifestyle and something to be celebrated (see Romans 1:18-32).  How long will disapproval of homosexuality be tolerated?  Will Christians be convicted of hate crimes for holding Biblical beliefs?  It definitely seems that persecution is coming.  

The problem is one of worldviews, America is not a Christian nation.  True Christians are a small minority in the country.  Americans have rejected the Biblical worldview and have instead embraced a secular worldview.  The problems we face cannot be solved at the political or judicial level.  That only deals with the symptoms it does not go to the cause of the problem.  The problem is at the starting point people have.  They do not start with the Bible the Word of God, but start instead with secularism the word of man.  Starting from a faulty foundation they end up terribly wrong on issues such as same sex marriage.  Unless a Biblical worldview is recovered our nation will continue on the wrong track. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Give Me That Me Centered Religion

"When you come to church, when you worship Him, you're not doing it for God really.  You're doing it for yourself, because that's what makes God happy."  
-Quote from Victoria Osteen, wife of Joel Osteen and co-pastor of Lakewood Church

Should I point out that women cannot be pastors?  Anyway Victoria Osteen does deserve credit for an accurate description of the Osteen's ministry.  It is all about the self and not about God.  In fact it is almost as if you yourself are god.  The main concern is that you are happy and feel good.  We certainly cannot be concerned about God and his holiness.  The great sin (I mean problem) is low self esteem.  

The ministry of Joel and Victoria Osteen is not true Christianity.  Dare I say that they are heretics?  They are false teachers proclaiming a false gospel.  The Bible says that if anyone preaches a different gospel let him be accursed (Galatians 1:8).  The Osteens proclaim a form of the prosperity gospel.  It is all about you and your happiness as well as having high self esteem. You must just think positive and the good life is yours.  

Of course this is in direct contradiction to the teaching of Jesus.  Jesus said that if you want to follow him you must take up your cross and deny your self.  As Bonhoeffer said Christ bids a man come and die.  Followers of Jesus are called to die to self while the Osteens tell their followers to focus on the self.  Of course the Osteens rarely mention Jesus or the cross.  Don't expect to hear anything about sin, judgment, holiness, wrath, or hell either.  These things just do not make us feel good.  

Unfortunately many Americans and others buy into the teaching of the Osteens.  They have thousands at their church and also sell millions of books.  They tickle people's ears and tell them what they want to hear.  Sadly many of those who are feeling good are on the road to hell.  Many in the modern church accept the Osteens as legitimate not seeing them as heretics to be rejected.  Joel Osteen is not a Christian pastor but simply a positive thinking guru.  I guess Victoria Osteen would be a co-positive thinking guru.  The lack of Biblical thinking and discernment allows false teachers like the Osteens to flourish in our modern society. 

Monday, September 29, 2014

Are You A Good Person?

Most people would consider themselves to be a good person.  They would say the good outweighs the bad and they are basically a good person.  Even many of those in prison would still consider themselves basically good.  Is this really the case?  Lets take a look at some of the Ten Commandments and see if we are actually good people.  

Have you ever lied in your entire life?  The answer will be yes for all of us except for those who are lying.  A person who tells lies is called a liar.  Have you ever stolen anything in your life, even the smallest of things?  Most, if not all of us would have to say yes to this one also.   A person who steals is called a thief.  Have you ever taken God's name in vain?  This includes using his name as a cuss word as well as using it in an empty or careless way.  Every time someone says "oh my god" they are guilty of breaking this one.  We have probably all broken this one at some time or another.  This is called blasphemy.  

Have you ever looked at a woman with lustful intent?  Jesus said that if you look at a woman with lust you have already committed adultery with her in your heart.  We would have to answer yes to this one.  Have you ever had unrighteous anger or hatred toward someone?  We probably have all done this.  Jesus said if we have done this then we are guilty of murder.   

So after looking at some of the Ten Commandments we have been found to be liars, thieves, blasphemers, adulterers, and murderers.  If God judges you by the Ten Commandments (his standard) will you be innocent or guilty?  The answer should be obviously guilty.  When we are judged by God's standard we are not found to be the good people we think we are.  We try to compare ourselves with other people and you can always find someone who is worse than you are.  There are none who are righteous and all have sinned against God.  We do not deserve to go to heaven but instead we deserve hell.  Because of our sinfulness we are under the wrath of God.  So what is the answer to our problem?

The solution is Jesus Christ.  God sent his Son to save sinners.  He died on the cross to pay for the sins of all who believe in him.  He was raised from the dead victorious over sin and death.  Jesus lived a perfect life without sin and his perfect righteousness is credited to all who believe in him.  People must repent of their sins and trust in Christ alone for salvation.  Jesus is the only way to heaven.  

Scripture References
Exodus 20
Matthew 5
Romans 3

Monday, September 22, 2014

J. Gresham Machen, Fundamentalism, And Liberalism

J. Gresham Machen lived from 1881-1937.  He was a New Testament professor and apologist who taught at Princeton Seminary and later Westminster Seminary.  Machen became a prominent leader of the fundamentalist movement.  He did not use the term fundamentalist himself, but preferred Bible believing Christian.  

In the 1800's theological liberalism arose in Germany.  By the late 1800's and early 1900's it had spread to the United States.  Liberalism was an effort to bring Christianity in line with the teaching of the Enlightenment.  Human reason and science were the authorities instead of Biblical revelation.  The liberals ended up denying the authority and inerrancy of Scripture.  It denied miracles as well.  The virgin birth, the deity of Christ, the substitutionary atonement, the bodily resurrection, and the second coming of Christ were all denied.  

In the early 1900's fundamentalism arose to combat liberalism.  The fundamentalists got their name because they were defending the fundamentals of the faith.  They were simply standing for historic, orthodox Christianity.  The early fundamentalism of Machen and others was excellent.  But unfortunately the movement strayed away from it's early roots and became known for separatism, pietism, and moralism.  

Machen's most prominent work was "Christianity and Liberalism".  In it he contrasts Biblical Christianity with Liberalism.  Machen concluded that liberalism was not Christianity at all.  He taught at Princeton Theological Seminary but eventually left because of it's liberal turn in the 1920's.  He went on to start Westminster Theological Seminary.  He was also put out of the Presbyterian Church (USA) for his opposition to it's liberalism in the 1930's.  After this Machen started the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.  

J. Gresham Machen was a great leader in church history.  He was an excellent New Testament scholar and Christian apologist.  He stood for the truth and defended Biblical Christianity even when it was unpopular. 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Young People, Postmodernism, And The Bible

Postmodernism is the view held by most of the young people today including many professing Christians.  Postmodernists believe there is no absolute truth and no ultimate right and wrong.  They hold to moral relativism.  We are not to judge and we must be tolerant of all things, except of course those people who have been deemed intolerant.  The postmodern children do not want to declare anything right or wrong because all things are just opinions and preferences.  

The postmodernists cannot consistently declare anything to be good or evil.  They cannot even say that murder and rape are wrong, they have to just say it is not preferred.  Postmodernism recognizes no truth and no authority.  There can never be any certainty about anything either.  In a postmodern worldview all religions and beliefs are equally valid.  Those making truth claims or exclusivity claims will be rejected.  

In reality postmodernism is utter nonsense. It is simply the suppression of the truth about God.  Ultimately it is the rejection of the God who is there.  

So what is the answer in dealing with all of this?  According to the modern church it must be fun and games.  You definitely do not want to be serious.  Modern youth ministry seems to major in triviality and just plain stupidity.  

How often have we heard that we do not need theology?  But theology is simply the study of God.   In reality theology needs to be recovered.  What could be more important than the study of God?  Reaching the postmodern children requires a supernatural answer.  Reason alone will not persuade the young people of today.  We must go to the Bible, the book from God, the very word of God.  The Bible needs to be understood as a whole and not just in bits and pieces.  Postmodernists need to see the real Jesus.  They need the one who is the way, the truth, and the life.     

Monday, September 8, 2014

John Calvin Defended

John Calvin lived from 1509-1564 and was born in France.  He initially studied law,  but he soon developed an interest in theology after coming under the influence of the Protestant Reformation.  Calvin became a pastor, theologian, and leader of the Reformed church.  John Calvin became the second most prominent figure in the Reformation behind only Martin Luther.  Calvin eventually had to leave France because the Reformed were facing persecution from the Roman Catholic Church there.  He ended up in Geneva where he became very influential in the church and society.  

John Calvin's major works include "Institutes Of The Christian Religion" and commentaries on almost all the books of the Bible.  The "Institutes" was a systematic theology meant to be an introduction to the teaching of the Bible.  Calvin's "Institutes" is one of the greatest books in church history.  John Calvin held to the great teachings of the Reformation.  We are saved by grace alone through faith alone because of Christ alone.  Scripture alone is authoritative and to God alone belongs the glory.  But unfortunately in some circles Calvin has a bad reputation.  

Didn't John Calvin have his daughter-in-law put to death because of adultery?  The problem with this one is that Calvin did not have a daughter-in-law.  This accusation is obviously not true.  

But didn't John Calvin have Michael Servetus executed?  First of all Servetus was a heretic who denied the Trinity.  He even referred to God as a three headed monster.  Calvin held no government position so he had no authority to execute anyone.  He was not a crazy tyrant as some would have us to believe.  Execution of heretics was the policy in Geneva before Calvin even arrived there.  It was simply the common view of the day held by most Protestants and Catholics. They saw the heretic as a murderer of the soul.  So by this reasoning a murderer deserved to be executed.  Trying to lay the blame for this on Calvin is terribly unfair. People must be looked at in their historical context.  

Didn't John Calvin invent that horrible doctrine of predestination?  Calvin believed in the absolute sovereignty of God and this leads necessarily to predestination.  It is the belief that God has determined beforehand who he will save.  He has chosen to save some while passing over others.  The doctrine of predestination was not invented by John Calvin.  The same view was held by Martin Luther, Ulrich Zwingli, and most of the Reformers.  The church father Augustine held to predestination and most importantly it is taught in the Bible.  Since it comes from the Word of God it is not a horrible doctrine but a wonderful doctrine.  

John Calvin was not a perfect person but the bad reputation is not deserved.  He was one of the greatest theologians and leaders in church history.  In fact if some of the Calvin opponents would simply read his work they might be surprised to find out how much they agree with him.  John Calvin has been described as a fanatic for the glory of God. If only more of us could be described that way.      

Monday, September 1, 2014

ISIS, Islam, And The West

The terrorist group known as ISIS has been in the news a lot lately, especially after they beheaded journalist James Foley.  The group is active in Syria and Iraq.  They have actually existed since 2010 even though they have just recently caught the attention of the Western world.  Al Quaeda has distanced themselves from ISIS because they are too extreme even for them.  They persecute and murder Christians and others if they will not convert.  The group seeks to establish a caliphate (Islamic state).  They are seen as a real threat to the United States and the West.  

But isn't Islam a wonderful, peaceful religion?  Aren't ISIS and other terrorist groups just extremists who are hijacking Islam?  In reality these groups may be holding to the actual teaching of the Koran, though we must point out that not all Muslims are terrorists.  In fact the history of Islam is one of conquest.  In the Koran there is no separation of religion and government.  Unfortunately the true nature of Islam is not peaceful.  We must realize that not all religions are the same.  

America and the West are weak when they need to be strong.  They have rejected their Christian roots and have embraced secularism and paganism.  The West now lacks a moral foundation to stand on.  With the loss of a Biblical worldview we are no longer able to take a strong stand against evil.  The West has embraced moral relativism and can no longer stand for truth.  

Unfortunately American leadership is weak. President Obama is not a strong leader.  He seems to see everything through his Marxist worldview.  It is always about the oppressed and the oppressors.  Of course Islam has been the oppressed.  We have had bad policy in the U.S. and not just from Leftist like Obama.  Former President George W. Bush and the neoconservatives have also had bad policy.  Going in to Iraq seems to have been a mistake.  It created instability and paved the way for ISIS.  

The idea of nation building and inserting democracies throughout the middle east was foolish.  It simply does not work on an Islamic foundation.  Our leaders fail to understand Islam.  It is not a wonderful, peaceful religion.    

Monday, August 25, 2014

Who Was Augustine?

Augustine lived from AD 354-430.  He was born in North Africa to a father who was an unbeliever and to a mother who was a Christian.  His mother's name was Monica and she taught him Christianity.  Afterward Augustine studied philosophy and came to reject Christianity.  But eventually under the influence of his mother and a preacher named Ambrose, Augustine came to embrace Christianity.  He revealed that he was converted after reading Romans 13.  

Augustine went on to become Bishop of Hippo which is in northern Africa.  He became one of the greatest and most influential theologians in church history.  His most noted works are "Confessions" and "The City Of God".  "Confessions" was his autobiography.  In it he tells of his sinful lifestyle and then his conversion to Christianity.  "The City Of God" looks at the two cities, the city of God and the city of man.  In it he also defends Christianity against accusations that it was the cause of the fall of Rome.  

Augustine was involved in a major controversy with a British monk named Pelagius.  Pelagius denied original sin, teaching that people were not born sinners. According to him we become sinners because we sin.  He even suggested that it was possible to live a life without sin.  Pelagius believed that people have an absolute free will to choose God.  For Pelagius salvation was basically the work of man.  

On the other hand Augustine taught original sin, believing we are born sinners.  We sin because we are sinners.  He also believed it was not possible for man to not sin.  Augustine taught that we are unable to choose God because our will is in bondage to sin.  We only have a limited free will, we choose what we want not what we ought.  Augustine believed that only those chosen by God would receive salvation.  He taught the absolute sovereignty of God and believed salvation was the work of God.   

Augustine has been very influential throughout church history especially during the Protestant Reformation.  Martin Luther and John Calvin both held Augustine in high regard.  In fact those who think that what is today known as Calvinism was invented by John Calvin should take a look back at Augustine.   

Monday, August 18, 2014

Who Was Justin Martyr?

Justin Martyr lived from around AD 100-165.  He was born in Palestine to Greek parents.  Justin studied and taught Greek philosophy.  He eventually converted to Christianity after being impressed by Christians who were willing to die for their faith.  

Justin then became a Christian apologist. An apologist is one who defends the Christian faith.  His major works included:  "First Apology", "Second Apology", and "Dialogue With Trypho".  Trypho was a Jew whom Justin sought to convince that Christianity was the fulfillment of Judaism.  Justin defended Christianity as a superior philosophy to Greek philosophy.  Greeks saw Christianity as unreasonable and foolish.  Justin presented Christianity as reasonable and intellectual.  Justin Martyr also made a defense of Christians to the Roman authorities.  Rome saw Christians as a threat because they would not worship the emperor or the Roman gods.  Justin made the case that the high morality and virtue of the Christians made them excellent citizens.  

It does seem that Justin depended too much on philosophy and elevated Plato too highly in his work.  But he did also use the Scriptures when making his defenses.  Justin did much good work as an early Christian apologist.   In AD 165 while teaching at Rome, Justin was executed for teaching an illegal religion and refusing to sacrifice to the Roman gods.  This is how he became known as Justin Martyr. 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Kevin DeYoung's "Taking God At His Word"

Kevin DeYoung usually does good work and this book is no exception.  "Taking God At His Word" is a short book that is well worth your time. 

In the book DeYoung looks at the attributes of Scripture using the acronym SCAN.  The attributes are sufficiency, clarity, authority, and necessity.  He also includes a helpful section about Jesus' view of Scripture.  Plus he includes a helpful appendix with more related resources.  

DeYoung shows that the Bible is all we need for salvation and godly living.  We should stop looking everywhere else for God to speak and simply look to the Bible.  God speaks through his Word, the Bible is alive.  This is a book that all Christians (and non Christians) should read. 

Monday, August 11, 2014

Revelation: Four Interpretation Methods

It may come as a surprise to some people to find that there are several interpretive methods for the Book of Revelation.  Most probably think there is just one, the futurist view.  But there are four basic interpretation methods.

First there is the futurist method.  It is the most popular among modern day evangelicals.  It is most likely the interpretation most people are familiar with.  Futurism see the events in Revelation taking place primarily in the future.  Chapters 1-3 are dealing with the first century churches while 4-22 is seen as still in the future.  This view expects to see a period of great tribulation followed by the millennium and then the new heaven and new earth.  

Next there is the historicist method.  This view sees Revelation as using symbolism to describe chronological, historical events.  They see the Book of Revelation taking the reader from the early church to the modern church to the return of Christ and then the new heaven and new earth.  

Another view is the preterist method.  Those who hold this view think that most of the events in Revelation took place with the early church.  They see it as symbolic of the persecution and trials endured under the Roman Empire.  In this view only the final chapters of the book are still future.  

Finally there is the idealist method.  They see Revelation as symbolic of the conflict between Christ and Satan.  Idealist also see the events of the book as symbolic of the first century, the church through history, a future time of persecution, and the return of Christ followed by a new heaven and new earth.  

I prefer a combination of two views. I hold to the preterist/futurist interpretation.  In this view Revelation has a first century application as well as dealing with future events.   For example the beast is Rome and a future antichrist figure.  Also the tribulation would be persecution during the first century as well as an end time persecution.  I believe this view makes the most sense and is the best interpretation of the Book of Revelation.                  

Monday, August 4, 2014

Revelation: An Overview

The author is simply identified as John.  In the Book of Revelation, John does not actually identify himself as the Apostle.  This has led some to doubt that the author is the Apostle John.  They also point to the difference in the style of Greek that is used in Revelation with the Greek that is used in the Gospel of John.  The Greek in John is smooth while that used in Revelation is rough.  But this could possibly be explained by the use of a scribe by John.  Early historical sources do point to the Apostle John as the author of the book.  Justin Martyr (A.D. 150) and Irenaeus (A.D. 185) both said that John the Apostle was the author of Revelation.  Their testimony has great weight because they lived very close to the time of the writing.  Early church tradition and the best evidence points to the Apostle John as the author of Revelation.  

Irenaeus states that John received Revelation during the end of the reign of Domitian.  Domitian was the Roman emperor from (A.D. 81-96).  There are a few scholars who date the book during the reign of Nero (A.D. 54-68).  However most scholars date the book in the 90's.  It was written most likely around (A.D. 95).  

Literature Type
Revelation is an apocalypse and prophecy.  The term apocalypse means to unveil or reveal.  It is the revelation of Jesus Christ to John.  The book has many great visions and also uses much symbolism.  

Basic Outline
1         Introduction
2-3       Letters To The Seven Churches
4-5       Heaven Opened
6-19      The Great Tribulation
19        The Second Coming Of Christ 
20        The Millennium
          The Great White Throne Judgment
21-22     New Heaven And New Earth

Four Millennial Views
Historic Premillennialism
Dispensational Premillennialism

Four Interpretation Methods

Monday, July 28, 2014

Understanding End Times Terminology

We hear much talk about the end times (what theologians call eschatology) but the terms used are not always clear to people.  So lets take a look at a few of the key terms.  

*Found in Revelation 20
*A millennium is 1000 years
*It refers to the 1000 year reign of Christ on this earth after the Second Coming.  
*Some view the 1000 years as literal while others see it as symbolic of an ideal time period.  
*Occurs after the Great Tribulation and before the new heavens and new earth.
*A time of great peace and righteousness.
A time when sin and sorrow are greatly reduced though not fully eradicated until the new heavens and new earth. 
*Some see it as symbolic of the church age and not a literal reign of Christ on this earth.  

Great Tribulation
*A 7 year period at the end of history.
*Some view it as a literal 7 years while others see it as a symbolic number.  
*God's wrath will be poured out, there will be intense persecution, and great trouble. 
*The Antichrist will arise during this time period.  

*It means to be caught up
*It refers to believers being caught up to be with the Lord.  

(Two different views of the rapture)
*(Pre) means before, so before the tribulation.
*This view holds that Christ will return before the tribulation to rapture his church.  
*This view holds that the church will not go through the Great Tribulation.  
*The rapture and the Second Coming are seen as separate events.  

*(Post) means after, so after the tribulation.
*This view holds that Christ will return after the tribulation to receive believers. 
*This view holds that the church will go through the tribulation.  
*The rapture and the Second Coming are seen as the same event.  

Monday, July 21, 2014

What's Wrong With America?

What has gone wrong with America?  What has happened to the country?  It has shifted from a Biblical worldview to a secular worldview.  The results of this shift are huge.  The thought and lifestyles of Americans have changed dramatically.  There has been a shift from God to the self.  

Many think the change started in the 1960's with the ban on prayer and Bible reading in the public schools.  But this was just the result of change that had already taken place.  The change really seems to have started in the late 1800's.  Men such as Marx, Darwin, and Freud had a negative effect on our country and world with their ideas.  Also the tide of theological liberalism swept into the United States in the late 1800's and early 1900's.  This cast doubt on the authority and reliability of the Bible.  Many denominations took liberal turns denying the inerrancy of Scripture and denying foundational doctrines of historic Christianity.  

With the shift from a Biblical worldview to a secular worldview the focus shifted from the God who is outside of us to our inner self, becoming our own god.  Our ultimate problem is no longer that we are sinners who are morally guilty before a holy God.  Instead we just have psychological problems that require a counselor.  We hear much talk about tolerance in our modern society.  In fact tolerance is the only virtue in modern America.  We have embraced moral relativism and there is no right and wrong.  There is no absolute truth that applies to everyone. Anyone making a truth claim will be labeled as being judgmental immediately.    

We can see the seismic shift in our society with the issue of homosexuality.  It has become widely accepted in modern America.  This would have been unheard of just a short time ago.  We have rejected the truth and become morally insane.  Even some "Christian" denominations now approve of homosexuality.  The reason for this can be traced back to their rejection of the authority of the Bible.  

The decline of America goes back to it's rejection of Biblical authority.  It must be said that the church itself has much responsibility for this.  The modern church is weak and fails to confront the culture with Biblical truth.  Rejection of Biblical authority leads to doctrinal confusion which leads to ungodly lifestyles.  America has rejected the God who is there.  We are in rebellion against him and face his judgment. Is it too late for our country?  I do not know, maybe it is too late.  Christians must pray and read, proclaim, teach and live the Bible because this is our only hope.  

Monday, July 14, 2014

What's Right With America?

We hear much today about the evils of America.  Liberals in Hollywood, academia, the news media, and government portray it as a terrible country.  They present it as historically evil and the problem of the modern world.  Even President Obama seems to have a negative view of America, seeing it as an oppressor.  First lady, Michelle Obama said she was proud of her country for the first time when her husband, Barack Obama was elected.  

On the other hand conservatives talk of American exceptionalism.  So is America exceptional?  Yes, if it is understood correctly.  America is indeed the exception and not the norm historically.  The freedom, prosperity, and high living standards in the United States are unprecedented.  In America the average person is well off.  Even the poor in the United States are much better off than the those in other countries.  Most nations throughout history have been ruled by tyrants or monarchs.  This is not so in the United States where there is a Constitutional Republic.  

But why is America an exceptional country?  Are Americans better than the people of other countries?  No, not at all.  It comes from the ideas and beliefs that form the foundation of the country.  America has had at least somewhat of a Biblical worldview as a foundation.  This has shaped the greatness of America.  The Biblical worldview has provided the form needed for the freedom we have in this country.  The problem with most countries is the foundation they are built upon.  

America's economic system has been capitalism.  It has provided unprecedented prosperity.  The free market system has done more to help the poor than socialism has ever thought about doing.  The free market system is the most beneficial to all people.  It has been said that capitalism is the unequal distribution of wealth while socialism is the equal distribution of poverty.  

It must be said that America is not a perfect country.  Things like slavery and segregation are terrible blots on the history of America and the West.  It must be pointed out that slavery did not begin with Western civilization but abolition did.  American foreign policy has not been perfect either.  But it has not been an aggressor taking over other countries even though it is a super power.  

Our founders who though not perfect were brilliant men who provided us with the best form of government, laid out for us in the U.S. Constitution.  A Republic based on a Biblical worldview has made America probably the greatest country in world history.  The nation has been greatly blessed by God.  

Monday, July 7, 2014

Who Will Come To Jesus? (Part 3)

(John 6:65) "And he said, This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless it is granted him by the Father."  (ESV)

In the preceding verses Jesus has just presented some hard teaching to his disciples.  As a result many of them have turned away from him.  In response Jesus says the reason for this, is that no one can come to him unless it is granted by the Father.  As in John 6:37 & John 6:44 Jesus stresses the absolute sovereignty of God in salvation.  Those who are false disciples will respond in unbelief while true disciples will respond in belief.  The reason why some respond in unbelief is that they have not been chosen by God.  

Only those chosen by the Father will come to Jesus.  They have been predestined for salvation in Christ (see Ephesians 1).  It is clear that not all people are granted the ability to believe.  The reason why some respond in unbelief is that they do not have the ability to believe.  People are dead in their sins and must be made alive by God in order to believe (see Ephesians 2).  

Our wills are not free but in bondage to sin.  This is contrary to what is usually taught in the modern church but it is the truth.  Left to ourselves we would never choose God, we would only continue in rebellion against him.  We only choose God after he has chosen us and brought us from being spiritually dead to being spiritually alive.  Those not chosen by God, who are not of the elect will continue in unbelief.  We see the reason why some people believe and others do not.  God chooses some for salvation while passing over others.  Salvation is totally by grace and is not dependent on man's decision, will, or effort.  

It must be pointed out that people are still responsible for believing in Christ or rejecting him.  All people are commanded to repent of their sins and place their faith in Christ alone for salvation.  But if God is absolutely sovereign how can man still be responsible?  They seem to be contradictory but the Bible teaches them both.  We finite humans are incapable of fully understanding the infinite God.  


Monday, June 23, 2014

Who Will Come To Jesus? (Part 2)

(John 6:44) "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him.  And I will raise him up on the last day."  (ESV)

So who will come to Jesus?  Only those the Father draws to him.  No one can come to Christ unless God the Father draws him.  When Jesus says no one can come to me, it means that no one is able to come to him.  

People do not have the ability to come to Christ on their own.  All people are enslaved to sin, their will is in bondage to sin (total depravity).  People do not have the desire or inclination to come to Christ, they are unable to believe.  The Father must draw them and give them the desire and inclination to come to Jesus and trust in him.  God has to change people in order for them to become willing to believe.   

It is obvious that God does not draw all people to Christ to be saved.  All that he draws, he will raise up on the last day.  Only believers receive the resurrection to life.  All that the Father draws to Christ will be raised up on the last day.  Only those chosen by God will be saved.  Those not chosen or drawn by God will not be saved.  

Whoever wills to come to God can, but only those made willing by the Father will come to him and believe.  God chooses those whom he will save (unconditional election).  Those he chooses will come to him (irresistible grace).  It is efficacious grace, that is it brings about the desired result.  All those chosen by God the Father will believe in Christ.  They have been predestined to salvation by God who is absolutely sovereign.   

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Who Will Come To Jesus? (Part 1)

(John 6:37) "All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out."  (ESV) 

Jesus states in this verse that all the Father gives him will come to him.  In other words those chosen by God the Father will receive salvation in God the Son.  This contradicts much of the teaching in the modern church which puts the choice ultimately in the hands of man.  We are often taught that the person's decision is the ultimate determiner of salvation.  

But this verse emphasizes the sovereignty of God in salvation.  God chooses those who will be saved, he has predestined them for salvation (see Ephesians 1).  All those who are chosen by God will respond with repentance and faith in Christ.  God is not trying to save all people and then failing, unable to bring all to salvation.  God does not fail to accomplish his purpose.  His absolute sovereignty guarantees his purpose will be accomplished.  All those who are chosen by God will be saved.  

Also those who are chosen by God will never lose their salvation.  The perseverance of the saints is also guaranteed because of the absolute sovereignty of God.  God preserves them so they can never lose their salvation. If salvation was dependent on the decision of the person then one could lose his salvation.  Believers can be sure of their salvation because it is the work of God.  

While God is absolutely sovereign in all things including salvation, people still have personal responsibility.  People must respond in repentance and faith in Christ.  They must believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.  The sovereignty of God and the responsibility of man cannot be reconciled by the human mind.  Both are true despite seeming to be contradictory.    

Monday, June 9, 2014

Truth With Love

The great Christian thinker Francis Schaeffer (1912-1984) always emphasized truth with love.  This is exactly the right approach in dealing with all people, believers and unbelievers alike.  We should confront people with the truth and reality because we have love for them and love for God.  Love of God demands love of truth and love for people.  

Unbelievers need to be confronted with the reality that God is there.  It must be the God of the Bible (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit)  not just any god.  People must be confronted with the truth of the Bible which is the Word of God.  We must be willing to say that all religions are not true, only Christianity is the true religion.  We must be willing to proclaim that Jesus is the only way to heaven and that all other roads lead to hell.  We must be willing to confront various worldviews held by other people as false.  

The reality that we have sinned against a holy God and therefore deserve to face his wrath is something that unbelievers need to be confronted with.  People need to repent of their sins and trust in Christ alone for salvation.  Also we must take a stand on issues such as abortion and homosexual marriage.  Now matter how unpopular it may be we must stand for the truth.  Of course our motivation for this should be love for people.  We should desire that they be right with God and want to see them go to heaven and not hell.  

Those inside the church also need to be confronted with the truth.  All beliefs and lifestyles cannot be allowed.  At some point we must draw the line.  Those with unbiblical views and doctrines should be confronted.  We must stand on the belief that the Bible is the literal, Word of God  without error in all areas it speaks to.  Also those living in open unrepentant sin must be confronted.  Church discipline must be exercised and if necessary some people must be put out of the church.  Of course church discipline is rarely used in the modern church.  Any church wishing to be Biblical will have to use church discipline though.  The purity of the church is very important.  Of course it must be done in a loving way.  The ultimate hope is that the person will repent of his sin and return to the Christ.  

In our time few people are willing to confront others with the truth.  It must be done if we love God and people.  Our culture continues to decline because people are not willing to confront it with the truth.  The modern church is weak because we are not willing to confront those inside it with the truth.  Truth with love is the only hope for a dying culture.