Tuesday, December 31, 2013

God's Free Gift

(Romans 6:23) "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of  God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (ESV)

What we have earned and deserve because of our sin is death.  That includes both physical death and spiritual death.  Those enslaved to sin face eternal death or hell. But God offers the free gift of eternal life in his Son.  Salvation is by grace alone through faith alone.  Grace is unmerited favor, it is totally undeserved.  Faith involves trusting in someone else, that is Christ.  

All people have sinned against God (Romans 3:23) and deserve judgment, wrath, and hell. There are none righteous not even one       (Romans 3:10)  We cannot earn our salvation or our way to heaven.  We have fallen short of God's glory.  We can only receive salvation by God's grace.  God sent his Son Jesus to save his people from their sins (Matthew 1:21).  God draws his people to himself (John 6:44).  Those he draws respond in repentance and faith in Christ.  

Through faith in Christ we are justified, that means declared righteous (Romans 3:28). Jesus paid for the sins of his people through his death on the cross.  He was resurrected victorious over sin, death, and the devil.  His resurrection also proves that he is God.  Those who believe in Jesus receive his righteousness, while he takes their sins on himself.  

Those who become Christians pass from death to life.  They were dead to God now they have been made alive to God.  We go to heaven even though we deserved to go to hell.  We were slaves to sin now we serve God because he set us free.  The Holy Spirit brings us to Christ and then he leads us as he dwells inside of us.  Salvation is totally the work of God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).  The glory belongs to God alone.   

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Duck Dynasty, Secularism, And Biblical Truth

Recently Phil Robertson of the popular reality show Duck Dynasty has caused quite a stir with some comments he made in an interview with GQ Magazine.  Robertson said that homosexuality is a sin.  Secular liberals went crazy after he made the comments.  

The A&E network suspended Robertson from the show for the comments.  A&E also went on to express it's support for gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgenders.  Apparently A&E embraces a vast array of sinful lifestyles.  Poor Phil Robertson was suspended from his own reality show.  This seems very unreal.  

Robertson made his comments in somewhat of a crude way but he spoke the truth.  He went on to quote from (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).  The passage says that those who practice homosexuality will not inherit the kingdom of God.  All those living sinful lifestyles are in rebellion against God.  Their way of life shows that they are spiritually dead.  The only hope for all sinners is to repent of their sins and to trust in Christ alone for salvation.  Jesus is the only way to heaven.  

Secularists are always praising themselves for being so tolerant.  But they are only tolerant until you disagree with them.  This of course is not tolerance at all.  The secularists who dominate our culture hate anyone who proclaims Biblical truth to them. In reality they hate Jesus because he shines light into their darkness and exposes their evil deeds.   

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

War On Christmas?

We hear a lot about the war on Christmas from traditionalists and the religious right.  It is definitely true that secularists want to rid the public square of Christianity.  In fact the culture in which we now live in the United States is already secular.  There is reason to be concerned about this because a culture based on secularism will not survive. 

But is a war on Christmas where our concerns should be?  What is usually celebrated on Christmas anyway?  In reality it is mostly characterized by Santa Claus, reindeer, lights, and receiving gifts.  Usually secular things are focused on even by professing Christians.  Maybe professing Christians are conducting their own war on Christmas. 

Is it really that meaningful if a retail store clerk tells us Merry Christmas?  Again what is probably being thought of is a secular version of Christmas.   If we get unbelievers to wish us a Merry Christmas but they stay on the road to hell, what kind of victory is really accomplished?  The ultimate need of people in our society is salvation.  They need to hear the Gospel message. 

Biblical illiteracy is a major problem in our culture and in the church.  We must truly teach the Bible in the churches and we must teach it to our culture.  That is the real hope for change in our society.  If people come to Christ and understand and believe the Bible they will celebrate Christ year round.  The culture would then develop a Biblical worldview which is the best for human flourishing. 

We must be concerned more about the eternal than the temporal.  After all this present world is passing away.  This world does matter and we should try to make it better but we have to realize the limitations of this world.  People need to be saved from God's wrath which comes about because of our sins.  Our priorities need to be sharing the Gospel and teaching the Bible.  We must deal with the heart of the problem and not just go around the edges. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Questions About The Birth Of Jesus

What year was Jesus born?  It was actually about 5 B.C.  When the calendar was calculated a few centuries later it was miscalculated by a few years. 

Which Herod ruled at this time?  It was Herod the Great who ruled the region under Roman authority from 37-4 B.C.  Herod the Great was ruthless, he not only had all the male children 2 years and under killed in Bethlehem and the surrounding region but also had members of his own family killed. 

Was the birth of Jesus on December 25?  It is actually unknown the Bible does not say when it was.  Some scholars have speculated it was actually in April but it could have been any time of the year. 

Do all four of the Gospels mention the birth of Jesus?  No, only two of them do (Matthew & Luke). 

What does the name Jesus mean?  It means "the LORD saves". 

What does Christ mean?  It is the same thing as Messiah.  Both of these mean "anointed one". 

Who is Jesus?  Immanuel which means "God with us" (Matthew 1:23). 

What did Jesus come to do?  He came to save his people from their sins (Matthew 1:21). 

Has Jesus always existed?  Yes, he has always existed (John 1:1).  At the birth Jesus became man in order to save people from their sins.  This is called the Incarnation by theologians.  God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit have always existed. 

Was Jesus born in a stable?  The Bible never says Jesus was born in a stable.  It has been thought to be a stable because of the manger.  Justin Martyr (around 150 A.D.) said it was actually a cave. 

Were there three Wise Men?  The Bible does not say how many Wise Men there were.  It mentions three gifts which gave rise to the belief that there were three Wise Men. 

Were the Wise Men there at the birth?  No, they actually came later, up to two years later. 

Does the Bible tell us to celebrate Christmas?  No, it actually does not.  It was not celebrated until a few centuries later.  The early church did not celebrate Christmas. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Recommended Study Bibles

ESV Study Bible
*Uses the excellent ESV translation
*Excellent team of conservative, evangelical scholarship
*Great study notes
*Presents different conservative views
*Numerous articles related to the Bible
*A library of Bible study helps

The MacArthur Study Bible
*Available in (ESV, NKJV, NASB)
*Excellent study notes
*Good overview of theology
*Many helpful articles
*I do disagree with Dispensationalism taught by MacArthur
*Overall John MacArthur one of today's finest Bible teachers
*Straightforward Biblical truth

Bill O'Reilly's "Killing Jesus"

"Killing Jesus" by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard is on the bestsellers list.  It is said to be a history and the authors state they are dealing only in known facts.  Though in places they do seem to speculate on things.  In the book O'Reilly does not defend the miracles or the resurrection of Jesus as true historical facts. 

They do use some good Biblical scholarship as sources.  The work of Darrell Bock and the book "Jesus Under Fire" are two examples.  Somewhat surprisingly O'Reilly and Dugard, both Catholics use the NIV an evangelical Bible translation. The book does provide some good background information especially on the Roman Empire and first century Jewish life. 

The book is generally favorable to historic Christianity.  But some of Bill O'Reilly's views on the Bible are problematic.  He believes much of it is to be interpreted as an allegory, not taken as literal.  In the book the miracles of Jesus are downplayed.  Though the resurrection is not defended as historic fact it does seem the authors believe it really happened. 

The book "Killing Jesus" is not a must read but it can be useful for the background information.  Those wanting to know the real, historic Jesus should read the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John). 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Lotteries, Gambling, And The Bible

Lotteries and other forms of gambling have become very popular in our modern society.  Gambling is now accepted by many as right and normal.  The majority of the states have lotteries and the trend is toward more legalized gambling.  Even many professing Christians play the lottery and gamble.  But is it really okay and right? 

Many try to justify gambling by saying we take gambles, risks, and chances elsewhere.  Insurance is sometimes given as an example.  But this misses the whole point.  Taking a risk or gamble is not necessarily wrong.  The real problems with gambling are the motives behind it and the troubles it can cause. 

(1 Timothy 6:10) "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils.  It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs." (ESV)

Gambling involves the love of money which is a root of all kinds of evils.  Greed and coveting are two motives behind gambling.  But life is not about the abundance of possessions (Luke 12:15).  It involves selfishness and wanting what others have.  Instead we should all be content with what we have (Hebrews 13:5).  Greed and coveting are not proper for Christians (Ephesians 5:3).  Gambling involves a love of possessions and materialism.  Money and possessions become false idols in people's lives. 

Lotteries end up being a tax on the poor.  Many of those playing the lottery are those who would be considered poor, the very people who can least afford it.  Money is taken from them and given to others.  With gambling, in order for there to be a winner there must also be a loser and there are many losers. 

In a sense gambling is a form of theft.  But we are commanded by God not to steal (Exodus 20:15).  It takes away money from those who were foolish enough to gamble it away.  Crime and other vices are associated with gambling as well. 

Gambling can also be highly addictive.  It can ruin people financially.  It can also ruin lives and families.  Gambling also harms the work ethic of the people.  We are to work for our money (2 Thessalonians 3:10).  Gambling promotes the opposite encouraging people to try to get something for nothing.  People should earn their money and use it wisely. 

Gambling promotes the opposite of the teaching of Jesus.  We are to love God (Matthew 22:37), gambling encourages love of money and possessions instead.  We are to love our neighbor as our self (Matthew 22:39), but gambling promotes taking advantage of others.  It violates the golden rule as well (Luke 6:31).

In conclusion gambling is harmful and wrong.  It causes many problems and encourages selfishness, greed, and idolatry.  People and especially Christians should not gamble. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Why Do They Hate Jesus?

People hating Jesus may sound shocking but it is reality.  All people who are spiritually dead and still in their sins actually hate him.  It includes not only Satanists and atheists but all non Christians as well.  When I say they hate Jesus I mean the real Jesus, the one of the Bible, not their own personal Jesus they have made up.  Some who claim to believe in Jesus are false Christians.

(John 3:19) "And this is the judgment:  the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil."  (ESV)

People desire to be comfortable in their sins.  They want to remain in the darkness.  But Jesus shines light into the darkness exposing their evil deeds.  He confronts them with their sinfulness and guilt before God.  He makes them face the reality that they face the wrath and judgment of God (John 3:36).  The world hates Jesus and his followers as well.  If they hate the Son they hate the Father as well (John 15:18-25).  Christians should not be surprised when they face persecution in this world. 

This hatred of Jesus can be seen when people use his name as a curse word.  It is common in movies and in much pagan conversation.  Have you ever wondered why they use the name of Jesus as a curse word but not the name of Mohammad, Buddha, or Joseph Smith?  The others are nothing more than false prophets.  Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God (John 20:31).  He makes people face truth and reality and those dead in their sins hate him for it.  This is also why the mention of the name Jesus in a reverent way causes many to be uncomfortable.  It is why many do not want his name mentioned in the public square. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Socialists At Work

The socialistic program known as Obamacare has been rolled out.  The roll out has been a disaster.  The Obama administration has had three years to get ready for it and they still could not get the website ready. 

If the government cannot even get the website ready, how are they going to run the health care system?  This shows the ineptitude of government trying to do things it has no business doing.  The future of health care looks very frightening. 

Also a funny thing happened on the way to implementation.  It seems many people may not be able to keep their current health care plan.  This after they were promised by President Obama that they could keep their plan if they wanted to.  It also seems that Obamacare may discourage marriage because in some cases it is more affordable for people who are not married.  If you destroy marriage, you destroy the family, and if you destroy the family you destroy society. 

Socialism does not work and it never will.  It does not help the poor as it pretends to, but enriches those who are in power.  As U2 singer Bono has said capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than any government aid ever will.  It has been said that capitalism is the unequal distribution of wealth and socialism is the equal distribution of poverty.  The government should defend the country, maintain order in society, promote justice, and then leave us alone. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

One Nation Under God?

We often hear the phrase one nation under God, it is even in our pledge of allegiance.  But is America really one nation under God? 

First, what do Americans believe about God?  We live in a pluralistic society with many different beliefs.  A majority of the American people profess a belief in Christianity.  But there are many other religions that are adhered to by many people. 

Christianity believes in a different God than all other religions do.  It holds to a triune God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).  Therefore if Christianity is true then all other religions are necessarily false.  Some Americans believe in more than one god and some even belief we are god.  And of course atheists believe there is no God.  The nation does not believe in the same God. 

Do Americans live as one nation under God?  A majority of the people profess to be Christians but most are really not.  Many of them hold beliefs that are not in line with the Bible.  The majority of Americans do not live for God, they live for themselves.  You can just look at our pop culture and see that God is not honored.  In fact he is often mocked in movies, television, and music.  Many Americans believe in a god of their own imagination who just approves of whatever they do.

In reality most Americans are in rebellion against God.  They do not honor and worship him.  Honoring the one, true God is seen as abnormal in the public square.  God seems to be unwelcome in the schools, in workplaces, at social gatherings, and in the political arena.  We are clearly not one nation under the one, true God of the Bible. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A Biblical View Of Marriage And Divorce

(A Look At Matthew 19:1-12)

(1-3) In this passage Jesus is in Judea beyond the Jordan, probably Perea.  There some Pharisees test him by asking him if it is okay for a man to divorce his wife for any reason.  There were two schools of thought on the matter of divorce.  There was the school of Shammai which believed divorce was only allowed for sexual immorality.  There was also the school of Hillel which thought that divorce should be allowed for basically any reason. 

(Matthew 19:4-6) "He answered, Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh?  So they are no longer two but one flesh.  What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate." (ESV)

(4-6) In his response Jesus quotes Genesis 1:27, 2:24.  Jesus speaks of it as the very words of God, affirming the Old Testament as the literal word of God.  In these verses he says God made them male and female.  This is an obvious rejection of homosexual marriage.  A man is to leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife.  The two become one, including sexually and they now form one unit.  They now form a new family and the marriage relationship becomes the most important human relationship.  A husband and wife are to put one another above all others.  In these verses Jesus shows that God's original intent was for marriage to be a life long bond without divorce. 

(7-9) Then the Pharisees ask Jesus why Moses allowed divorce (Deuteronomy 24:1).  Jesus tells them it was because of the hardness of their hearts.  He says that this was not so from the beginning, divorce was not the original intent by God.  Jesus then says that if a man divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality and marries another he commits adultery.  Jesus in this passage gives sexual immorality as the only exception allowing for divorce.  Sexual immorality includes all sex outside of marriage.  

(10-12) The disciples react to what Jesus has just said by saying it is better not marry.  Jesus says that remaining unmarried is not for everyone.  It is only for eunuchs, those unable to have sexual relations and those living a voluntary life of celibacy.  The disciples overreacted in their response but they did grasp how serious marriage really is.  

We can see from this passage that marriage is serious business.  It is intended to be a life long bond.  It is a life long commitment to each other and to God.  In Matthew 19, sexual immorality is given as the only reason for divorce.  There is one other Biblical exception, that being desertion (1 Corinthians 7:15).  This passage refers to an unbeliever who refuses to stay with a believer.  But even in cases of sexual immorality it is best to reconcile if at all possible.  

Divorce destroys families and is particularly devastating to children.  It tears apart what God has brought together.  We fell out of love or we just don't get along anymore, are not valid reasons for divorce.  People need to figure out what true love really is (1 Corinthians 13:4-7).  It is patient, kind, forgiving, and puts the other person above yourself.  Love is more than just a feeling.  People often talk of being "in love" but this is not sufficient grounds for sustaining a marriage.  Being in love is an emotional feeling that will not be sustained.  There will be times when your feelings for the other person are strong and other times when your feelings are not as strong.  Love does involve the emotions but it is also a decision a person makes.  True love involves commitment through good times and bad times.  Jesus instructed his followers to even love their enemies.  No person is going to have feelings of love for his enemies.  This shows that love is much more than feelings, it is a decision you make to be committed to the other person.  

So what about those who have already gotten divorced for illegitimate reasons and have remarried?  In this case the second marriage did start as adultery, but it is an actual marriage and does not continue to be adultery.  Those who are in this situation need to seek forgiveness for their past sins through Christ.  And they need to make their current marriage a life long bond.    

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

What About Global Warming?

We are told that global warming is a fact and it is caused by man.  We are told that it is a scientific consensus and anyone who disagrees is belittled and ridiculed.  Global warming is proclaimed as fact by academia, the news media, and the political class.  Earth is in the balance, the great prophet Al Gore has spoken, there will be no questioning. 

As recently as the 1970's we were being told to worry about global cooling.  We were warned of the coming ice age.  Then a short time later the very same people were warning us about global warming.  Now they have just decided to call it climate change.  You know you are in trouble when you have to keep changing the name of your movement.  In the last 15 years there has been no warming at all.  This has to be an irritating fact for the global warming advocates.  In fact much of the work done by global warming advocates has been brought into question.  Many of their "facts" may not have been facts after all. 

There is a political agenda associated with the global warming movement.  Many in the movement want government in control of everything.  Many of the leaders in the movement are actually socialists and communists.  This agenda is pushed by the United Nations as well.  Anything being pushed by the U.N. should raise a red flag.  They want to control people because government knows best.  To be able to enforce their agenda, a one world government would probably be necessary. 

There is a religious component to the movement as well.  Many in the movement worship the earth or creation and do not recognize the Creator himself.  The secularist, global warming advocates seem to think humans are in control of things and God is not.  Unfortunately some evangelicals have bought into the movement as well.  They have taken their focus off of the gospel and put it into this secular movement.

The global warming movement is based on a secular worldview and not a Christian worldview.  God is in control and humanity is not.  It is the height of arrogance to think that man can destroy the creation himself.  It is natural for the climate to change over periods of time.  Man has little if anything to do with the change in climate.  The proposed solutions by the global warming advocates will harm the economy and hurt the poor and needy.  The people pushing the global warming agenda should bring the whole thing into question. 

(Genesis 8:22) "While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease."  (ESV)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Truth Suppressors

Many people today deny the God of the Bible such as atheists, secularists, and those who hold to false religions.  But they do not lack evidence, that it is not the problem.  All people have knowledge of God or a sense of the divine.  The one true God is plainly revealed to all people. 

The Bible says people by their unrighteousness suppress the truth (Romans 1:18).  They do not want to face the reality of their sin and be held accountable by the God who is there.  God has plainly revealed himself in creation.  His invisible attributes, namely his eternal power and divine nature are clearly revealed in creation. Because of this people are without excuse (Romans 1:19-20).  They know God but do not honor him as God.  Therefore their thinking becomes futile and their foolish hearts are darkened.  Claiming to be wise they have become fools.  They have exchanged the truth about God for a lie.  (Romans 1:21-25). 

The real reason for atheism and secularism is suppression of the truth.  People have the knowledge of God.  We are all created in his image.  All people have a sense of right and wrong as well.  In order for right and wrong to exist, God must exist.  The creation itself testifies to the Creator.  A building must have a builder, a painting must have a painter, and creation must have a Creator.  The  reason for atheism is that people do not want to submit to God.  They want to do their own thing and be their own god.  They do not want to be confronted with the reality of their sin which brings about judgment from God. 

It is not only atheists who suppress the truth but also those who hold to false religions.  Christianity is the one true religion therefore all other religions are false.  Religions such as Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism all distort and twist the truth about God. Groups like the Mormons and the Jehovah's Witnesses also pervert the truth about God.  They have suppressed the truth and created a false god or gods for themselves.  They have exchanged the truth about God for a lie.  They refuse to recognize the one true, triune God of the Bible (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).   

Monday, October 7, 2013

Here In Babylon

America has become a godless society in recent times.  Around 90 percent of the people say they believe in God, but most do not believe in the God of the Bible.  Many of those claiming to be Christians are really not.  They do not truly follow Jesus.  In modern America the one true God is not honored.  Everyone does what is right in his own eyes (Judges 21:25). 

Almost everywhere you turn our society is godless or pagan.  An easy place to see this is in the pop culture.  Television, movies, and music offer a flood of debauchery.  Immorality, profanity, graphic violence, and blasphemy are glorified and seen as normal.  The pop culture has a great influence on our society and it is often for the worst. 

Also our education system generally presents a godless perspective.  Secularism or atheism is basically assumed there.  Things like evolution, and moral relativism are taught in our schools.  Our young people are taught that they were not created by God and that there is no absolute truth.  Not surprisingly many young people live a godless lifestyle.  They are only concerned about the party scene where drunkenness and immorality abound. 

Our political system seems to promote all the wrong things.  Abortion, homosexual marriage, and government dependence are all pushed by our government.  These lead to a lack of respect for life, the destruction of the family, and a lack of personal responsibility.  Government is seen as the answer to all our problems and it becomes a false god.  Freedom of religion and freedom of speech seem to be becoming more restricted as well.  The news media supports secular liberal views and has an extreme bias against conservative Christians.  The political system and the news media work together to help shape a godless society. 

But America will be judged by God for it's sinfulness and rebellion against him.  So is it too late for America?  Maybe it is, I am not optimistic about it.  But it is possible that God could still reform the church and bring about a great revival.  Christians must teach and proclaim the truth of the Bible.  We must regain our confidence in the Bible as sufficient, the literal Word of God. 

Monday, September 30, 2013

Heaven, Hell, And Life After Death

First of all who will go to heaven?  Do all roads lead to heaven?  Are all religions paths to heaven?  Do most people deserve to go there?  Actually Jesus is the only way to heaven (John 14:6, Acts 4:12).  All other roads lead to hell.  Christianity is the only true religion and all others are false religions.  People are not basically good and do not deserve to go to heaven (Romans 3:10, 3:23, Ephesians 2:8-9). 

In order to get to heaven a person must believe that Jesus is the Christ or Messiah and the Son of God.  People are saved from their sins by the life, death, and resurrection of Christ.  People must repent of their sins and trust Jesus for their salvation. 

So what happens when believers die?  Do they go to heaven immediately or is there soul sleep?  Actually they go to heaven to be with the Lord immediately (Luke 23:43, Philippians 1:21-23).  The body dies but the soul goes to heaven.  This is a temporary heaven where souls experience blessing.  Those who reject Christ go to a temporary hell where they experience torment (Luke 16:19-31). 

At the second coming of Christ the dead in Christ will rise first and then those who are alive when he returns will be transformed (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18).  Believers will receive resurrection bodies that will be perfect and no longer sinful (1 Corinthians 15, Philippians 3:20-21).  Then Christ will reign with resurrected believers during the millennium on this earth (Revelation 20:1-6).  After the millennial reign the devil will be thrown into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:7-10). 

Then there is the judgment (Revelation 20:11-15).  Believers and unbelievers will both be at the judgment.  Unbelievers will be thrown into the lake of fire or hell and will spend eternity there.  In hell they will face God's wrath.  Believers will be at the new heaven and new earth (Revelation 21-22).  Heaven and earth will be joined together.  Believers will spend eternity there with God.  There will be no more pain, suffering, or sorrow.  Sin, death, and evil will be eliminated. 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Should We Embrace Libertarianism?

There has been a recent surge in the popularity of libertarianism in America.  With the rise of the Tea Party, Ron Paul, and Rand Paul libertarianism has come to the forefront of American politics.  So is this political movement good or bad? 

The libertarian emphasis on limited government is definitely a good thing.  People cannot be trusted with too much power.  A large, intrusive government tends to become a false god also.  The emphasis on our rights and our privacy are also good things.  The stand for freedom of religion and freedom of speech are strong elements of libertarianism as well. 

The libertarian advocacy of free market economics is also to be admired.  Capitalism has done more to lift people out of poverty than any government aid ever has.  We need good fiscal policy.  Low taxes and low spending lead to our staying out of debt.  They also lead to a prosperous economy.  Our monetary policy should be solid too.  We need to have sound money and a limit on the printing of money.  A return to the gold standard and eliminating the Federal Reserve are worth considering. 

So what about foreign policy?  We should have a more restrained foreign policy.  We should also have a wiser use of our military.  The United States cannot be the world's policemen.  Some libertarians are too isolationist but I think we should at least move more in that direction. 

And what about the social issues?  I do not agree with the legalization of drugs, prostitution, and gambling.  With legalization you get more of the activity  and these things are harmful to society.  Also I oppose legalized abortion.  One thing government should do is protect innocent life.  I oppose same sex marriage as well.  Marriage receives it's definition from God who is a much greater authority than the government.  The government has no authority to redefine marriage. 

We should be advocates for liberty but it needs to be an ordered liberty.  Freedom requires virtue and for that we need to have a Biblical worldview in place.  I cannot advocate an Ayn Rand, pure libertarianism.  However I do advocate a conservative libertarianism. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Two Kinds Of People

There are two kinds of people in the world.  We often divide them into groups such as secularists/traditionalists, liberals/conservatives, or Democrats/Republicans.  But these categories do not get to the ultimate dividing point.  People are ultimately divided into believers and unbelievers. 

So who are the unbelievers?  Unbelievers include all who reject the Jesus of the Bible and the Bible itself.  This category includes more people than you might think.  It not only includes atheists and secularists but others also.  Other unbelievers include Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Muslims, adherents of Judaism, Hindus, Buddhists, New Agers, Scientologists, and many more. 

If Christianity is true then all other religions and worldviews are necessarily false.  All religions are not true and all paths do not lead to heaven.  Jesus the Messiah, the only Son of God, is the only way to heaven.  All unbelievers are dead in their sins, spiritually dead, and on the road to hell. 

Included in the believers category are all true Christians.  All true believers believe in the Trinity.  God is three persons of one essence (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).  Christians believe Jesus is the Messiah, the only Son of God.  They also believe that the Bible is the Word of God.  Believers have been made spiritually alive, have been saved from their sins, and are on the road to heaven.  Christians believe that Jesus died on the cross to pay for their sins.  They also believe he was resurrected, victorious over sin and death.  The resurrection also proves that he is God. 

The evidence for the existence of the God of the Bible is there for everyone.  The creation itself testifies to his existence.  All people have a sense of the divine.  But unbelievers suppress the truth and reject the one, true God.  Unbelievers create other gods for themselves because they do not want to submit to the God who is there. 

Monday, September 9, 2013

It's All About Me

We have become a nation of narcissists and hedonists.  (Narcissism means to have an abnormal self love and hedonism is the worship of pleasure).  We Americans are so in love with ourselves.  It is all about us and nothing else.  The self is the greatest concern and the greatest authority.  We care only about our own ease and convenience.  Self denial and delayed gratification are foreign concepts to many of us. 

We can see narcissism with smart phones, Facebook, and twitter.  Many people are addicted to their cell phones.  They take it with them everywhere they go.  Often they cannot even talk with the people they are around because they are to busy with their smart phones.  We constantly have to text people because what we have to say is so important.  Many also must post everything about them on Facebook.  After all everyone wants to know everything about us.  And of course every thought and every move we make must be put on twitter. 

We can see hedonism in the rampant sexual immorality, greed, love of money, and the party scene in our society.  Our
immoral culture seeks sexual pleasure with whoever and however it wants.  If the self is the ultimate authority then no one can tell you what to do.  Hedonism is also seen in the love of money and things in our society.  If we just accumulate more money and more things we will be so happy.  We just have to get the latest this or the latest that.  You won't have to even pay for it, you can just put it on the credit card.  Many also seek fulfillment in the party lifestyle.  They think they will find salvation in alcohol and drugs. 

All of this results from a society that has rejected God.  People are trying to be their own god.  They are trying to find meaning, purpose, and love without God.  But meaning, purpose, and love are found only in the God who is there.  People are searching in all the wrong places. 

In our obsession with ourselves we have actually lost ourselves.  If you don't know who God is then you don't know who you are.  True happiness and fulfillment are found only in him.  With our loss of restraint we have lost our dignity and respect for ourselves and others.  Immorality, greed, and debauchery are just cheap substitutes for the contentment and joy found in God. 

It is not all about us, it is all about God.  Only when we accept that God is God and we are not will we be able to live our lives correctly. We will no longer try to find our importance in ourselves. We were meant to live of God.

Our purpose is to glorify God and enjoy him forever.  The salvation we need is found only in Jesus Christ.  A life not lived for God is a wasted life. 

(Ecclesiastes 12:13) "The end of the matter; all has been heard.  Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man." (ESV)

Monday, September 2, 2013

The Truth Will Set You Free

The truth will set you free is often quoted, but not in context.  So let's take a look at it in it's proper context.

(John 8:31-32) "So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."  (ESV)

To abide means to remain or to hold steadfast to something.  A disciple is a learner and a follower.  If we continue to trust and obey Jesus it is a sign that we are a disciple of his.  Holding to the teaching of Scripture is also a sign of being a true disciple of Jesus.  A disciple accepts the facts that Jesus is the Messiah and the Son of God.  He also accepts the teaching of Jesus and continues in obedience and trust. 

True disciples of Jesus know the truth and are set free. They are set free from the practice and guilt of sin (John 8:34-36).  Practicing sin is no longer a way of life.  We are no longer in bondage to sin, we are no longer characterized by sinful living.  Christians do still commit sins but they no longer practice a sinful lifestyle. 

Christians are now free to live for God and to fulfill their ultimate purpose.  True disciples are also set free from demonic influence.  They are no longer children of the devil, but are children of God (John 8:44).  True disciples continue to believe and hold to the truth of the Bible.  When one accepts the teaching of the Bible he will know the truth and reality. 

We hear a lot of talk about freedom in our time.  But much of the so called freedom only leads to bondage.  True freedom is found only in Jesus.  Christians are freed from sin and falsehood.   We now know the truth and live for God. 

(John 8:36) "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." (ESV)

Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Battle For America

There are two basic worldviews competing in modern America.  They are the Christian worldview and the secular worldview.  The gulf between the two perspectives is enormous.  They have very different views on society, culture, marriage, and the family.  Also this divide goes much deeper than politics. 

First, the Christian worldview sees God as the ultimate authority and the Bible as his Word.  Man is to submit to God and obey him.  In the Christian worldview there is absolute truth and there is right and wrong.  Man was created by God and made in his image.  It also see man as sinful not basically good.  The sinfulness of man is the reason for limited government and the system of checks and balances in the U.S. Constitution.  A Biblical worldview is need for the Constitution and our government to function.  The Christian worldview also sees marriage as between on man and one woman.  And the family as created by God is the basic unit of society. 

In contrast the secular worldview sees man as the center of all things.  Man is the ultimate authority and not God in this view.  Secularists hold to evolution instead of creation by God.  They view man as basically good and think that progress is inevitable.  They think man can accomplish anything he wants.  Secularism holds that there is no ultimate truth or right and wrong.  They see the Christian worldview, U.S. Constitution, and traditional America as the problem.  They seek to keep the Christian worldview out of the public square.  Secularists also seek to redefine marriage and the family.  They hope to create a dramatically different society. 

In reality the secular worldview has become the established religion of the United States.  It dominates the public square.  Secularism reigns in the government, media, pop culture, universities, schools, and the workplace.  Secularism is accepted as normal in modern American life.  It is the way most Americans live, even many professing Christians. 

But can a secular worldview sustain the American republic?  In my view the answer is no.  It will collapse with a secular foundation.  So what is our hope?  Electing the right politicians and returning to the Constitution is not enough.  The Constitution requires a Biblical worldview to support it.  Our problems are much deeper than politics.  Our problems are moral and spiritual.  We could be past the point of no return, I don't know.  Our only hope is for a great revival.  The people must turn to God and honor him.   If this happens even unbelievers will be influenced by it. 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Does John 3:16 Disprove Calvinism?

(John 3:16) "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." (ESV)

This verse if often cited by opponents of Calvinism as if it somehow disproves Calvinism.  I am astonished that so many Arminians think this. 

The word world does not refer to every single person in the world, but even if it did it would not disprove Calvinism.  To hear that God so loved the world would have been somewhat of a shocking statement for 1st century Jews.  The term world includes Gentiles as well as Jews. 

Arminians also seem to think that the phrase "whoever believes" somehow disproves the Reformed view.  But this could not be further from the truth.  No Reformed evangelical disagrees with the statement that whoever believes will be saved.  Calvinists agree whole heartily with what John 3:16 says. 

John 3:16 is basically just a summary of the gospel.  It does not say who will believe or why people will come to Christ.  John 3:3 tells us that one must be born again to see the kingdom of God.  John 6:37,6:44,6:65 all tell us who and why people will come to Jesus. 

Using this verse to try to disprove Calvinism is definitely an overreach by Arminians.  They try to make it say things it does not say.  Also they often distort the actual teachings of Reformed theology.  All true Christians agree that whoever believes in Jesus will have eternal life.  Those who reject Jesus will perish at the judgment and spend eternity in hell. 

Monday, August 12, 2013

Unity Where Possible, Truth At All Costs

"Unity where possible, truth at all costs" is a quote from Martin Luther (1483-1546).  Luther led the Protestant Reformation which was a recovery of Biblical truth.  Those of us today would do well to emulate Martin Luther in many ways.  We need men like Luther who are willing to stand for the truth no matter what the costs. 

Unfortunately in the modern church and society most are not willing to stand for the truth.  They just seek to get along and view the truth as unimportant.  Many are just concerned about their own comfort and convenience.  Their are even those who deny the existence of truth as well as the existence of right and wrong. 

Many are unwilling to speak the truth in the public square.  Many people, even many Christians are unwilling to take a stand against homosexuality.  Some think as long as Christians are allowed to preach the gospel we should keep quiet about controversial issues.  But the gospel may be the most controversial issue of all.  It will only be a matter of time before they will try to stop it as well. 

People must be confronted with the reality of their sin and their need of a savior.  Unpopular truths must be proclaimed.  Society must be told that Jesus is the only way to heaven.  We must tell the culture that Christianity is true and all other religions are false.  We must tell them that God created the world and everything in it.  Christians must teach that the Biblical creation account is true and evolution is false.  We must be willing to accept the costs of proclaiming the truth though.  It will make us unpopular.  We will also face ridicule and persecution. 

The truth has fallen on hard times even in the church.  Many are more worried about unity than they are about the truth.  For example Biblical Christians cannot be united with Roman Catholics, Mormons, the Emergent church, or those who hold to liberal theology.  Our ultimate concern must be the truth.  After all Jesus is the truth (John 14:6).  We must speak the truth with love though.  Our reason for proclaiming the truth should be love of people and love of God. 

Those speaking the truth these days are often called judgmental.  The modern church is worried about offending people.  It should be worried about offending God.  Jesus and the apostles often offended people with the truth.  Unity is a good thing but it must be unity in the truth.  Unity for the sake of unity is no good. 

Monday, August 5, 2013

Is Love All You Need?

The Beatles told us all you need is love and asked if we had heard the word is love.  For the Beatles and the 1960's counter culture love became a god.  When you reject the one, true God you will always have to find a substitute.  Love is a wonderful thing but it can't substitute for God himself.  God is love but love is not God.  Love is actually one of the characteristics of God.  By the way, actually the Word is Jesus (John 1:1). 

Many people today believe in a god who just loves them and approves of whatever they do.  Of course this is love as defined by them.  Their god doesn't judge or make any demands of them.  There is no moral code for them to follow.  There god wouldn't send people to hell or display wrath, and sin is no big deal.   They are right in saying their god wouldn't do these things because he couldn't.  He could not do these things because he does not exist.  Their god is made up by them.  In reality they are trying to be their own god. 

In the modern church many only want to talk about the love of God.  They do not want to offend people, they only want to please them.  True love for God and people means we must speak the truth.  People must be told of the reality of their sin and that it incurs the wrath of God.  God must be presented as he really is.  He is sovereign, holy, majestic, supreme, and a judge.  He is loving and merciful as well but we must have a complete view of God.  We must accept God as he has revealed himself to us in the Bible.  God showed his love for us most of all when he sent Christ to save his people from their sins. 

Monday, July 29, 2013

In Defense Of Calvinism

I agree with Charles Spurgeon who said that Calvinism is just a nickname for Biblical Christianity.  Calvinism is also known as Reformed theology.  It has it's roots in the Protestant Reformation, which was basically a recovery of Biblical Christianity.  Reformed theology is really the classic Protestant position.  Unfortunately many modern evangelicals reject it, leaning toward Arminianism.  Words like predestination, chosen, and the elect cause many to freak out. 

The typical description of Calvinism goes something like this.  God drags some people kicking and screaming to salvation against their will, while rejecting others who want to be saved.  God is unfair and man has no free will, makes no actual choices, and is just a mere puppet.  Evangelism is destroyed as well.  And this was all made up by a terrible monster named John Calvin.  There is just one problem with this description, it is not Calvinism. 

In the Reformed view no one is forced to be saved against his will and no one who truly believes is rejected.  Calvinism teaches that people are dead in their sins and cannot respond to God.  This is sometimes called the bondage of the will.  People who are dead in their sins have no desire or inclination for God.  Jonathan Edwards pointed out that people choose what they most desire.  When people are dead in their sins they will never choose God because they have no desire for him.  Their will is in bondage to sin.  They make real choices but the choices are never for God.  Dead men can't make themselves alive so they must be made alive by God.  When they are made alive by God or born again, they will respond to God.  When we go from being spiritually dead to being spiritually alive, Jesus becomes irresistible to us. 

The Reformed view is also seen as unfair.  It just does not seem fair that some are chosen and predestined for salvation while others are not.  Behind this objection is the belief that we really deserve to go to heaven.  God actually owes it to us.  But this is not the case at all.  All people have sinned against God and deserve to face his wrath in hell for eternity.  If everyone got what they deserved, it would mean that everyone would go to hell.  God has the right to decree that some will receive salvation and others will not because he is God.  Salvation is totally by God's grace.  

Evangelism is not destroyed by Calvinism either.  Evangelism is the means God uses to bring his people to himself.  The elect are unknown so the gospel is proclaimed to all.  Only those chosen by God will respond with faith in Christ.  In the Reformed view God actually saves his people, he doesn't just make it possible.  In the Reformed view salvation is of the Lord, not dependent on man.  Some well known evangelists who were also Calvinists include:  Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield (prominent figures in the Great Awakening), Charles Spurgeon (the Prince of Preachers), and William Carey (considered the father of modern missions). 

Calvinism was also not made up by John Calvin and he was not a monster either.  R.C. Sproul points out that Martin Luther wrote more about predestination than John Calvin did.  One should read Luther's "The Bondage of the Will".  It was also the theology of the church father, Augustine.  And most importantly Reformed theology is taught throughout the Bible.  I do not know how anyone can read passages such as Romans 9 and Ephesians 1&2 and not adopt the Reformed view. 

The Arminian view has many problems itself.  In trying to save the freedom of man it actually limits the freedom of God.  It ends up denying his sovereignty.  If God is not sovereign he is not God.  Arminianism makes salvation dependent on man instead of God.  That adds works to salvation and it is no longer by grace.  God ends up sharing the glory with man in this view.  In the Arminian view Jesus doesn't actually save people he just makes it possible for them to be saved.  It ultimately depends on their decision.  The Arminian view also teaches that Jesus paid for the sins of all people.  This would mean universal salvation because no one would still have to pay the penalty for their sins if Jesus had already paid for them.  Another problem for Arminianism is that it has God trying to save all people but not succeeding.  The Bible clearly teaches that God does not fail, his will is never thwarted. 

Calvinism is rejected by many because it takes the control away from us.  It teaches that God is in control he is sovereign.  In the Reformed view it is to God alone be the glory.  Man does not get to share the glory.  This is not what we want to believe it goes against our natural human reason.  It has been said that all Christians are Calvinists when they pray and this is true.  Reformed theology is indeed Biblical Christianity. 

As John Calvin said, "Since no man is excluded from calling upon God the gate of salvation is open to all.  There is nothing else to hinder us from entering, but our own unbelief." 

Monday, July 22, 2013

On The Cover Of The Rolling Stone

Rolling Stone magazine has put the picture of the younger Boston Marathon bomber on it's cover.  The magazine cover glamorizes him like a rock star.  But he is a terrorist and murderer.  Rolling Stone actually romanticizes an Islamic jihadist.  Islamists themselves are probably laughing at us and thinking we are incredibly stupid. 

Many people are outraged by this cover even many liberals.  Think of how this makes those who lost loved ones and those who suffered injuries feel.  The magazine says that he was failed by his family.  We are supposed to take a sympathetic view of him and feel sorry for him.  I feel sorry for those people he murdered and injured.  Rolling Stone should be ashamed of itself.  They should rename their magazine Rolling Stain.

In modern America some leftists do seem sympathetic to Islamic jihadists.  This is a strange alliance though, maybe it is because they share common enemies.  They both hate traditional America, capitalism, and the Judeo-Christian heritage. 

Secularists/leftists have trouble defining evil.  Even the most obvious evils seem to allude them.  This happens with the rejection of Biblical revelation.  Rolling Stone is a leftist magazine that rejects Biblical truth. And the rejection of Biblical truth is a rejection of the God who is there.  Rolling Stone regularly makes rock stars and pop culture figures appear as gods.  Now they have even done this with a murderer and terrorist.  With the rejection of the one true God comes a loss of the sense of right and wrong.  Unclear thinking results and the whole world is turned upside down.   

Monday, July 15, 2013

Grace Alone, Faith Alone

(Ephesians 2:8-9) "For by grace you have been saved through faith.  And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast."  (ESV)

We are saved by grace through faith, not by works.  Most evangelicals would agree with this statement but do they really hold to it?

Grace refers to God's unmerited favor on sinners.  While faith consists of knowledge, belief, and trust in Christ.  Grace and faith are both gifts from God. 

(Ephesians 2:1-5) tells us that we were dead in our sins and had to be made alive by God.  When we were dead in our sins we were unable to respond to God and had no inclination for him.  Our will was in bondage to sin.  Christians had to be made alive before they could believe.  In other words you must be born again before you can believe.  This is actually the opposite of what many modern evangelicals believe.  They say that you must believe in order to make yourself alive or born again. 

It is hard to see how one who is dead in sin could make himself alive.  The passage obviously teaches that God must make a person alive before he can respond in faith.  After a person is made spiritually alive he will respond in faith alone to obtain salvation.  It is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone that a person is saved.  It is not achieved through works but is totally the work of God.  No one can earn salvation because all have sinned against God and only deserve to face his wrath.  We are only saved from his wrath by the blood of Christ.  It is important to note that while we are not saved by our works, saving faith does produce good works (Ephesians 2:10). 

So salvation is by grace through faith totally a gift of God.  If salvation was dependent on the work or decision of a person it would no longer be by grace.  If the decision of a person was the final determiner of salvation then their would be room for boasting.  Unfortunately many evangelicals actually make salvation seem to be God and man working together.  But in reality it is the work of God alone.  Since it is grace alone and faith alone, and these are gifts from God, it is to God alone be the glory. 

Monday, July 8, 2013

The Separation Of Church And State

The 1st amendment of the U.S. Constitution says, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"...

We notice that the words separation of church and state are not in the Constitution.  In a certain sense there should be a separation of the church and the state.  Each should operate in it's proper sphere.  The church should not control the government and the government should not control the church. 

But the 1st amendment was written mainly to protect religion from the government.  While it prohibits Congress from establishing a religion, the individual states actually could establish their own religion.  In fact some did have established religions into the 1800's after the Constitution was written.  I do not think an established religion is a good thing but it is still constitutional for the states to do so. 

The 1st amendment also guarantees the free exercise of religion.  This concept seems to be lost on many modern secularists and liberals.  In our modern society secularists/atheists have tried to eliminate religion (that is Christianity) from the public square.  By doing this they are violating the Constitution.  In fact the founders of our country expected there to be a Christian influence on the government. 

The real agenda of secular liberals is to impose their belief system or shall we say religion on the rest of us.  They want to eliminate the Christian influence from our society.  They actually do not like Jesus because he shines light into their darkness. 
Secularists do not want any judgments made about them and their lifestyles.  They wish to remain comfortable in their sin. 

Secular liberals always talk about tolerance but they are only tolerant of those who agree with them.  In reality they are actually intolerant.  Under the guise of tolerance they seek to have secularism/atheism reign in our society. 

But our Constitutional Republic cannot be maintained without it's Biblical foundation.  Freedom requires the existence of virtue among the people.  And virtue can only exist with a Biblical foundation. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Stephen, The First Christian Martyr

We find Stephen in the Book of Acts (6:1-8:3).  The events recorded in the Bible about Stephen took place around A.D. 34. 

There arose a problem in the Jerusalem church concerning the Hellenists widows.  It seems the Hellenists widows were being neglected in the daily distribution, a provision for the poor.  The Hellenists were Greek speaking Jews who lived outside of Palestine.  While the Hebrews lived in Palestine and primarily spoke Aramaic.  The language barrier may have been a reason for the neglect of the Hellenists widows. 

The apostles then had the disciples select seven men from among them to take care of this duty so they could focus on prayer and the ministry of the Word. They were to be men of good repute, full of the Spirit and wisdom.  Most notable among the seven were Stephen and Philip the evangelist.  Some interpreters see the seven as the first deacons but the text never refers to them as deacons.  Stephen himself helped the needy but it seems he primarily focused on the ministry of the Word. 

Stephen was a Hellenist (Greek speaking Jew), and was said to be full of grace, power, wisdom, and the Holy Spirit.  He preached Christ in the Greek speaking synagogues.  There arose some who disputed with Stephen but they could not withstand the wisdom and the Spirit by which he spoke.  They accused him of blasphemy and brought him before the council or Sanhedrin.  They had false witnesses testify that he spoke against the temple and the law, saying Jesus would destroy the temple and the customs from Moses. 

As Stephen was before the Sanhedrin his face appeared like the face of an angel.  It showed the brightness of the glory of God.  Stephen then made a speech before the council in which he mad his defense.  In the speech he gave an overview of Old Testament history.  He focused on the patriarchs, Moses, and the continued apostasy of Israel.  Stephen turned the argument around on the Jewish leaders.  He showed that they were the ones who were disobeying and rejecting God.  The Israelites constantly rejected the leaders and prophets God sent them.  In the speech Stephen also showed that the temple cannot contain God.  It was also to be temporary until the time of Christ.  Stephen closed his speech calling them a stiff necked people who resist the Holy Spirit.  He accused them of killing the prophets and told them they had now betrayed and murdered Jesus, the Messiah. 

On hearing these things the Jewish leaders were enraged.  But Stephen looked to heaven and saw Jesus standing at the right hand of God.  They then took him out of the city to stone him.  Stephen's final words were "Lord Jesus receive my spirit" and "Lord do not hold this sin against them".  After this persecution broke out against the Jerusalem church and the disciples were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria.  The gospel had begun to be taken to the ends of the earth. 

As Stephen was being stoned a man name Saul also known as Paul was there giving his approval.  Stephen's witness had a great effect on Paul (Acts 22:20).  This persecutor of the church would soon become a Christian himself.  Paul would go on to become a great apostle and wrote 13 books of the New Testament  lead by the Holy Spirit. 

Where are the men like Stephen in the church today?  There do not seem to be many with the boldness and devotion he showed.  His speech would be considered harsh by many modern American Christians.  But he was correct in what he said because he was full of the Holy Spirit as he spoke.  We need men who are willing to boldly speak the truth and who are willing to die for the cause of Christ. 

Monday, June 24, 2013

The Sad State Of Pop Culture

So what do you listen to, watch, and read?  Music, television, movies, and books all influence people and shape the culture.  It is important that we understand pop culture and the influence it has on us.

Unfortunately much of modern pop culture is nothing more than a flood of debauchery.  It is filled with immorality, profanity, blasphemy, lack of dignity, and lack of respect for authority of any kind.  It is also characterized by being shallow and not serious.  It is a window into a society that is in rebellion against God. 

We should be aware that all forms of pop culture present their own worldview.  It is usually an anti-Christian worldview that is put forth in what we watch, listen to, and read.  God is often assumed not to exist or is mocked. 

The worldview of modern pop culture can be placed in three categories.  First there is an overarching secularism.  It puts man as the center of everything and allows him to pretend to be his own god.  Secularism can be called the non-religion, religion.  Then there is postmodernism.  It is characterized by a rejection of all absolute truth claims and an uncertainty about all things.   You often hear postmodernists telling us not to judge.  Finally there is nihilism.  It is characterized by a rejection of religious and moral principles.  With nihilism's rejection of religion and morality comes meaninglessness and a lack of purpose. 

When it comes to pop culture we should use discernment.  To be discerning means to be able to distinguish between good and evil, right and wrong.  Unfortunately discernment seems to be in short supply these days even among those who profess to be Christians.  Often professing Christians entertain themselves with things that are offensive to God.  We should seek to honor God in all we do, including our interaction with the popular culture. 

So should Christians avoid pop culture altogether?  No, we should be involved in the culture and try to make things better.  Christians should use the gifts God has given them  all areas of life.  We should be in the world but not of the world.  Also Christians must stand for truth and virtue even though we are in a culture that honors neither of them.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Big Brother Watching You

Recent scandals such as those of the IRS and NSA show the dangers of big government.  With access to so much information people in the government cannot be trusted.  A government with too much control and power is frightening. 

The temptation to misuse information and power is too great for people.  This applies to all people not just to those of one political party.  This is true because of the sinfulness of mankind. 

Conservatives and Libertarians have been given a great argument for small government and tax reform.  Our government should be limited, returned to that of the U.S. Constitution.  The people should have freedom and with that freedom comes responsibility. 

We should have serious tax reform and eliminate the ridiculous tax system we currently have.  We should replace our current system with a flat income tax or a sales tax.  It is interesting to note that God only requires one flat rate of 10% on the tithe.  Those with more money do not have a higher rate for their tithe.  The class warfare of the progressive tax system is not Biblical.  A flat tax or a sales tax would make much more sense. 

Thoughts On Immigration

We should have compassion on those who want to immigrate to the United States.  Legal immigrants should be encouraged and the process of law and order obeyed.  Illegal immigrants should not be rewarded because they have broken the law.

Granting amnesty to those who have come here illegally would be wrong.  It is also unfair to those who have obeyed the law and gone through the proper process.  Our borders need to be secured.  How can a country be safe if it's borders are not secure? 

We will probably end up with some sort of amnesty and our borders will still not be secure.  Illegals will also probably get access to Obamacare (after all it is a universal right) and entitlements.  This will lead the country further into bankruptcy. 

Monday, June 10, 2013

Proofs That God Exists

From what you often hear you would think that the evidence for the existence of God is weak and that the evidence for atheism is very strong.  But is this actually true?  What are some of the proofs for God?  

First of all there must be an uncaused cause.  The atheists can say this caused this and this was caused by that but at some point there had to be an independent Creator who has always existed.  Evolutionists run into the problem of how things actually began.  They have to explain how something came from nothing.  And guess what, atheists cannot explain how something came from nothing because something does not come from nothing.   

There is also the fine tuning of the world.  It is all fine tuned to work just right.  If anything was off just a little bit it could not work or exist.  This suggests intelligent design by an intelligent Designer.  The complexity of human beings offers more evidence for the existence of God.  Just the eye itself is amazingly complex.  That the eye and humans themselves could just happen by a blind process of natural selection is unbelievable. 

The world we live in also seems to have been made for humans.  It's as if someone planned this whole thing.  The world is just right for our existence.  This too is more proof that the world was created by God. 

There is also the longing for meaning and purpose that exists inside human beings.  If God does not exist then there is no purpose or meaning.  It is hard to see how we would have these longings if we were just the products of evolution.  The rational conclusion is that our desires for meaning and purpose were put there by a Creator.  We only find fulfillment when we are in a right relationship with God. 

Another proof is the universal existence of morality.  In basically all cultures there is a sense of morality.  Things such as murder, adultery, theft, and lying are pretty much seen as wrong by everyone.  If God did not exist there would be no morality.  There has to be an ultimate authority for there to be morality.  If God did not exist all things would be permissible.  Atheists have no basis for right and wrong. 

Around 90% of people in the world believe in God or gods.  This provides evidence as well that God really does exist. All these people may not have the correct belief about God because our views have been distorted by sin.  But this is evidence that we all have a sense that God is there.  It is logical to conclude that this sense of the divine was put there by God himself. 

The existence of evil also offers proof that God exists.  This may sound strange because the existence of evil seems to be one of the atheists strongest arguments.  But in reality the atheist defeats his own argument.  If there is no God then there is no evil.  Without the existence of God there is no basis for the category of evil.  The atheist has no way to be consistent and still speak of evil. 

The evidence is for the intelligent design of the universe.  Reason leads us to conclude that there is an intelligent Designer.  Those who deny the existence of God are delusional.  Atheism requires a huge leap of blind faith.  Reason leads us to belief in God.  The entire universe screams out God exists!